So.. right now, my pistils are popping out like a fro... how do i trim em?


will they drop down or something? do i trim them? or when i dry.. should i kind of turn them into nuggets? (note: they arent amber yet).

they're so fluffy.

oh yea, what does a "flush trim" mean? :D thanks


bud bootlegger
no, don't trim a thing, when the plants get ready, the pistils will recede back into the bud, one way of telling your buds are getting ready to finish.. and i've no clue what flush trim means..


Well-Known Member
not sure what flush trim means but best i can come up with is maybe trimming the leaves flush with the buds maybe?


Well-Known Member
^^^ What they said... don't trim a thing and flush trim is just trimming the leaves ''flush'' with the bud, which should be done after harvesting...


Active Member
lol trimming pistils??
never heard of anyone attempting that one before, its almost as bad as the kid that thought the trchomes on his plant were and infestation.


bud bootlegger
lol trimming pistils??
never heard of anyone attempting that one before, its almost as bad as the kid that thought the trchomes on his plant were and infestation.
i still think the best was the kid wanting to know how to grow a meth plant, that shit was priceless..


LOL wtf, thats pretty funny XD. but yea, i didnt know that they recede, thanks for informing me, two more weeks before harvest or so. arrrrggghhhh.

but hey guys, im still confused as to what 'flush trim is just trimming the leaves ''flush'' with the bud' means. cause that was what people were saying on this one thread i was trying to look up >.>. i just dont understand LOL. forgive me. :|


Well-Known Member
It just means cutting the leaves even with the buds... You have leaves growing out of the buds, you don't need to dig down into the bud and remove all the leaf... just trim along the bud... Here's a pic of a bud with a ''flush'' trim, maybe it'll help, you can still see where the leaves were, but they've been trimmed as much as possible without ruining the bud at all...bongsmilie


bud bootlegger
Haha I hear that... At work all day I'll use my phone for this site and the damn 3g pisses me off, At home it's all good...
i only have 3g with my laptop which is just retarded ... i have one of those aircard thingy's for it if you know what i mean.. they do have them in 4g now, but when i got my contract, they only had them on 3g.. may as well use my damn droid for as fast as my laptop is sometimes...

Kali Soul

Active Member
will they drop down or something? Do i trim them? Or when i dry.. Should i kind of turn them into nuggets? (note: They arent amber yet).

They're so fluffy.

Oh yea, what does a "flush trim" mean? :d thanks

lol...omfg ...who told you to do that ????? Do sum research before u start asking dum


bud bootlegger
lol...omfg ...who told you to do that ????? Do sum research before u start asking dum
we'll, atleast the dude's in the right place to do some research and is learning by asking so called stupid questions.. and if you don't know the answer to a question, it's really not all that stupid imo..


lol man guys, i tried doing research.. its better to ask a stupid questions than guess right?

you guys saved me, BE PROUD!

and kmksrh21 is a fucking life saver!!! all someone had to do is explain more in detail lol. thanks guys, i fucking love you all!!!!