Well-Known Member
did you post more pictures of aborted fetuses again, sicko?
which post..repost so I can seeremoved
why are you posting joe biden in a thread about mitt romney and paul ryan?
is your veep so underwhelming and damaging to the ticket that you can't even focus on him?
reported as SPAM, sock puppet bitch.
We have been talking about Biden all through this thread. You mad man? Did you think you could spam 3 pages of crap and not expect something to happen?
I never heard of Paul Ryan. Am I sheltered?
and just as predicted, the guy who says we need romney to fix the debt (LOL!) ignores the fact that romney's governance equaled the highest debt per person of any state in the union, and his running mate rubber stamped every big spending, deficit-funded item in bush's budget, which took a projected surplus and turned it into a $1.5 trillion dollar structural annual deficit.
a deficit which the current guy has not increased, despite the massive recession he was left with.
it's all about althor and his super sensitive pussy. dear god, don't point out that it's on the level of someone two standard deviations below average on a WAIS-IV to analogize the way the largest economy on the face of the earth operates to the way a hillbilly's cottage works. that would get more sand in his already inflamed labia. poor gal.
everyone, take it easy on althor or he will require more vagisil.
i share a lot of your sympathies but i don't give the american people enough credit to keep the mormontard out of the white house. i think this election will be super, super close. maybe not 2000 close, but definitely 2004 close.
or it could be a blowout either way, it's still just august.
Better start looking for a magical underwear wholesaler right now. We all know treadmill dealers,like yourself, can't live without a good deal.
That your wife dude? My condolences.
FACT. Romney will lose votes for this VP choice. He couldn't of made a worse choice unless Palin was available again.
The GOP is already falling apart week by week. From the hypocrisy of the medicare debate to the republican "rape is ok" guy, the GOP has no chance on the national stage. I'm not a big fan of Obama because I am a real progressive who has more in common with sane libertarians then the democratic party at times, but it's my prediction that Obama will win by near or at double digit percentage. He is the lesser of the two evils for most independents and undecided voters. And it's these people that will decide the election.
Romney(the flying mormon), Ryan(Mr. P90X) and the majority of the GOP(old crusty white men) hate women, gays, atheists and agnostics, young people, old people, blacks, mexicans, any minority really. Even ones within their own party. Marijuana users! They hate market regulation, which the lack of is what actually created our recession and near collapse. They hate the poor, the working class, and most of the middle class which is quickly becoming mixed in with the working and poor classes. If you look at the issues and what decisions the GOP would make you would see the majority of their decisions would go against all of the groups I mentioned. Which is the GREAT MAJORITY in the US.
Conservatives can claim that more people identify themselves as conservative then liberal, which is true. Conservative 46% Liberal 40% Other 14%. But in reality, what these folks fail to mention is that about 1/3 of those that say they identify with being conservative are DEMOCRATS! And, that over half of the other category vote DEMOCRAT!
Ohio and Florida are crucial, and just like in 08, Obama will win both. Although I can't describe in words how much I despise the electoral college.
Look at taxes. The GOP will not budge on ending tax breaks for the rich, even though all the evidence supports the fact that lowering taxes for the rich HURTS THE ECONOMY. Look at the Bush years which cannot be ignored. Obama inherited the economic disaster, we all knew it would be bad for most his admin because we are in "repair" mode. I'm surprised unemployment isn't at 20% to be honest. If we would of had 4 more years of Bush or 4 new years of McCain, more of us would be standing in fucking bread and food lines because unemployment would be at 20%. In reality, Obama did not create the debt we are at now, MOST of this new debt would of been incurred either way no matter who won the election. The same policies and ideas the GOP is pushing now are the SAME EXACT POLICIES AND IDEAS Bush pushed and got that created all this chaos. It's comical and frustrating that one even needs to explain this to some people being it's history, it's on record.
The GOP lies constantly about facts already on record, they have outspent Obama in campaign money by almost half most of which has gone to commercials lying about Obama and history.
In the debates Romney will get destroyed. The only hope Ryan has to outwit Biden is to get Biden so angry he goes off on a tirade and says something stupid like he has done in the past and recently. The debates will define the republicans as hypocrites, lairs and madmen, at least to those that haven't defined them that already. I can't wait. And again, not a big fan of Obama or the dem party, but I am a fan of truth and fighting corruption and evil, and this describers Romney/Ryan to a T. It does describes obama at some level to, but this GOP ticket is the antithesis of everything good.
I'm a Nader guy. I both campaigned and voted for him in 2004 and 2008, along with 0.8% of the nation. About 50% more votes then all the libertarian parties received. It's frightening to know that the majority of voters are stuck on this two-party system. Our current system, including the silly and unfair electoral college and election laws are anything but American.
I'm a progressive, a liberal, a socialist and hybrid libertarian rolled into one. And I have no political party to call my own. Reply with hate, love, pity or confusion. I'm just fine with who I am.
Oh ya, I'm writing in Vermont senator Bernie Sanders for president. The only man in politics currently worthy of the seat. And the only real Independent in all of congress.
Wait, what was this thread about?
Lots and lots of poor white folks from the lower southern states WILL NOT vote for Obama cuz they don't like the color of his skin.