Soil suggestions


Well-Known Member
Some of you know but some of you don't know is that I'm an outdoor grower but do have indoor grows.
Anyway Next Grow I'm planning to grow my OG's (Chemdog 91,#18)2 in 2 18 gallon totes under my 400/600w hps
and i'm gonna veg for 2 months but imma use the 400w for veg.It's gonna be pretty expensive High grade soil to fill
those totes so instead of doing the cheap MG,Hyponex or any other cheap soils,I'm planning to start with a top soil
base and adding other things.So I want to know if anyone has a good soil mix based upon topsoil and not FF or Promix?
I have access to all the products and more below feel free to add any suggestions or products and ratios that works for you.

blood and bone meal
worm castings
Bat guano
Chicken and horse manure
Dolomite lime


Active Member
50% perlite + any good soil works very well

also add a little "dolomite lime" (i use garden lime)

anything else... well there's only nutrients and they go in later... good luck


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog!!! Everybody wants to be a soil scientist when they start growing....The fact is, soil scientists have already been hard at work for years perfecting the art of soil. If you want, you can look into Subcool's Supersoil mix, but in my opinion it is a little heavy with the nutrients (Not all varieties can handle, or need, such an abundance). I use Happy Frog and am very pleased with it, I have to feed the plants twice during their entire life, both times with Nature's Harvest 2-3-1 Seaweed and Fish Emulsion, and rarely get signs of deficiency. Hope this helps man, probably not the answer you were looking for, but it is the honest truth. Peace and good luck!!


Well-Known Member
happy frog!!! Everybody wants to be a soil scientist when they start growing....the fact is, soil scientists have already been hard at work for years perfecting the art of soil. If you want, you can look into subcool's supersoil mix, but in my opinion it is a little heavy with the nutrients (not all varieties can handle, or need, such an abundance). I use happy frog and am very pleased with it, i have to feed the plants twice during their entire life, both times with nature's harvest 2-3-1 seaweed and fish emulsion, and rarely get signs of deficiency. Hope this helps man, probably not the answer you were looking for, but it is the honest truth. Peace and good luck!!
yeah it wasn't the answer i was looking for since you mentioned fox farm and pro mix and subcool also has promix in it#4 actually sunshine mix or sum shit like that,but your input is greatly appreciated and as you put it the honest truth,but i was trying to avoid the nute burn hassle i'm going to have with any fox farms(lw excluded) or subcool mix.


Well-Known Member
50% perlite + any good soil works very well

also add a little "dolomite lime" (i use garden lime)

anything else... Well there's only nutrients and they go in later... Good luck
thats alot of perlite my friend the mg mix i use has enough perlite so i'm not trying to downgrade,the lime i can do but i'm trying to find the right non commercial mix that doesn't involve adding commercial soils.i have used all the cheap brands of potting soil and some worked fine until deficiencies started, thx for the suggestion tho


Well-Known Member
yeah it wasn't the answer i was looking for since you mentioned fox farm and pro mix and subcool also has promix in it#4 actually sunshine mix or sum shit like that,but your input is greatly appreciated and as you put it the honest truth,but i was trying to avoid the nute burn hassle i'm going to have with any fox farms(lw excluded) or subcool mix.
I have never once gotten nutrient burn from using Happy Frog, or Ocean Forest for that matter. The only reason I don't use Ocean Forest is, the pH is set at 7.1 ~ . Happy Frog is set at 6.8 ~. So it is easier to lower it to optimal levels, using peat moss, for flowering. The nutrient levels in both of those soils are minimal, and won't cause burn. You are more likely to burn your plants applying Guano to a mix than you are using a well blended, well cured soil mix like Fox Farms....Even if you make Guano tea, direct application doesn't allow for long-term nutrient fixation. In other words, proper transfer into usable form, and proper dilution to avoid burn. May I point out, also, that Subcool's mix calls for a month or two's time of "nutrient fixing"...This is what he means when he says he lets the soil "cook". His mix...I haven't tried it, but it just seems like overkill. I've seen the results in pictures, and am quite impressed, but not impressed enough to change what I do. Anyway, good luck!!