Soda tax


Well-Known Member
I smoke also. I didn't like the tax at first but I got used to it.
What I meant was it's not the government doing it. It's some dirtbag christian group.
Since I found out it's going for health care now I feel comfortable paying it.
I do think people should wear them. They do save lives.....
here we have the epitome of the pliant good citizen. please note the fact that, however much he/she might complain about the amount of the tax, he/she is more than willing to comply and even believe in their necessity and the urgency of the dangers they are supposed to abate. no matter how obvious it is that government is overstepping its bounds, there will always be those find it simplest to just "get used to" the nanny state regulations and bow their heads to the omnipotence of the bureaucracy. should there be some moment's hesitation in his/her devotion to the will of the state, there will always be a convenient group to scapegoat until the government's wisdom makes itself clear and all is once again right with the world.

we find ourselves surrounded by phrases like those above every day and seldom think a thing about it. even an old anarchistic reprobate like me finds himself sometimes wishing that government would lend its might to some dilemma that particularly vexes me, but we all know deep down that these problems are ours to solve and that the state is not there to take us by the hand and lead us to the promised land. allowing ourselves to believe in the necessity of an intrusive government is the surest way to lose our liberties and reduce the individual to just another cog in the orwellian machine.


Well-Known Member
here we have the epitome of the pliant good citizen. please note the fact that, however much he/she might complain about the amount of the tax, he/she is more than willing to comply and even believe in their necessity and the urgency of the dangers they are supposed to abate. no matter how obvious it is that government is overstepping its bounds, there will always be those find it simplest to just "get used to" the nanny state regulations and bow their heads to the omnipotence of the bureaucracy. should there be some moment's hesitation in his/her devotion to the will of the state, there will always be a convenient group to scapegoat until the government's wisdom makes itself clear and all is once again right with the world.

we find ourselves surrounded by phrases like those above every day and seldom think a thing about it. even an old anarchistic reprobate like me finds himself sometimes wishing that government would lend its might to some dilemma that particularly vexes me, but we all know deep down that these problems are ours to solve and that the state is not there to take us by the hand and lead us to the promised land. allowing ourselves to believe in the necessity of an intrusive government is the surest way to lose our liberties and reduce the individual to just another cog in the orwellian machine.
dont worry, everybody is out to get you


Well-Known Member
don't worry, everybody is out to get you
i knew it. the strange voices, the lights in the middle of the night, those unmarked black cars following me everywhere i go. i just knew there was some plot to drive me back into my padded cell, but no one would believe me. just don't let on that you know or they'll be after you too. but you're probably in on it as well. oh no, i think i've burst another blood vessel in my head.



Well-Known Member
i knew it. the strange voices, the lights in the middle of the night, those unmarked black cars following me everywhere i go. i just knew there was some plot to drive me back into my padded cell, but no one would believe me. just don't let on that you know or they'll be after you too. but you're probably in on it as well. oh no, i think i've burst another blood vessel in my head.


i don't have the necessary degree to reply to that


Well-Known Member
i don't have the necessary degree to reply to that
neither do i, but you can take my word for it - i'm freakin' nuts and damn proud of it. my particular emotional distress is the result of years of beating my head against the block wall of indifference and ceaselessly chastising myself for my own failures to live up to standards i have set for myself. try as i might, i find i am incapable of entirely dismissing the nagging notion that people really are incapable of governing their own desires and want nothing more than for someone else to take responsibility for their lives. i look around and find little to refute the theory that humanity is fit for nothing better than the slavery that the ignorant mob even now cries out for.

it really doesn't take an advanced degree to figure out the insanity of standing against the overwhelming tide the people's puerile demands for ever increasing restrictions in their lives. though they might bitterly complain and occasionally balk at the reins, they seem to welcome their bondage and keep asking for more in that pitiful dickensian manner.

Red rhino grower

New Member
neither do i, but you can take my word for it - i'm freakin' nuts and damn proud of it. my particular emotional distress is the result of years of beating my head against the block wall of indifference and ceaselessly chastising myself for my own failures to live up to standards i have set for myself. try as i might, i find i am incapable of entirely dismissing the nagging notion that people really are incapable of governing their own desires and want nothing more than for someone else to take responsibility for their lives. i look around and find little to refute the theory that humanity is fit for nothing better than the slavery that the ignorant mob even now cries out for.

it really doesn't take an advanced degree to figure out the insanity of standing against the overwhelming tide the people's puerile demands for ever increasing restrictions in their lives. though they might bitterly complain and occasionally balk at the reins, they seem to welcome their bondage and keep asking for more in that pitiful dickensian manner.
So you admit you a psycho? LOL


Well-Known Member
neither do i, but you can take my word for it - i'm freakin' nuts and damn proud of it. my particular emotional distress is the result of years of beating my head against the block wall of indifference and ceaselessly chastising myself for my own failures to live up to standards i have set for myself. try as i might, i find i am incapable of entirely dismissing the nagging notion that people really are incapable of governing their own desires and want nothing more than for someone else to take responsibility for their lives. i look around and find little to refute the theory that humanity is fit for nothing better than the slavery that the ignorant mob even now cries out for.

it really doesn't take an advanced degree to figure out the insanity of standing against the overwhelming tide the people's puerile demands for ever increasing restrictions in their lives. though they might bitterly complain and occasionally balk at the reins, they seem to welcome their bondage and keep asking for more in that pitiful dickensian manner.
you came to the wrong place ... pot smokers can't understand that jibberish ... keep on fighting lol


Well-Known Member
both sanity and normality are highly overrated.
Overrated and quite subjective, to boot. What's normal and sane for one person may seem abnormal and smack of complete lunacy to another.

The only thing that sets the true crazies apart from the rest of us is they never realize their insanity.


Well-Known Member
Overrated and quite subjective, to boot. What's normal and sane for one person may seem abnormal and smack of complete lunacy to another.

The only thing that sets the true crazies apart from the rest of us is they never realize their insanity.
ding ding ding ... johnny ... tell him what he's won