Well-Known Member
Not sure what aloe you are referring to as I am often snipping bits and pieces and bringing them home...but right now I have a few filets in the fridge, and then when I need some aloe I'll trim off the spines and throw the whole leaf in a blender. 2tbs/gal (sometimes more if I'm feelin it...) and the ladies are loving it. also sometimes I just use a spoon to scoop out the filets and throw the leftovers in the compost/bokashi/worm bin (wherever I feel it is needed).
Also, I recently got 28grams of Purealoe powder - so I've been experimenting with that as well. Difficult to measure in small amounts...I need to get a scale that is more accurate...
I've been getting great results from the coconut h2o 1:15 in my waterings, but haven't tried a foliar yet. I'm sure it will have a profound positive effect - a few weeks ago after watering with coconut h2o, protekt, aloe, and ful-power, one of my ladies had leaves that were vertical. Straight vertical. It actually scared me for a bit and I was worried I f***ed something up, but turns out she was just super happy
"Enzymes" and in this case hormones I believe...cytokinins? if I remember correctly...
EDIT: Hilo - I would apply it at lights-on or at lights-off. lights on if you have issues with PM - if humidity isn't a concern I would spray at lights off. Honestly, you can probably spray whenever as it shouldn't burn (unless you have crazy intense lights) and there is no concern as to keeping the leaves wet (not trying to establish any microorganisms in the phyllosphere). I spray most of my foliars at random times of day - the only ones that I worry about timing are neem/protekt (lights off spray) and nematodes (lights off as well - have to keep the leaves wet for x amount of time so they can establish themselves) Hope this helps..I know its pretty damn vague lol
Also, I recently got 28grams of Purealoe powder - so I've been experimenting with that as well. Difficult to measure in small amounts...I need to get a scale that is more accurate...
I've been getting great results from the coconut h2o 1:15 in my waterings, but haven't tried a foliar yet. I'm sure it will have a profound positive effect - a few weeks ago after watering with coconut h2o, protekt, aloe, and ful-power, one of my ladies had leaves that were vertical. Straight vertical. It actually scared me for a bit and I was worried I f***ed something up, but turns out she was just super happy

EDIT: Hilo - I would apply it at lights-on or at lights-off. lights on if you have issues with PM - if humidity isn't a concern I would spray at lights off. Honestly, you can probably spray whenever as it shouldn't burn (unless you have crazy intense lights) and there is no concern as to keeping the leaves wet (not trying to establish any microorganisms in the phyllosphere). I spray most of my foliars at random times of day - the only ones that I worry about timing are neem/protekt (lights off spray) and nematodes (lights off as well - have to keep the leaves wet for x amount of time so they can establish themselves) Hope this helps..I know its pretty damn vague lol