So sad...stolen bong


Well-Known Member
So I get home the other day and what do I want to do? The same thing everyone reading this wants to do when they get home...I think.

I want to take some bong rips!

I go to my closet, and much to my despair, the gone! :confused:

A few days bong hasn't called, written, emailed...not even a text. I'm starting to get very concerned. Did it just sprout legs and walk off?

Then yesterday I find out through a friend of mine what happened. We'll call her Lemons. Lemons heard through the grapevine that a person she sees to get her through...has a new bong. So she went over there to get some supplies, asked to see it, and sure enough, it was mine.

The dude explains that he didn't take it, but named the person who did. He didn't know it was stolen, someone I know just offered it to him for $25. Now I'm even MORE angry...$25 for something I paid $100 for a month ago?!

The point is...I'm pissed...bongless...and I don't know what do to. It's not like I can call the cops...and due to my relationship (or lack thereof) with the person who stole it from me, I can't really confront them about it either. The dude who bought it won't give it back either.


I'm fucked.

Thieves suck...:(

Don't steal!


Well-Known Member
Shit, everyone knows not to steal my pipes. Kick the fucker who stole it ass and get it back, then no one will ever steal your bongs again.

Someone pinched my bag and stole my pipe one night, I woke up and caught him red handed... needless to say, he doesnt come to my parties anymore. This is something I dont take lightly, bag pinching I mean.


Well-Known Member
its probably not worth an assaault charge over a bong mosrt people who would rob ytoru bong would also snitch on you i sayt just get a new bong and charge it to the game

guess it depends how much money it cost for you to go og mode it takes a couple grand at lkeats for me these days i wouldnt even sweat a bong but then i dont fuck with anyone who would steal from me to begin with


Well-Known Member
Obviously you're gonna have to buy it back from the new owner. Money talks. At least then there's a chance that someday you can recover any incurred costs from the chick who burned ya. (ALL is fair in love and bongs)
What d'ya mean you can't confront the known thief? Be human. Get mad. You're gonna HAVE to say something, or it'll happen again . . . and again. Don't be a pussy.


Well-Known Member
Just pay the dude the 25$ for it back since he didn't know it was stolen? (If he is reasonable like I am, I'd give it back for my money or equal to weed long as they let me get a few rips off it with them) Then tell the person you know that stole it they owe you 25$ and never have them over again.


Well-Known Member
...and due to my relationship (or lack thereof) with the person who stole it from me, I can't really confront them about it either. The dude who bought it won't give it back either.
What kind of relationship do you have? If they are a good friend, then you might want to re-examine your relationship. Friends don't rip friends off. Either way, you need to take a stand and confront these people. I'm not condoning violence but this issue sounds like an ass-kicking would be justified.
Let us know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
What kind of relationship do you have? If they are a good friend, then you might want to re-examine your relationship. Friends don't rip friends off. Either way, you need to take a stand and confront these people. I'm not condoning violence but this issue sounds like an ass-kicking would be justified.
Let us know how it turns out.

actually, I change my statement about the ass-whupping, but it sounds like an "oops" situation may be in order.


Well-Known Member
Love to...but it was a woman.

That also rules out the ass kicking.

rape her. :twisted::twisted::twisted:


That does complicate things a bit. You could still go for an "oops" situation. (i.e. I was walking by carrying this ladder and I just "accidentally" happened to smack you with the end as I passed") but now it's sort of taboo. But why would she do this to you?

oh! sell her fake weed!


Well-Known Member
The issue is I have no relationship with the person who stole it. She is merely an acquaintance.

Being a she I can't kick her ass...although I could hire Tonya Harding :twisted:

Seriously though...the guy who bought it from her is a douche and won't even take $40 for it. I could kick his ass and take it...but really that would just get me in trouble.

Maybe some covert under the cover of night reconnaissance/sabotage is the answer. If I can get it back while Dbag is at work and I dunno...dump all of his beer on his kitchen floor...I might feel satisfied.


Well-Known Member
She did it because she's a junkie (see shoot it up . org) and needed money...that's all I can gether.

And I'd sell her fake weed if I could, but selling just isn't my thing.
I was gonna make a joke about that earlier, but since it's true I won't. Kidnap her and dump her at a rehab center. Then you and guy who has your bong need to work some things out.


Well-Known Member
Joke all you like, better to make light of the situation anyway.

I don't suppose the fuzz would believe me if I reported it stolen and claimed that it was used for tobacco use only would they? I have a huge bag of Gambler cigarette tobacco, lol.

I'm pretty sure kidnapping is illegal in MI...otherwise I'd say you're onto something.

I guess I'll just cut my losses and go buy a new one. Unfortunately, just like when my dog died, a new one just won't be the same.

Maybe I should start a grow journal...that'd boost my mood.


Well-Known Member
lay low for a bit, but don't forget what happened. In time you will have an opportunity to get this bitch back is some way, shape or form. What goes around comes around...