So my idiot friend just blew $200 at the dispensary for a half ounce of pot and a bag of gummies


Well-Known Member
There's an interesting phenomenon that happens when someone enters a dispensary. It's like a shock and awe effect, but in a desirable way. Much like the gym some people just like to go for the experience. To feel important as a bud tender serves them. To browse around the shop and absorb the many selections that make your eyeballs drip with desire. I've fallen victim to the same shock and awe effect. I've dropped a lot of money at dispensaries when I had no other hookups. These days though most regular tokers have at least 1 reliable hookup on good dope without going to a dispensary and paying out that wazoo yet these same people will still occasionally walk into a dispensary and pay twice as much as they should for the shock and awe effect. It's really mind blowing.

With all that having been said my idiot friend called me to tell me how excited he was that he got a $200 tip. He says he can't wait to go to the dispensary. He has access to $150 ounces of amazing tasting fire bud and mind crippling edibles. I straight up asked him what the hell are you thinking? He tells me, "man they got this mandarin cookies and this rose' I really wanna try." Without seeing it, smelling it, or smoking it this fuck tard has his mouth watering with excitement to pay $55 for an 1/8 of pot. Mind blowing dude. Just mind blowing. I realized how stupid consumers of pot are. Even experienced consumers. They literally buy based on the name of the strain without knowing a thing about it other than what the dispensary is calling it. Pure stupidity. Nothing more. Yet people do it. I like to call this one of the many stupid human tricks one can observe in others that make no sense, but people do it anyways. Long story short this dipshit paid $200 for 3 eighth's of bud and a bag of weak ass gummies. My mistake in the title. As I added up the 1/8's he bought I realized it wasn't even a fucking half ounce. I just shook my head.

Since I'm one of those stupid humans like everyone else and I love to indulge in stupid human tricks I got a little excited as he unloaded his packages of boutique dispensary bud with these exotic names. I'll admit - the packaging was very cool. It was all downhill from there. He asks me what I wanna try first. I chose the most expensive which was rose'. It looked great, but had absolutely no aroma at all. Fired up a bowl and while it didn't taste like complete asshole I most certainly wasn't interested in packing another bowl of it. $440/ounce and that's the smoke report. I felt so bad for him I didn't even have the heart to rip him up over it. Then we tried his $35/eight berry something bullshit. Awful flavor tasting of chemicals. Burned to a black ash. Epic fail. I was so turned off by those 2 I didn't even take a hit when he fired up his chem dog.

Sampling those 2 strains basically reminds me of my dispensary experiences. Most folks aren't heavy smokers but those that are know and prefer quality and will accept nothing less. Casual smokers are far less critical. They simply have less experience. Kinda like when we were in junior high, right? Would you ever buy that bullshit as an adult? Absolutely not. You have higher standards these days because you have experience :)

I can remember only 1 occasion where my mind was blown by the bud I bought. And it was $350/ounce. What a deal eh? Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent. This shit is something I see over and over again. I almost think people enjoy saying, "yeah man so I was at the dispensary yesterday. Oh yeah man, me too. Which one you go to?" It's like a social thing for idiots. Stupid human tricks man. All you can do is sit back, burn one down, and enjoy the shit show.
So today we hate people who go to a dispensary?

I grow more than I can use but still have gone on occasion to examine the top shelf for comparison and some folks are just willing to put in more effort to make great edibles than I am
A different perspective...
You seem to completely miss the point. The point I was trying to make is how incredible the power of marketing is. People will take less than 1/2 the product they would normally get from their regular hookup for the same amount of money due to the shock and awe effect. Nice packaging. Nice building. Lot's of glass jars filled with mediocre commercially grown bud. Like I said I've been there myself once or twice. Marketing works on all of us. Just like toilet paper it's highly effective at getting the job done :)
I could write a book on this topic.

First I will speak to WHY people go to a store. In the vast majority of cases people have bought varying levels of quality on the street. After enough getting screwed over by inconsistent quality or lazy growers / harvesters, it does dawn on many smokers that they can finally tell those weirdo crazy fxxx dealers to fxxx off I'm sick of the ---- (mold, seeds, inconsistency, leafy, mediocre) that gets mixed into what is often really good.

The store offers a baseline of quality that...I will say it...most home growers are way too lazy to bother with. Many growers get lazy and cut corners...good sells therefore I dont need to change. I've seen 30+ years of that sxxx.

To heavy smokers they quickly realize 2 things -- 1) its insanely expensive at a store and 2) while you may have a baseline or floor on quality now, the store by no means is all that good. In fact, it's pretty average, and they sell about 50 strains of which 47 are mediocre and grown decently at best.

