Soil and Hydroponics Together - Any Experience?

Yeah you are building a headache here. You should go with one or the other. There is no reason to feed from the top and bottom at the same time, all you will do is drown the plant. I agree with the coco if you insist on doing it this way, top feed until the roots have reached low enough for the flood and drain to work. Also, why use drippers for flood and drain? Just use a pump that fills the res for x amount of minutes, with the excess flowing back into the res (which will of course be mud if you try this shit with soil).
One or the other, otherwise you are going to fight the hell out of yourself.

KISS... its all been done before... nobody is really making any groundbreaking revolutions in growing weed... put it in some good dirt feed em and give em light... purrdy simple..
Just a quick hydro does exist and can be done, however it takes a organic guru as well as a UC/undercurrent system to do it and that aint me and I aint got a UC however I did try to bargain a 4 site one out of a grow store once but the owner wouldnt let it go.

But bren, you are spending a lot of energy researching something that you will toss to the wayside once you figure out you've wasted a bunch of time and money.

Either A: buy some pots, some premixed soiless mix, and some seeds and plant them

or B: buy/buid an ebb and flo or dwc system and get on with it, you'll be much happier.

Once you are able to grow and see how things work for yourself, you'll see that same as most other things in this world, if it was that good....someone else probably would have thought of it by now.
To all those who read this post!!!!!

I went along with my plan
10+ gal square rubbermaid
hydroton on the bottom
perilite over the hydroton
2 drip irrigation tubes lenthwise, tube coming out the top for watering
soil over the whole biz

the plant is growing fine 3 weeks or so after transplant

i had a little over fert problem so i poured some clean water down the irrigation tubes at the same time as my regular watering
it all pretty much just came right out the bottom but im sure some got absorbed

anyways the plants looking healthier now

Its pretty much impossible to know if watering the plant like this will have cause any signifigant advantage
But if its a huge falure then theres just one more thing to point the finger at

You never know until you try

But,so far so good!!!
Thank G-d