So, what's next for spidey?


Active Member
I recently tried kratom again and found it to give a very mild buzz...but then I've been trying the old jwh's recently so could just have been mild in comparison


Well-Known Member
I recently tried kratom again and found it to give a very mild buzz...but then I've been trying the old jwh's recently so could just have been mild in comparison
It depends on a lot of the quality of the kratom and the dose you take. Once you find that sweet spot you are set.

For me atleast, it rivals a good painkiller buzz lasting 2-3 hours.


Well-Known Member
Probation : moving ppl from soft drugs to hard .... wonderful.
I wouldn't call Kratom a hard drug. But that's the truth. I'd stick to just Marijuana if it wouldn't show up a piss test. I had a friend that had a problem and switched to coke, because it'd be out of him by the time he needed to piss.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Probation : moving ppl from soft drugs to hard .... wonderful.
Pick the hard drugs mentioned in this thread before your post..., excepting "......"'s joking mention of crack.

If you count alcohol as a hard drug, then yes, one.

But heavy psychedelics are still psychedelics, even if 'harder' than other psychedelics.

They aren't drugs they're keys, to the doors in your mind and outside of your mind.

But psychedelics/hallucinogens are not for everyone.


Well-Known Member
I have a habit of putting unrelated updates in my threads.

Anyways, I'm living in the dorm, and staying for my work. By now everyone else has moved out since classes are over, finals are done. I knocked on every door, and the only person left in the dorm is the foreigner, an arab guy who can hackey sack with a soccer ball, solo, for a half hour without a problem. I can't tell if he's an arab or a brazil type of guy, he just looks like a soccer player... and he can walk the walk too ha ha...

But I'm gonna get him drunk tonight and see how interesting it is. I like hanging out with foreigners, I almost consider it part of the college experience... I asked him in the hall if he drinks, and he says... oh no. I asked him if he wants to get drunk tonight, he says "I will be considering to drink."
If you live in a dorm, I would definately stray away from making DMT. I live in duplex and whenever I did my extraction, the neighbors complained about the smell. It is very cost effective to make DMT though if you have a nice place to make it.
The JWH-073 is a pretty good one to have I'd say if you're on probation. Its very similar to mj. Makes me have a nice tingly feeling in my stomach too.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
If you live in a dorm, I would definately stray away from making DMT. I live in duplex and whenever I did my extraction, the neighbors complained about the smell. It is very cost effective to make DMT though if you have a nice place to make it.
The JWH-073 is a pretty good one to have I'd say if you're on probation. Its very similar to mj. Makes me have a nice tingly feeling in my stomach too.
There's nobody else living here, school is out of session.
Pick the hard drugs mentioned in this thread before your post..., excepting "......"'s joking mention of crack.

If you count alcohol as a hard drug, then yes, one.

But heavy psychedelics are still psychedelics, even if 'harder' than other psychedelics.

They aren't drugs they're keys, to the doors in your mind and outside of your mind.

But psychedelics/hallucinogens are not for everyone.
"Hard" and "Soft" drugs are based on their addictive potential as you may know so these drugs are immensely soft.
If you live in a dorm, I would definately stray away from making DMT. I live in duplex and whenever I did my extraction, the neighbors complained about the smell. It is very cost effective to make DMT though if you have a nice place to make it.
The JWH-073 is a pretty good one to have I'd say if you're on probation. Its very similar to mj. Makes me have a nice tingly feeling in my stomach too.
Considerably better to smoke considering the smell of weed too eh?


Well-Known Member
Considerably better to smoke considering the smell of weed too eh?
Very much so. Whenever I lived in the dorms at my school, I got kicked out for smoking weed even though I wasn't even around the dorms whenever I smoked it. It was some b/s
So spidey, there aren't even RA's at the dorms you live in? There was always somebody in charge who had to stay at the dorms i lived in.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Not going home? :sad:
Well I gotta work somewhere, and I'd like to keep a job for while I'm at school... and I just don't do very well at home... It doesn't work... I'm lot happier and more sane 300 miles away than in the next bedroom over. Doesn't mean I don't like the family... just that they aren't my best environment.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Very much so. Whenever I lived in the dorms at my school, I got kicked out for smoking weed even though I wasn't even around the dorms whenever I smoked it. It was some b/s
So spidey, there aren't even RA's at the dorms you live in? There was always somebody in charge who had to stay at the dorms i lived in.
Oh there are... RAs out the ass... I've been subject to constant harassment... I guess I look like a stoner, as I've been harassed for being 'high all the time' 'too high to know what you're doing'

But one RA's tires... too low to keep him driving...


New Member
I understand. When I was at University there was always a few that stayed behind for the same reason. Unfortunate, and I always tell my wife ... you should be able to divorce from ur family, but not ur spouse.

One is chosen by you alone, the other is NOT!

take care.....:peace:

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Well the fuck if I EVER live in a dorm again... if you've ever seen the movie with the two black guys that go to college, the guy who rides around that bicycle that he's pimped out writing people tickets, you know, imagine 12 of them, literally, who are all just as dumb and self-evaluated to be powerful and have a job that equals cop.

Right now there's a guy going into everyone's room... I don't know if he's searching, stealing, checking for broken stuff, or what... but that's how it is... dorm life... you get to pay so much for so little privacy, and 2 different police forces, as campus police, sworn officers of the peace, are on you now, and the RA force... I've already had 2 housing meetings and I dodged one until the office closed for the winter, so I have another...

There is not one thing that I did that would be unacceptable under normal conditions... [apartment] this is dorm life.... I'll be lucky to come out on the other side alive... I've never been more willing to kill though.


New Member
:lol: I suppose. I guess at some point anywhere is better than home, tho of course that's completely funked up.

Not everyone can be a parent.
I would straight up tell those RAs that if they didn't get out of my personal space they could be assured that in 5 seconds my foot would be up their ass.

BTW Did you know Adam Sandler was a RA? Ironic I'd say.