Soil Compaction

I know this thread is really old but I am hanging onto the idea that mine will be alright as well. I just did what you were posting about. I poked holes through all the soil and broke up the soil. My plant was doing nothing, just little spurts of growth here and there. It was 6 inches after 76 days and it kept dropping all the bottom leaves, tips burning and such. It truly was a pitiful little thing LOL I'm not sure why I kept it for so long! Didn't matter what I did. it just would not grow. It was down to roots and finally I started poking in the soil with a long screw driver. I have always been so protective of the root system, I thought doing that would kill it and that's what I thought while I was poking. This will either kill it or set it free. Only time will tell now. So, I sit and wait. I will let you all know if it takes off. Funny thing is, out of all the exhaustive researched I did online, nothing spoke about this at all. Never saw a word mentioned about soil compaction. Not in any of the grow bibles, nowhere. Just makes me wonder why. It must happen a lot. I forgot to tell you! While I was breaking up the soil with the screwdriver and my hands, there was something really hard under the root ball. I didn't see it but I was definitely hitting something and it was hard. I pulled up some gravel! OMG I forgot that I had put gravel in the bottom of the one gallon pot. When I transplanted it, some of that gravel didn't fall out and the roots twisted up all around it, it was acting like a barrier I suppose, plus the old soil that was in the one gallon pot was terrible so it went along for the ride when I transplanted as well. It was a soil/clay/gravel/twisted root nightmare! No wonder it wouldn't grow or put down better roots. So, someone said to kill it and start again, I love challenges and it has come this far already, I'm going to see if I can help nurse it back to health. Sitting on the edge of my seat for the next several days. It will either live or die but I think I gave it a fighting chance!
Sorry to bump, but hoping this message may get to you.. even years later. Facing similar issues and last time I poked in there I came out with a bit of root, but my plant actually did better... Would love to hear if it worked for you, as I'm thinking of doing it again... but my plant is bigger now