Soccer GURU

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
It was good offense that schooled the defense.. and ONE does not need to care about soccer... or fucker or butter but ONE should always LOVER



New Member
Ronaldinho is indeed a great player, although he didn't do much in the last world cup. His creativity is maybe second only to Thierry Henri, his crossing second only to David Beckham, his general shooting ability is nothing to write home about (which is why he's a midfielder), his off the ball skills second only to Zinedine Zidane. There are many great players, and Ronaldinho was a talent right from the start... I think it was Paris Saint Germain that was the first European side to have the youngster become a star amongst their ranks.


Well-Known Member
Ronaldinho is indeed a great player, although he didn't do much in the last world cup. His creativity is maybe second only to Thierry Henri, his crossing second only to David Beckham, his general shooting ability is nothing to write home about (which is why he's a midfielder), his off the ball skills second only to Zinedine Zidane. There are many great players, and Ronaldinho was a talent right from the start... I think it was Paris Saint Germain that was the first European side to have the youngster become a star amongst their ranks.
Everyone has his fav player and his opinion on players, but from ur comments i would say that u dont know much about football...:joint:


New Member
I know plenty.

What exactly is it about my comments that make you believe this? It's impolite to make a statement like that without explaining why. So, from YOUR comments it is my surmision that it is you that doesn't know anything about football.


Well-Known Member
Dude u did compare Henry and Beckham with Ronaldinho.....1st Thierry Henry is a striker that only has the special ability to run (kinda reminds of Ronaldo but without fantasy) Bechams crossings and Zidane´s fantasy and ability????hummmm i guess u don´t follow the spanish league....check Ronaldinho´s stats....not only he produces goals for Barcelona strikers but he also scores, recovers, he can takle, and so much more that is hard to describe...i follow ALL major leagues in Europe (24 years doing it) and let me tell u that in this period of time only few players (Van Basten, Platini, George Weah and a couple more) beat the Brazilians as far as the best player goes...anyway discussing football (and specially players) is like discussing what is the sex of the angels and it will lead us to knowhere...sorry 4 being impolite that was not the idea when i said u didnt know much about football the idea was to point out that u can´t or shouldnt rate a player according to 1 or 2 easpects of his game..Peace and Pot.................................and Footbal

next trip Old Trafford

Man Utd vs SL Benfika


New Member
I haven't read your whole post because I nearly choked when I read what you have written about Thierry Henry. When Ronaldinho won world footballer of the year, Thierry came in second, and there are many that believe Thierry should have won. Thierry is much more than a striker, which if you knew anything about football, you'd know.

I know Beckham isn't a very good dribbler, at least not with the ball... but his passing, crossing and set plays are second to none. If you're 30 yards outside the box, a free kick, you have both Ronaldinho and Beckham in the team... who would you choose to take the kick?

Zidane may be a little over the hill, but his positional skills are second to none, he has the uncanny ability of being in the right place at the right time. If you want midfielders that can score from 40 yards, look no further than Frank Lampard... season after season this man is in the top 5 premiership goal scorers. unheard of from a midfielder. There are midfielders that score, but then there are midfielders that score all the time. I don't have a fav' player, and I have the utmost respect for Ronaldinho's ability. In my first post I should have finished by saying that Ronaldinho's all round ability places him high in the top ten players in the WORLD.


Well-Known Member

socccccccorrrr no its fucking football and been around alot longer than american football......


Well-Known Member
no1 but the us gives a fuck about your football just the whole world over love REAL football, FOOTball u play with ya bloody hands lmao


Well-Known Member
Lifelong Arsenal supporter here. Although it was posted years ago, I laughed at the comment about Henry being one-dimensional. I'd agree with that statement, if his one-dimensional play consisted of scoring goals. Lots of goals.


Well-Known Member
fuck off you gooner lol another season of what ifs for you.....

wenger can hurry up n die too the old cunt.