So this is pretty embarrassing…ok its REALLY embarrassing...

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Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I've grown tomatoes, those are tomatoes. The "Balls" you are seeing are the first buds of what will become the tomato. On the plus side, it looks pretty healthy, and it musta been some crazy mutant tomato to have seeds that could pass as pot seeds, I'd grow that freaky thing out just to see what fruit it drops. If the scale holds true you might have some pumpkinmatos


Well-Known Member
Idk how a tomato seed could look like a marijuana seed..............
maybe you dropped a tomato seed in the soil while you were planting the pot and the only seed that made it was the tomato seed?
i still dont understand how you couldnt tell the difference between the seeds lol..
a pot seed doesnt just grow a tomato plant looooool

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
this is my guess as to what happened.

you got the dirt from your outdoor garden which contained a tomato seed from a tomato that dropped on the ground last year.

in one of the containers the bean that you planted did not germ but the tomato did.


New Member
Im not playing any games. How about instead of going to grasscity you get the hell off my thread Jekyll/Hyde. Youve insulted me twice now, and I dont really appreciate it....I just spend a month growing tomato seeds I paid premium price for, using my own hard earned cash and you want to be a dick and pour salt in my wounds.

Go play pretend (you do post as a fictional character) on someone elses thread. Jeez.


New Member
As you can see I also ordered some tea tree (melaleuca) seeds. I hadn't even popped the cotton out until last night to snap this photo. I didn't get any soil from outside, as I am growing in brand new coco coir. 4 out of 5 of the seeds I germ'ed turned out to be tomatoes. The larger dark seeds are what they sent me under the guise of cannabis seeds, and in my experience tomato seeds are white in color. Plus all the things for my outdoor veggie garden are packed away in my garage, as in they aren't anywhere close to my set up.

The tea tree seeds are the tiny specks, however the seedlings look more like ferns(to me), and have a distinct smell. And as I mentioned, I didn't break the cotton or tape seal on that end of the pack until last night.


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i use a growing mix like promix and sunshine mix. i had some left over from the year before and kept it in my garage. so i used it to start my beans. planted pre-germed beans and within 2 days all broke the surface. another week or so goes by and i start seeing all these little sprouts popping up all over. just a few in every container. i would pluck them out trying to get root and all. but every day there were new ones. it went on for about 2 weeks and then i transplanted to larger container.

over the winter mice had got into my grass seed and they were putting it into my growing mix.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I have no theory how they grew out of Cannabis looking seeds, but there's no denying that those are tomatoes.

Mr John

Active Member
Grew tomatoes myself and for sure thats what you got, man that really sucks. I have three orders from here and they are awesome.

Every bean sprouted and they ship discretely. I would try Bonza if you don't wanna go to Attitude.


Well-Known Member
Why not shoot north country an email and link this thread? I thought that was a purdy good suggestion......They might make it right for ya


New Member
I did shoot them an email with a link to the thread earlier this morning. They haven't replied yet. Ill be sure to post an update.

For the record, I'm fine with human error, Ive made stupid mistakes, I wasnt aiming to "slander" north country seeds or VSB, Im well aware of their legit storefront etc and if I couldnt tell the difference between the seeds then maybe they were just some old, dark brown 'mater seeds which were obviously viable. That doesn't mean they shouldn't make it right...

I was pretty salty considering the nutrients wasted, and I honestly didnt know whether to laugh or cry when I noticed the "balls" since the only thing I could liken them to were the white flowers Ive always seen on my tomato plants. Ive been suspecting they were tomatoes from the 1st week, and my significant other said I was just being paranoid as usual(without actually looking at them) However, I just want to look at the bright side-and it was good practice experience with a setup Ive never used before, I was only 99.9% sure they were tomatoes (bc after all Ive never grown a cannabis plant before, some compare them to growing tomatoes) my family loves tomatoes, and since its -5 outside it will be a welcome change from the tasteless garbage I would buy in the grocery store. They have been relocated to a south facing window, and Im one my way to get some stakes because it looks like Im going to have some heavy hangin vines here shortly.

When life(or the seedbank) gives you tomatoes make tomato soup?!?


Well-Known Member

Only kidding , here is a cannabis seed for future ref



Well-Known Member
Ok, I find it so appalling that a seed bank would actually send a tomato seed -- is it possible that putting the MJ seeds in with tomato seeds is their idea of stealth shipping? I know that Sannies sends (or used to send) their seeds buried in a bag of tiny beads. It took me a while to pick them out.

Or maybe I'm just being super naive here…it's just that doing a bait and switch is SO BAD for business, and growers have so many options. Doing this will put them out of business pretty quickly.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, don't go with the attitude - they wont answer your emails and their customer service is complete bulls**t.

I have used all the known distributors and the best one(by a long shot) is Herbies pick n mix. 8 days(including non working days) from order to arrival all the way down here in NZ!

Best stealth,best service there is! - they treat you like a long lost friend too and give you proper email responses.

If you want you can order like 2 single seeds or even 1! and have it delivered in a week. sucks about your 'plants', I hope you didn't pay too much...
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