Dry as a bone for fast packaging and storage, and insures the highest thc test. Usually a full on lie but hey why not say 35%? Is someone going to test it and prove them wrong? No.

So heavy users will go back to the better home growers and get a better deal.

Every friend I know goes through the cycle...fxxx all those guys making all that money off me!....m going to the store!

Then after spending a few thousand they call the local guy and realize well cured bud is better and cheaper.

The stores dont even know what is good. They get whatever they are supplied and sell it for a markup. I used to laugh that some of the cheaper offerings were far better than reserve or top shelf selections. Because the stores dont know what is good but they know hype and what sells.

Edibles get a bigger LOL I've never seen people waste more money. $30 package package 100mg of gummies or 1 100mg chocolate bar.

The most pathetic part of of stores, especially medical dispensaries is how they pretend they are helping people by selling them concentrates.

Listen, I get that this world is about making money but holy sxxx I've seen at least a dozen dispensaries lecture customers about how great concentrate is for a medical patient.

Wtf? Concentrate will kill a med patient faster than anything else, and they sell it laughing almost as hard as the cultivators who cant believe someone in a store actually pays say $150 for a half is shake! Or $100 for a gram of concentrate made from the leaves,trim, and sxxx buds that didnt make it to market. it's pure profit that growers used to throw away. Tell me which doctor recommends dabbing lol. I know plenty of doctors in the relevant fields and not one would ever suggest it is helpful.

Now each state and country is different with their stores, but the only states who have true premium offerings that I have experienced are on the West coast USA. And they always had the best sxxx anyway.
I've only been to a dispensary a few times and only bought anything the first time after it was legalized just to do it. They all have websites with menus so I can see what they have without bothering to go in. I only bought a gram the one purchase I made. It was decent weed but nothing to brag about. I have friends that get most of their weed from dispensaries.

You have to realize that now that it's legal in many places there are people that want to stay on the legal side of things. Many don't want to buy on the blackmarket from some illegal grower. Here in Oregon the local blackmarket is pretty much gone.

As for dispensaries, like them or not, in legal states they have opened up access to cannabis to people that would not get it any other way. The few times I have been in a dispensary I've seen older couples that probably smoked in their younger years and are now retired professionals. They probably hadn't used cannabis in decades until legalization and dispensaries. I think it's great that they can now legally walk into a dispensary and get cannabis and cannabis products to enjoy.

If I didn't grow and had 2 options, break the law to get a product or purchase it legally. I'm going to stay legal everytime. None of that meeting some dude in a parking lot. Then there is the selection available. Dozens of strains vs whatever the dude has.
Truth to that. We've been spoiled out here for decades. That's why most of us are pot snobs.
I started reading the Oregon grower thread the other day and stopped because it was so fxxxxxx depressing compared to my world lol!

I have had buds from almost everywhere in the world and I challenge anyone to show an offering better than the west coast of the USA (incl Hawaii).

I'm guessing some dude in Thailand is laughing at my post and I would surrender that point lol.
I could write a book on this topic.

First I will speak to WHY people go to a store. In the vast majority of cases people have bought varying levels of quality on the street. After enough getting screwed over by inconsistent quality or lazy growers / harvesters, it does dawn on many smokers that they can finally tell those weirdo crazy fxxx dealers to fxxx off I'm sick of the ---- (mold, seeds, inconsistency, leafy, mediocre) that gets mixed into what is often really good.

The store offers a baseline of quality that...I will say it...most home growers are way too lazy to bother with. Many growers get lazy and cut corners...good sells therefore I dont need to change. I've seen 30+ years of that sxxx.

To heavy smokers they quickly realize 2 things -- 1) its insanely expensive at a store and 2) while you may have a baseline or floor on quality now, the store by no means is all that good. In fact, it's pretty average, and they sell about 50 strains of which 47 are mediocre and grown decently at best.

Dry as a bone for fast packaging and storage, and insures the highest thc test. Usually a full on lie but hey why not say 35%? Is someone going to test it and prove them wrong? No.

So heavy users will go back to the better home growers and get a better deal.

Every friend I know goes through the cycle...fxxx all those guys making all that money off me!....m going to the store!

Then after spending a few thousand they call the local guy and realize well cured bud is better and cheaper.

The stores dont even know what is good. They get whatever they are supplied and sell it for a markup. I used to laugh that some of the cheaper offerings were far better than reserve or top shelf selections. Because the stores dont know what is good but they know hype and what sells.

Edibles get a bigger LOL I've never seen people waste more money. $30 package package 100mg of gummies or 1 100mg chocolate bar.

