So sad...stolen bong


Well-Known Member
Make jenkem and give her a balloon of it.. I've always wondered if it worked..

On a side note, if you have those kinda people around your house put a lock on your closet.


Well-Known Member
The person who stole it was at my house once and knew where it was...the closet in my stoney room.

All I can figure is that she came to my house one day on the off chance that I wasn't home, came in through the unlocked back door (my philosophy is that locks only keep honest people out), and took it. Good thing I didn't have a grow going! I suppose I'd keep that a little more secretive anyway...but still.

Gangjababy is right...I'll just rely on sweet sweet karma.


Well-Known Member
The person who stole it was at my house once and knew where it was...the closet in my stoney room.

All I can figure is that she came to my house one day on the off chance that I wasn't home, came in through the unlocked back door (my philosophy is that locks only keep honest people out), and took it. Good thing I didn't have a grow going! I suppose I'd keep that a little more secretive anyway...but still.

Gangjababy is right...I'll just rely on sweet sweet karma.

They keep thieves out too,now if they have my trust they have a key or know where one is.


Well-Known Member
Well, as long as you've learned a 100$ lesson. Sharing's what it's all about. Only my wife knows where I keep my valuables, and that's only because if I were to befall a tragedy, I wouldn't want her and my adult daughter to attend the whatever without some reefer.
At least make thieves tear your place up . . . don't show nobody where you stash your cache of goodies.
The days of leaving doors unlocked passed about 20-30 years ago?
I can kick my own door in and the neighbors would look the other way but anyone else doing so would certainly cause concern.
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
OK.... I'm a female... .want me to kick her tweeker ass for you and extract 100$ worth of revenge??? Of course I'm just kidding... but you seem to be a pretty nice guy and I hate to see shit like this happen to good people!

I really hope you start locking your doors ... because now that she has gotten away with it once.... she is surely going to come back and raid your place the next time she needs something to sell for a fix.

She really does need an ass beating... and so does the douche that won't give or sell your bong back to you!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm in my house right now and the door is locked. My door will be locked when I go anywhere...except maybe outside for a cigarette. I mean, I'll be on the porch anyway, lol.

A friend of mine came up with a real evil revenge plan though. They're all under 21, why not wait for them to have a party and call the cops on a noise complaint? The only issue with that is I hate cops almost as much as I hate thieves.


Well-Known Member
i'd beat his ass. if i couldnt do that i would beat the crap out of every family member except that person. i also recommend burning their residence to the ground (not while they are inside) and/or any vehicles they own. i also like breaking knees, elbows and jaws. no mercy.


Well-Known Member
i know what you feel like kinda lol i was in a car accident and had to get rid of the bong i went back to check if it was still there where this girl hid it and it wasnt :( it was my fav bong


Well-Known Member
this person doesnt seem reasonable if they know that you know that they stole your bong and wont give it back. i always expect the worst from ppl i dont know and you should probably do the same. its sad to say but you just cant trust ppl these days. the last time i had sumthin stolen from me was when i was 15 and thats only because i was locked up and couldnt stop it. i searched one of my sisters friends back in day because i had left sumthin sit somewhere and when i went back for it it was gone and they were the only person who could have takin it...her friends were known to steal from me but it turns out that they didnt have what i thought they had and instead someone decided they would move it and not mention anything...oops. newayz i apoligized to them but they were still pretty pissed off. i hate ppl that steal from ppl. like stores are alright i guess if you have a good reason to do it. but someone that goes out of the way to buy something obviously doesnt want it stolen from them and they should definetly get the shit beat out of them...its like they just stole $100 from you dude...i would steal it back somehow or break something that they own that you could get to easily. that way they at least lose out on any money they can get from the bong. someone stole $100 from a friend of mine and since i hate thieves i decided to help him bust out their car windshield. it felt great knowing that the money they stole and the trouble they went through for it went down the drain.


Well-Known Member
freshman year in college, my roomate narced on me for selling shrooms out of the dorm. He told the RA, but I found out about it and removed all the evidence before anything happened. A year later a pound of sugar somehow eneded up in his gas tank, totalling his car...


Well-Known Member

You have a good head on your shoulders, lol. That takes me back to thinking about some late night reconnaissance/sabotage.

actually the theif just happened to go to the wrong street to buy drugs (i dont consider weed a drug by the way) when me and my friend were parked across the street with a vehicle that the theif didnt know about. my friend just happened to see him pull up and brought up the idea and i agreed...there were ppl around but i grew up on that street and we knew that none of the ppl outside that day would have said anything. it was great. we were just sitting in the parking lot chillin and the theif and his ol lady park in the parking lot across the street. the guy only saw me once before and he never saw the vehicle we were in so i bring up that now would be a good time to get him back. there were so many things we could have done so i just start throwin ideas out there because it was only a matter of time before he left the guys apartment. he says he should bust out his windshield and i agreed it would be the safest way to get him back. about 5 min pass by and he said he needed a look out just incase they leave the apartment so i stand on the sidewalk watching the apartment while he runs across the street in broad daylight with a brick that we had found in the parking lot. not only was the sun shinin but a friends friend that i knew was sitting on their porch and there were ppl working on someones roof. its not like they couldnt see what happened but the guys workin on the roof couldnt see my vehicle from where they were and the friends friend was cool. anyway it was perfect. he runs across the street and shatters the front windshield with the brick. we jump inside my vehicle parked across the street and drive around the block. lmao. the second lap around the block and we see him and his ol lady and even the oc dealer lookin at their smashed winsdhield and turning their heads like their lookin for who did were driving right by them creepin down the street. i was laughin so hard my eyes were watering. newayz i never heard anything about the theif afterwards.


Well-Known Member
have any of u seen that commercial 4 the game mercinaries?
ima tell all of u now i'm one desensitized dude i just don't hit girls, but i will psychologically fuck u up and burn ur things, i'm big on revenge and i know i really shouldn't b but i am
start small just annoy her then it gets more serious but in a way she knows its u but no way in hell she can prove it without having 2 tell the truth u don't get it back?
well i think we all know how a molotov cocktail on wood works...............