My goal has been a no-till scenario, either custom made beds or the easy way out - 150gal smartpot. This catches my eye "...but an occasional dose is all that is required." I feel (or felt) like i ammend pretty heavily, and without heavy biocanna feedings i'm getting yellowing by midflower (bottom to top) and lower yields........blueJ (like the name, btw), this is great news! There are many good soil recipes. I'm doing SuperSoil right now, and will be re-planting in it without tilling, pulling up root balls, etc. No soil disturbance.
Teas are definitely a good thing, but an occasional dose is all that is required We have to keep in mind that the inoculated microbes will continue to propagate, often under the direct control of the plant. The plant will be choosy as to what it feeds and keeps around and what it doesn't feed.
You will find that the weed is better and MUCH cheaper doing amended soil vs. bottled ferts (organic or otherwise). If you'd like other soil options, just holler. We'd love to help you
....let me read through this thread real good before i ask any questions, as i have a few for you