The most pathetic part of of stores, especially medical dispensaries is how they pretend they are helping people by selling them concentrates.

Listen, I get that this world is about making money but holy sxxx I've seen at least a dozen dispensaries lecture customers about how great concentrate is for a medical patient.

Wtf? Concentrate will kill a med patient faster than anything else, and they sell it laughing almost as hard as the cultivators who cant believe someone in a store actually pays say $150 for a half is shake! Or $100 for a gram of concentrate made from the leaves,trim, and sxxx buds that didnt make it to market. it's pure profit that growers used to throw away. Tell me which doctor recommends dabbing lol. I know plenty of doctors in the relevant fields and not one would ever suggest it is helpful.

Now each state and country is different with their stores, but the only states who have true premium offerings that I have experienced are on the West coast USA. And they always had the best sxxx anyway.
Wow, very well said sir. You outdid me and I'm glad you did. You hit a real high note with me where you mentioned some of the cheaper strains were actually much better than the strains marketed as "top shelf." And they were often half the price of the most expensive strains on the shelf. I remember one dispensary I went back to once every 2 weeks because they had ounces of gg#4 for $125. Mofo's were carrying it into the store in those big monster totes. It definitely wasn't close to top shelf, but the flavor wasn't terrible and it packed one hell of a punch. I felt like I got a dam good value for my money at the time even though the flavor wasn't great. However a buck twenty five and ounce is a buck twenty five an ounce no matter how you slice that pie, and when you aren't growing your own that's the best deal in town. If it's got a heavy stone anyways :)

Those days are gone though. My state eliminated almost all unlicensed dispensaries that aren't in the pay to play game now, so prices are all through the roof now. And recreational is a joke. Shit is so heavily regulated and taxed the prices are obscene. $120/quarter? Just wow man. That's black market prices 10 or 15 years ago. And these dispensaries have lines going out the door. Mind blowing man. But if you don't have a connect you're one of those people standing in line waiting to overpay for mediocre. I was once one of those people. I couldn't grow in the apartment I was staying in and didn't have a connect. Those were rough times. Thank god those days are in the rear view mirror :)

Your commentary on concentrates is as good as gospel. The people that buy into that shit are great for the economy, but they're making horrible decisions for their long term health. I'm strongly against chemical solvent based extracts. Hell I don't even smoke my dry ice sieved hash more than once or twice every few days. It's heavy on the lungs and the high is a bit too strong to toke on all day long. I feel the same is true of every concentrate. Tolerance goes way up and it's harsh on the lungs. I always tell people if you think you need concentrates you probably just need a better weed hookup, because you're probably buying boof :)
So today we hate people who go to a dispensary?

I grow more than I can use but still have gone on occasion to examine the top shelf for comparison and some folks are just willing to put in more effort to make great edibles than I am
A different perspective...

I like the novelties. Not so much the case anymore, but I wound up going a few times a year when people would visit from illegal states. It always made me feel good about what I grew...but well I can't easily make weed trail mix enemas, so those are fine to buy.
Our clubs in socal don't bother me. Essp my local one. I still get my concentrates from there frequently and and a price I'm comfortable with. When I can and not being lazy. I'll make BHO in the garage. But I rather just get it already done. I trust the labs I go through and have re tested product (whole other topic in itself). So I'm okay with it. But I know your point. It's crazy how people think sometimes. But non the less doesn't bother me
I live in the UK and sometimes here you smoke what is given to you or you don't smoke simple as that and if you're a heavy smoker like me that has medicinal need you either accept it or do what I've finally got round to do and grow your fuckin own but I've seen the shitest weeds you've seen sell for £10 a gram and if you want something like a cali you can pull in 20-30 a gram so I know people here who would pay $200 for 21gram and a bag of gummy bears in a heartbeat lol
So today we hate people who go to a dispensary?

I grow more than I can use but still have gone on occasion to examine the top shelf for comparison and some folks are just willing to put in more effort to make great edibles than I am
A different perspective...
I don’t see anything remotely top shelf inmichgan these days. Not like back in medical years when there was some fire.
It’s seems to all be commercial and over hyped. Even the edibles. Maybe I’m just used to homemade 500mg brownies but I don’t even catch a buz for some reason. Like ok 15$ dollars for 27mg. I guess I need 10

There's an interesting phenomenon that happens when someone enters a dispensary. It's like a shock and awe effect, but in a desirable way. Much like the gym some people just like to go for the experience. To feel important as a bud tender serves them. To browse around the shop and absorb the many selections that make your eyeballs drip with desire. I've fallen victim to the same shock and awe effect. I've dropped a lot of money at dispensaries when I had no other hookups. These days though most regular tokers have at least 1 reliable hookup on good dope without going to a dispensary and paying out that wazoo yet these same people will still occasionally walk into a dispensary and pay twice as much as they should for the shock and awe effect. It's really mind blowing.

