So...who here DOESNT like mary jane?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I'm not sure if any of you know me so well, i've done a few journals over a few years and love growing. I love everything about marijuana. I love the way it smells, i love the sticky trichs, i love seeing a 9 foot plant racked to the gills gently swaying in the wind. I love indoor growing, stealth units and major ops, frankly i love everything....I just don't like smoking it lol.

I've never liked it, the first time i smoked I got fucking i was seeing in 2d, hearing shit and uber paranoid (fucking roach joints). Ever since that experience, I never ever wanna go near it. alot of times I did smoke it again, just to see if I could get my mind around it...but I still didnt like it. I do drink alchohol, but I honestly wish I liked weed better than I like alchohol, but I dont :( . I was just wondering if anyone else felt like me, or am i all least on this forum lol.

Peace Bruthas/Sistas,

moxtox (aka breakamecha19<-(from the overgrow days))


Well-Known Member
That's fine. I like weed, and the way it makes me feel. I think not liking it can be related to a certain event or trauma involving marijuana in the past. To go deeper me and my friend were toking one night, and then all of a sudden he is convinced he is dying. And to make it even worse, I'm so high that I'm convinced he is dying, too.

To this day I am hesitant to smoke with him because all I can remember is how bad I felt that night.

If you don't like it that's cool, if you do that's even cooler. It's all about personal choices.


Well-Known Member
I began to feel this way, after chiefing everyday for 8 years, when I started smoking my own homegrown, it was a bit too much on the sativa side for me. I had racing thoughts and wasn't able to relax. Now 6 months later I found a decent bagseed plant that chills me out. If you get freaked out smoking your current crop go for something more on the indica side. There will be little to no paranoia, and you just melt into the couch!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I've never liked it, the first time i smoked I got fucking i was seeing in 2d, hearing shit and uber paranoid (fucking roach joints). Ever since that experience, I never ever wanna go near it. alot of times I did smoke it again, just to see if I could get my mind around it...but I still didnt like it. I do drink alchohol, but I honestly wish I liked weed better than I like alchohol, but I dont :( . I was just wondering if anyone else felt like me, or am i all least on this forum lol.

You are not alone... I know of at least one other person here who doesn't smoke and I'm sure there are more. Growing is indeed addicting in itself. :D


New Member
it could not be weed, it could be what ganja baby said..some strains make you trip out..maybe if you tryed a medium indica youd like that..its a nice chill out high, it sounds like you smoked a sativa