Soccer GURU


Well-Known Member
Cool story, bro. Maybe we should be dicks to each other because you support one North London club, and I support the other.


Active Member
Cool story, bro. Maybe we should be dicks to each other because you support one North London club, and I support the other.
are u english??? im just bantering mate its fucking footballl its what we do?

i mean no harm just jesting.


Well-Known Member
hand faggots and should call it something else cause it aint fucking FOOTball when your playing with ya hands..........

n all the protective gear they where lmfao man up......


Well-Known Member
If man or woman had been meant to play soccer, we would have been born with no arms.

Pussy sport.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It can be argued till we are all black and blue, but its completely proven that american football is for pussies. Bunch of whimps. But look at most american sports, be it football, baseball, nascar, indie racing, its designed to cater for the incapable or weak. Even ice hockey, my favourite sport, I watch it and think man the fuck up, The rest of the world does.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What are your thoughts on Sherwood?
I have no thoughts on anything "football" tbh. It's a fantastic sport, i love playing it and am damned good at it, but it seems that the moment you take a match, throw millions of pounds and expectations into it, it turns into one of the most boring 90 minutes one can hope for. I'd genuinely prefer to be at work than be forced to watch a premier league match.