With all that having been said my idiot friend called me to tell me how excited he was that he got a $200 tip. He says he can't wait to go to the dispensary. He has access to $150 ounces of amazing tasting fire bud and mind crippling edibles. I straight up asked him what the hell are you thinking? He tells me, "man they got this mandarin cookies and this rose' I really wanna try." Without seeing it, smelling it, or smoking it this fuck tard has his mouth watering with excitement to pay $55 for an 1/8 of pot. Mind blowing dude. Just mind blowing. I realized how stupid consumers of pot are. Even experienced consumers. They literally buy based on the name of the strain without knowing a thing about it other than what the dispensary is calling it. Pure stupidity. Nothing more. Yet people do it. I like to call this one of the many stupid human tricks one can observe in others that make no sense, but people do it anyways. Long story short this dipshit paid $200 for 3 eighth's of bud and a bag of weak ass gummies. My mistake in the title. As I added up the 1/8's he bought I realized it wasn't even a fucking half ounce. I just shook my head.

Since I'm one of those stupid humans like everyone else and I love to indulge in stupid human tricks I got a little excited as he unloaded his packages of boutique dispensary bud with these exotic names. I'll admit - the packaging was very cool. It was all downhill from there. He asks me what I wanna try first. I chose the most expensive which was rose'. It looked great, but had absolutely no aroma at all. Fired up a bowl and while it didn't taste like complete asshole I most certainly wasn't interested in packing another bowl of it. $440/ounce and that's the smoke report. I felt so bad for him I didn't even have the heart to rip him up over it. Then we tried his $35/eight berry something bullshit. Awful flavor tasting of chemicals. Burned to a black ash. Epic fail. I was so turned off by those 2 I didn't even take a hit when he fired up his chem dog.

Sampling those 2 strains basically reminds me of my dispensary experiences. Most folks aren't heavy smokers but those that are know and prefer quality and will accept nothing less. Casual smokers are far less critical. They simply have less experience. Kinda like when we were in junior high, right? Would you ever buy that bullshit as an adult? Absolutely not. You have higher standards these days because you have experience :)

I can remember only 1 occasion where my mind was blown by the bud I bought. And it was $350/ounce. What a deal eh? Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent. This shit is something I see over and over again. I almost think people enjoy saying, "yeah man so I was at the dispensary yesterday. Oh yeah man, me too. Which one you go to?" It's like a social thing for idiots. Stupid human tricks man. All you can do is sit back, burn one down, and enjoy the shit show.
Great rant! I have similar thoughts. But live and let live. People waste money on way more lame shit all day long.

I now just literally turn it down. Haha. Like “no man save that shit for before bed. Let’s hit some cheap homegrown”
I'm still buying at the dispensary. New to it and just don't know many people irl. Which is funny, I've been in so many bands and most of the time somebody smoked.

Also as an adult, with things to lose, I buy from where it's legal. I'm trying to grow enough of my own, but that isn't easy or quick it seems. Maybe grow number 3...
$200 an oz, sale coming up on the 4th so I will see what is a good buy then.

I have only had maybe 2 buys for the dispensary that have made me go back and buy more of that same thing, everything else taste a bit green to me. Not bad at all, but not what I want really, sometimes if it is moist, I will jar it a while.
So today we hate people who go to a dispensary?

I grow more than I can use but still have gone on occasion to examine the top shelf for comparison and some folks are just willing to put in more effort to make great edibles than I am
A different perspective...
Are you in the states?
In Canada we can get 10mg edibles that’s it.
and they pack it into an entire chocolate bar, stomach ache from sugar before you ever catch a buzz.

Ya I laugh and hate on people that go to the legal store. They have been conditioned to think it’s safer and better so it’s worth 4X the price.
All the growers I have ever boughten off smoke their own shit and don’t want to cut corners and smoke chemicals or growth hormones.
There's an interesting phenomenon that happens when someone enters a dispensary. It's like a shock and awe effect, but in a desirable way. Much like the gym some people just like to go for the experience. To feel important as a bud tender serves them. To browse around the shop and absorb the many selections that make your eyeballs drip with desire. I've fallen victim to the same shock and awe effect. I've dropped a lot of money at dispensaries when I had no other hookups. These days though most regular tokers have at least 1 reliable hookup on good dope without going to a dispensary and paying out that wazoo yet these same people will still occasionally walk into a dispensary and pay twice as much as they should for the shock and awe effect. It's really mind blowing.

