So much for no raids by the Obama goons.


Active Member
Is it still safe.... you decide!

LOS ANGELES—Federal and local agents are raiding at least two marijuana dispensaries in Los Angeles but authorities won't say what they're seeking.

Officials say more than 20 people from various agencies served a state search warrant at around 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Organica Collective in Marina del Rey.

Los Angeles police, the FBI and DEA were still searching the distribution center three hours later.

DEA spokesman Jose Martinez says agents also served the warrant at the Overland Gardens Collective in West Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles County district attorney's office says a residence also was named in the warrant.

Other details are not being released.

Calls to the two dispensaries weren't immediately returned.

As well they used blackwater last year in a raid... what is up with that????




Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The government needs lots of money, theuy are gonna raid everyone and then sell the proceeds to help pay for all the welfare programs. LOL


i think its time for the dispenseries to arm themselves? if its legal at a state level them the dea can be considered a burgler