SOG pruning question


Well-Known Member
is it ok to trim the fanleaves on short SOG plants 2 weeks before harvest in an attempt to let the lower buds get some light, will they still plump up nice?

basically just make cotton candy


Well-Known Member
Try to tie them out of the way. You need the fan leaves to collect light to let the buds get bigger.


Well-Known Member
fan leaves are vital to the plants growth. NEVER trim fan leaves off. bad idea. its like saying " i'm going to cut my left arm off to give my right arm more room to move" bad idea all around.


Well-Known Member
just lolly pop your plants and you wont have that problem you wont have any bud sites that dont get light anyway after doing sog for a while i found this to be the most effective way to do it you will get larger denser top cola's any other branch goes bye bye. but for your immediate ? i would not cut them just try to tuck them under if they still dont get light just forget them.


Well-Known Member
Don't cut any leafs 2 weeks before harvest.

Cut the lower 1/3 of the plant in week 2.
Then in weeks 3 to 4 recut the lower 1/3 of the plant. You need to do a judgment call as to which week you want to do the trimming. It depends on a lot of factors. I'd say week 4 is best in most cases, however some strains grow aggressively.

After that you leave your plants the fuck alone and let them do their own thing.

If you trimmed correctly you won't have any lower branches. Just one top cola, or a cola with very minimal side branches on top.