With all that having been said my idiot friend called me to tell me how excited he was that he got a $200 tip. He says he can't wait to go to the dispensary. He has access to $150 ounces of amazing tasting fire bud and mind crippling edibles. I straight up asked him what the hell are you thinking? He tells me, "man they got this mandarin cookies and this rose' I really wanna try." Without seeing it, smelling it, or smoking it this fuck tard has his mouth watering with excitement to pay $55 for an 1/8 of pot. Mind blowing dude. Just mind blowing. I realized how stupid consumers of pot are. Even experienced consumers. They literally buy based on the name of the strain without knowing a thing about it other than what the dispensary is calling it. Pure stupidity. Nothing more. Yet people do it. I like to call this one of the many stupid human tricks one can observe in others that make no sense, but people do it anyways. Long story short this dipshit paid $200 for 3 eighth's of bud and a bag of weak ass gummies. My mistake in the title. As I added up the 1/8's he bought I realized it wasn't even a fucking half ounce. I just shook my head.

Since I'm one of those stupid humans like everyone else and I love to indulge in stupid human tricks I got a little excited as he unloaded his packages of boutique dispensary bud with these exotic names. I'll admit - the packaging was very cool. It was all downhill from there. He asks me what I wanna try first. I chose the most expensive which was rose'. It looked great, but had absolutely no aroma at all. Fired up a bowl and while it didn't taste like complete asshole I most certainly wasn't interested in packing another bowl of it. $440/ounce and that's the smoke report. I felt so bad for him I didn't even have the heart to rip him up over it. Then we tried his $35/eight berry something bullshit. Awful flavor tasting of chemicals. Burned to a black ash. Epic fail. I was so turned off by those 2 I didn't even take a hit when he fired up his chem dog.

Sampling those 2 strains basically reminds me of my dispensary experiences. Most folks aren't heavy smokers but those that are know and prefer quality and will accept nothing less. Casual smokers are far less critical. They simply have less experience. Kinda like when we were in junior high, right? Would you ever buy that bullshit as an adult? Absolutely not. You have higher standards these days because you have experience :)

I can remember only 1 occasion where my mind was blown by the bud I bought. And it was $350/ounce. What a deal eh? Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent. This shit is something I see over and over again. I almost think people enjoy saying, "yeah man so I was at the dispensary yesterday. Oh yeah man, me too. Which one you go to?" It's like a social thing for idiots. Stupid human tricks man. All you can do is sit back, burn one down, and enjoy the shit show.
maybe he just wanted to impress the cute but tender girl or they don't want to look broke in front of her. Or both. What I do know for a solid fact is they have all these jars in different names but when they run out they just fill it with whatever the f*** is there. And that's if the jar was ever what it was labeled as to begin with.
Our clubs in socal don't bother me. Essp my local one. I still get my concentrates from there frequently and and a price I'm comfortable with. When I can and not being lazy. I'll make BHO in the garage. But I rather just get it already done. I trust the labs I go through and have re tested product (whole other topic in itself). So I'm okay with it. But I know your point. It's crazy how people think sometimes. But non the less doesn't bother me
You smokers in california have the good life when it comes to variety and quality of the products. Not to mention prices are much better than states just starting out with mainstream marijuana sales. More growers increases competition so there's much less price gouging. What does an ounce of good pot go for at a dispensary in california? Is it still worthwhile to get a medical card to avoid the recreational taxation?

The best pot I ever smoked was from california. My brother use to have a friend that made the west coast run from missouri every other month. The bags were all nicely labeled and packaged. I still don't think I've ever run into better quality pot in my life. It was truly special and all of the strains were of the same quality. In california I would definitely visit a dispensary to see what the mad scientists are growing. Up here in michigan it's mostly just boof unless you're getting it from a caregiver that isn't mass producing machine trimmed junk. I moved here from missouri and I'm impressed with the level of low standards michigander's have when it comes to pretty much anything. Food, entertainment, and quality of life are all exponentially worse in michigan. Roads suck, gas stations are tiny and more expensive, and there's essentially zero police presence on the highways. That sounds good for not getting hassled about a speeding ticket, but I've never witnessed more dangerous ignoramus drivers in my life. When I told folks where the wife and I moved from every single person asked us why we would move to michigan. 12 years ago I didn't understand what the hell they were talking about. I absolutely get it now. It's just different than other places. And not in a good way. However, it's cooler in the summer than that armpit of a sweat box otherwise known as missouri. For that reason alone I will never move a single mile further south. Global warming is a real bitch these days. Gotta see california sometime. I hear the food is great, and I know your pot is outstanding :)