SOG / ScrOG Questions...


Active Member
Hey guys and gals, I'm very sorry if my questions seem a little bit redundent, but I am about to start my first grow, and want to yield the freshest medicine at the quickest pace. With this in mind it seems obvious to go with a SOG/ScrOG method.
However, there seems to be some ambiguity as to the time it takes, what you need to do, etc; so I figured this would be an excellent place to come for advice.
I will be purchasing 6 10" Grand Daddy Purple clones from the clinic to start my project, and I have a 5 x 5 room (25 sqft). The plants will be sitting under a 400 W switchable MH/HPS light.

My questions are as follows:
a) how long do my clones need to vegetate before I switch my light cycle to 12/12?
b) how many weeks do they need to sit under 12/12 HPS lighting?
c) if i go ScrOG - how high above the plants should i place the screen?

Thanks in advance to any insight many of you can offer. I did try searching but to no avail. I just want to ensure that I constantly have a supply of my meds.


Well-Known Member
a) clones in sog normally go into flowering as soon as they root.
b) 8 to 10 even 12 weeks
c) 10 inches, so right on top of them and start pushing them back down

if scrog, veg takes longer to spread all the branches out over the screen.


Active Member
So Jolly,
What you are saying is that as soon as I get the clones I place them immediately into 12/12 cycle? There is no 18/6 (or 24/0) vegetative cycle at all?
I was previously under the impression that I should give them at least a couple of weeks of veg cycle, so thank you for pointing that out.


Well-Known Member
in SOG most put their clones straight to flower to grow numerous single cola plants tightly packed.

check out the FAQs about SOG there are probably more answers there than i could give you.:peace:


Active Member
Sorry man. I did search the forum for SOG, but I got so many results. I will look in the FAQ for more info, but thank you for the provided knowledge.