So, what's next for spidey?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I would straight up tell those RAs that if they didn't get out of my personal space they could be assured that in 5 seconds my foot would be up their ass.

BTW Did you know Adam Sandler was a RA? Ironic I'd say.
It's not allowed. It's an infraction worthy of a fine, to be 'disrespectful' to an RA... cutting a few tires, anonymously, cleans them up though... but it only works for about two weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yohimbine. Great stuff and easily obtained by mailorder. Me and a friend got some once an had a hell of a day.


Well-Known Member
I thought the same. I got 1kg of the bark sent to me and did the necessary with it and proceeded to have several brews throughout the day. The head buzz was very clean, cerebral with mild confusion and much elation. Body buzz was very rushy and coordination is affected. Well worth a try. Quite strong if you have enough.


Well-Known Member
I thought the same. I got 1kg of the bark sent to me and did the necessary with it and proceeded to have several brews throughout the day. The head buzz was very clean, cerebral with mild confusion and much elation. Body buzz was very rushy and coordination is affected. Well worth a try. Quite strong if you have enough.
I had a girlfriend living in the dorms, those were fun nights trying to sneak back upstairs unable to function coherently.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I'm stuck at home. We dug out today and went in the truck with a tractor escort [no kidding] the 1 mile to grandmas house. For the past 2 days we didn't get to see the whole family, just my immediate family. We came back home after about 4 hours though, as we didn't want to be stuck in again too bad.

So far, I spent too much money driving up here and back to order something... I think maybe this next friday is my paycheck though. Should be a big one, excepting the work I'm missing today and tomorrow... I really wanted to leave this morning, but Christmas got put on hold.

This sucks, but shit, at least Christmas was good.

And it's way too hard to decide, I really honestly just wanna relax, be apathetic, and smoke a shit ton of weed, meaning order that jwh-073... but the 'holiday break' shit kills me.

I may end up waiting for just a bit... indecisiveness can save your ass sometimes.

But mescaline is a promising possibility... I think mescaline will be go #1. DMT will be something for when I have serious cash, my hours will drastically drop at work heading into the new year, as Christmas traffic is where the main part of my job is... and the men's department is the lest busiest in the store.
Get 2c-e spidey. It's very mescaline-y without the pain and time of extracting mescaline. For the price of a single extraction yielding a few doses of mescaline at best; you can stay off your ass for days/weeks quite happily with 2c-e. I've tried a ton of RCs and extracts and this one remains special consistently. It can be very stoney, very social, visual, trippy, and thought provoking depending upon dose/setting/mindset. It's quite malleable once you gain a bit of experience. It's worth learning. We all got bad body-load upon first dosing. We were pleasantly surprised to find this subsides during subsequent sessions. Consider it the cost of doing business with the chemical. It's worthy of the price! Don't get me wrong, I love my mescaline though. Regardless some nice herb or JWx is necessary with either IMO.

I doubt you have a freezer in your dorm sufficient to freeze precipitate STB DMT, but if this was an option is makes a nice no evaporation/little smell/fast tech. However, burning the final product has a very distinct odor when vaporized. It's damn near unmistakable if you've ever had a taste. The best fucking 5-7 minutes of visuals you will ever experience with eyes open or closed (better and pretty much forced with breakthrough doses) followed by 10-30 minutes of a floating blissful ride back to earth. Well worth the work, but I wouldn't personally consider using it daily to kill time over a long boring holiday. It can be pretty damn mind-ripping at times.

This feels like another late night 2c-e rambling...oh shit it is. Time to smoke some hash and stare at the sky.


Well-Known Member
I still say you should Kratom a try. I got a few ounces in the mail a before the holidays. Spent the last 3 days lounging around in total bliss.

Any of you expirenced RC adventurers looking to trade for a reliable vendor?


Well-Known Member
Trade what?
I don't know I don't have much.. I can trade for a good reliable entheogen vendor always top quality stuff. I've been burned once in the past surfing RC vendors, hoping to find one thats reliable and doesn't take 1/2 year to get what you order.


Well-Known Member
What does it sell.
All the basics. Tons of different strains of Kratom and Salvia. Blue, white lotus. An absinthe mix, which I`ll say is fucking tasty. A lot of random herbs/roots/bark I haven't had a chance to get into yet. Everything except amanita muscaria.

I`m really looking for a 073 vendor, 018 is too sketchy for me and heard 073 is a calmer high.