So whats up with this fdd2blk guy


Well-Known Member
FDD is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you.

There is no ctrl button on FDD's computer. FDD is always in control.

FDD can kill two stones with one bird.

If you have five dollars and FDD has five dollars, FDD has more money than you.

FDD can sneeze with his eyes open.

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep each night, he checks the closet for FDD.

FDD counted to infinity -- TWICE.

(LOL, I fucking LOVE those)
arent these just chuck norris jokes replaced with FDD instead? o well i love those jokes so you can keep going :DD lol


Well-Known Member
Look at his threads not peoples that he has closed and you will see why he popular, like monster backyard plants, making awesome hash, $200 volcano, harvesting with naked eye, lots of good stuff.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
hay thank for this thread
now i know who to watch out for

i always wondered why when i gat into a fight with that person whay fdd away poped up so fast . it all make sence


Well-Known Member
Its going to be like that old thread with the Chuck Norris jokes and Dos Equis "He is, the most interesting man in the world" :leaf:

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
I once happened upon Fdd while hiking the redwood forests of northern California. He was tending a plot of 30' sativa plants by climbing the beanstalks he had planted next to them. After fimming the largest with a Stihl 420 chain saw, he climbed down to go #2 next to the corpse of a Leprechaun that had unfortunately strayed into one of the numerous BEARTRAPS that were placed around the plot.
Much to my amazement, instead of a turd, a UNICORN slid it's head from his cheeks and took a big toke from the impeccably rolled doobie that Fdd had reached around.
It was BEAUTIFUL... and a bit disturbing all at the same time. The unicorn held the toke for what seemed an eternity, exhaled, coughed, then spit a loogy onto the leprechaun, turning him to dust.
The unicorn then winked at me and popped his head back in at which time I was turned into a TROLL with a cowboy hat and sign stuck to my hands that read; "WILL WORK FOR WEED". The spell lasted 7 days. During which time I hitchhiked back accross the U.S.
You may have seen me.

The moral of the story:

If his ass doesn't notice you doin' things you shouldn't be, you'll be treated to many wonderful secrets around here.

If it does, you may witness his magical powers firsthand and have to work harder for your weed with less resources.