So.. right now, my pistils are popping out like a fro... how do i trim em?

Kali Soul

Active Member
we'll, atleast the dude's in the right place to do some research and is learning by asking so called stupid questions.. and if you don't know the answer to a question, it's really not all that stupid imo..
LOL...There is no answer to that question . If u never heard or read about anyone "trimming pistils" then jus dont worry or push the issue... That is a natural growth of a weed plant u dont wanna mess with that .


man lol, after reading this whole thread, it just looks like its full of different emotions. we got your haters your lovers your trolls lol. gg guys. i research as i go along :3

anyways, thanks... all i really wanted to know was what the hell flush trim meant and how you trim when the pistils are still up. but apparently my plants arent even close to harvesting, so the pistils are still ERECT. lol. yea.


Well-Known Member
Now I feel bad. Cheer up brother we all start not knowing. It is not shameful to say I do no know. Everyone starts that way


lol feel bad about what?
im not sure if you know, but the question about the pistils i answered myself, just no one said anything to confirm it LOL. epic fail @ djruiner. jumping into the wagon.
and this thread was more about what "flush trim" was.

sigh, blown out of proportion.


Well-Known Member
just guessing "flush trim" was referring to trimming the pistols flush (or flat) against the bud

i thought this post was only one page.. but i just found page 2 saying this. didnt mean to make it redundant lol


Active Member
well to be honest man you dont really even ever want to touch the pistils because your oils and shit from your skin will kill them off and that will decrease resin production and stuff. im not trying to be mean i just thought it was hilarious because as you can see some people post some retarted shit.


Well-Known Member
I think they did answer your questions... Man I'm glad I found this thread. Good laughs. Trichomes are an infestation, lmao


Active Member
man my buds are fucking sticky, and smell skunky!
mustve fucked up somewhere along the line, now ive got to throw all of this out.