Soil for second grow

Hey I am getting towards the end of my first run and planning my second. First run I did FFHF with Perlite and vermiculite mixed in. I am thinking about trying FF ocean forest this go. Are there any amendments or top dressings you guys recommend? Still have a bunch of FF nutes so will be using those with molasses and cal mag.
was looking at organic soil but it’s a bit overwhelming. Is there an organic super soil that is ready to go from the bag? (I know I won’t be able to use nutes then but not worried about it) or one I can make very easily?
How much do you need?

BuildASoil is one of the best ways to go for Organics if you’re willing to pay.

BAS is good but will set you back; shipping heavy dirt is expensive. FFOF is pretty good as it is but I always add worm castings to it. That’s all super soil is btw. Compost might make it kinda heavy so you might need more perlite. You can aquire some amendments like lime and blood meal, etc but you can add those after the first harvest with this mix. I think it’s much easier to use a bagged soil and then amend it later on. It will get slightly better every time you recycle it.
If you want to give your plants a boost consider something like Jobes organic spikes. You just push them in and they feed for 8 weeks. I use two in every final size bloom pot. If they start to get pale you can give soluble nutrients that are safe for living soil like liquid fish emulsion; I like Neptune’s harvest w/seaweed and so do my plants. FF Big bloom is also organic believe it or not although nothing else in the ff trio is.
Consider also adding a slow release fertilizer like chicken or cow manure which will help ensure they stay green well into maturation. You can add it into the bottom layer of your pots along with some oyster shell flour as a ph buffer. Optional but effective.
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If you're in Canada, gaia green makes a hell of a soil that the plants absolutely love. I vegged for 4 weeks and now I'm 3 weeks into flower with just water the whole time and have yet to see even a single yellow leaf at all, even underneath the canopy. I'm definitely buying this stuff again.