Soil Question...


Well to start off. I fucked up pretty bad and pretty pissed about it. Went to store and got Miracle Grow Organic Choice Garden Soil. Without realizing that garden soil does not go into pots.. Feel so stupid . What is the difference? Will it really make a difference? I just want to make this work somehow already opened it so I can't return it. Is there anyway I can make this possible without having to buy even more stuff? I won't be using nutes for is grow by the way . Seedling is coming out of soil already I've heard so many mixed reviews on this.. Saying it can work might not, won't, need help..
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MG products will grow cannabis. But it is not optimal or the best medium. I consider MG too be the Mc Donald's of grow mediums. Mc D's will fill your stomach but it is certainly not the best choice nutritionally.
garden soil is more thick more clay in it then potting soil it will work the drainage will not be as good it may get muddy. mix it with perlite and be find .
it is certainly not the best choice nutritionally.

Do what you want my son, dont think too much that will hurt your brain, ive thought too many espects about grwoing and i did that, but finally i found that it didnt have a huge effect to your yield so whatever dont care the soil and pray to your plants
With MG soils....
Use Ca/Mg and Kelp extract to help.....No NOT over water! Keeping it moist or "flushing" will simply allow more of the little timed release fertballs to open and burn the shit out of it! Try to let it dry out as close to "wilt" as you can, before watering....Start with 5ml per gallon of the supplements once a week......needs more? dbl it to 10ml..