Socialists and war


Well-Known Member
The Boards and the CEOs are on the same page, what about other pages in the book of corporate shenanigans, where they ship the white collar jobs to India and the blue collar jobs to Bangladesh, and lay off thousands of American workers to increase the all important bottom line. Corporations are inherently Evil, they exist for one purpose only with all other parameters being trampled on to achieve the pot of Gold called the Bottom line. Environment, workers, suppliers, all fall victim to this giant money maker, Profit is OK but excessive greed is not! Who is policing the corporations? It used to be the government, but with Bushco in charge all the police are gone.
well, if Bush is causing all this corruption i find it odd that he himself has told the prosecutors to use maximum sentencing... how many of them did Clinton pardon? fact is this can't be made partison. like you said, some people want to lie and steal, left or right...

as far as outsourcing, as a former refugee from the tech sector i know this, the work that gets sent to india is stuff we would pay stateside college kids to do but they think they should get paid way too much and the work ethic here is basically horrid compared to those guys who bust their butt for $20 a the quality is usually better... this actually creates jobs by freeing up cash. as far as i know, no jobs have been lost to outsourcing, the same people have to implement and tune outsourced software. the gouging and greed of lazy coders in the US has def been challenged...


New Member
this actually creates jobs by freeing up cash. as far as i know, no jobs have been lost to outsourcing, the same people have to implement and tune outsourced software. the gouging and greed of lazy coders in the US has def been challenged... Have you any proof of this? I'd say, a job lost to another country is a job lost period. Where is your proof that college kids won't work for a reasonable wage? do you consider 20 bucks a week reasonable, thats rediculous. Yeah, instead of paying a college kid say 500.00 a week, 20.00 is a bargain, I can't deny that, but what good does it do for our country, what patriot thought up that scenario, obviously another CEO, so he could raise his salary to the moon. Greed is killing the American dream. When will you guys wake up to that little fact?


New Member
this actually creates jobs by freeing up cash. as far as i know, no jobs have been lost to outsourcing, the same people have to implement and tune outsourced software. the gouging and greed of lazy coders in the US has def been challenged... Have you any proof of this? I'd say, a job lost to another country is a job lost period. Where is your proof that college kids won't work for a reasonable wage? do you consider 20 bucks a week reasonable, thats rediculous. Yeah, instead of paying a college kid say 500.00 a week, 20.00 is a bargain, I can't deny that, but what good does it do for our country, what patriot thought up that scenario, obviously another CEO, so he could raise his salary to the moon. Greed is killing the American dream. When will you guys wake up to that little fact?
In India or Mexico, $20.00 a week is probably pretty good money. And, you want to pay American college grads only $500 a week? How insulting is THAT? Why, don't you guyz know that a college education is the ONLY thing one needs to attain great success in the United States? Why ... a college degree guarantees great wealth, right? A college degree means that one will be an instant success and wealthy, right? Hell Med ... how to you expect a college grad to be able to afford that high-rise condo, Armani suits and a Beemer on only $500 a week? After all ... a lease payment on a 750i is around $1800 a month. Your not giving them anything to live on. How will they be able to afford decent health insurance? How insulting! Bah!



New Member
In India or Mexico, $20.00 a week is probably pretty good money. And, you want to pay American college grads only $500 a week? How insulting is THAT? Why, don't you guyz know that a college education is the ONLY thing one needs to attain great success in the United States? Why ... a college degree guarantees great wealth, right? A college degree means that one will be an instant success and wealthy, right? Hell Med ... how to you expect a college grad to be able to afford that high-rise condo, Armani suits and a Beemer on only $500 a week? After all ... a lease payment on a 750i is around $1800 a month. Your not giving them anything to live on. How will they be able to afford decent health insurance? How insulting! Bah!

So you'd rather ship the jobs to overseas whereas the college kids get squat? we weren't talking Grads here, but kids going to college. and hell no, a degree doesn't mean instant success, but if all the jobs requiring degrees are shipped overseas, where does that leave little Johnny Grad, out in the cold, while some fat ass CEO reaps the big bonuses. You are a fuckin commie, if you believe this is right! BTW If 20.00 a week is pretty good money in Mexico, why are all the Mexicans coming over here to work?


New Member
Ahhh ... you've made all my points for me, Med. There's no point in answering your last post. BWaaaaa!! :hump:



New Member
Ahhh ... you've made all my points for me, Med. There's no point in answering your last post. BWaaaaa!! :hump:

Au Contrair mi Amiga, in fact I have dispelled all your myths as pollyanic bullshit. When confronted with common sense or reason, you bail out. Just like a right wing nutjob!


New Member
"BTW If 20.00 a week is pretty good money in Mexico, why are all the Mexicans coming over here to work?"

Uhhh, because we are a capitalistic country that affords more economic liberty, and a greater chance for the common man to succeed, relative to a totalitarian government like Mexico?



New Member
"BTW If 20.00 a week is pretty good money in Mexico, why are all the Mexicans coming over here to work?"

Uhhh, because we are a capitalistic country that affords more economic liberty, and a greater chance for the common man to succeed, relative to a totalitarian government like Mexico?

Yeah right, It's got nothing to do with the fact that 20.00 a week aint squat and the corporations are exploiting other countries as well as getting rid of jobs in this country while encouraging the mexicans to come here and lower the standard of living for Americans. I just don't get why you can't see the truth. The fact that this administration gave you a major tax cut has blinded you to all the negative things they are doing to us and the world. I hope you are all warm and cozy in your little world while the rest of us get fucked.


New Member
Well, first of all, we really haven't established that the average wage in Mexico is $20.00 a week, have we? I believe that figure was just something you threw out there. Second, for other than substance abusers, criminals and wife beaters, the economy is going well. As long as a person is willing to work hard, get a decent education, stay away from the television and help as many people as possible to get what THEY want, there is a good life to live here in the U.S. I don't really know what its like in your world, Med ... but in mine, things are going quite well. Well, at least as good as I want to make it.



New Member
Well, first of all, we really haven't established that the average wage in Mexico is $20.00 a week, have we? I believe that figure was just something you threw out there. Uhhhhh................ I believe it was 7X that came up with that figure, sounds about right, how'd you like to work for that, pushing a wheelbarrow full of concrete, rediculous. I have seen and worked with the illegals, and they work their asses off for 6-10 bucks an hour as opposed to 18-30 for union jobs. Can you say corporations rule. they are entirely responsible for the influx of illegals. The middle class is fast disappearing and your ilk are happy with that. you would like to see the old ogliarchy thing Rich and poor, no in between unless you got tagged on the poor side, then middle class would look pretty good. Your mindset would take us back to the early 1900s, child labor, 3 cents an hour and no protection for workers. Repeal womens right to vote etc. I think you'll have to jail a lot more people than you have now, although the US jails more per capita than any other "free" country and a lot of not so free ones.