so it's mitt romney and paul ryan

Krayven (great name btw) there are two things you need to realize about that analysis.

1. Paul Ryan is not running for president, his budget is no longer being considered. Granted, Romney's plan sounds like Obama's, style over substance, who really knows?
Just wanted to touch on this statement. Paul Ryan's plan was voted on and passed in the house. Romney once said he supported the Ryan plan. Ryans only known feat was this plan.
Now you want to tell me his plan will no longer be considered. What do you take me for a fool. You can believe that BS if you dare. By the way please tell us Romneys plan..provide link as well...This should be interesting
I'm just going by the official stance. Ryan has stated he supports Romney's plan and it differs from his. I'm not asking you to believe it because I'm having trouble myself.

His plan was not very popular with the general populace after congress passed it. I can't imagine a party would pass legislation that the country is loudly against, that would be idiotic.

I have no clue what Romney's plan is, what day is it? It is ironic that the republican party wants to make this election about issues while running from Ryan's budget and Romneycare. To give equal air, Obama's budget got zero votes from his own party, chew on that for a sec. In this hyper-partisan climate, he couldn't even get 1 vote for his plan. We've had 40 consecutive months of unemployment over a rate we were promised we'd never reach. 40. How am I supposed to trust anything they say regarding the economy?
I'm just going by the official stance. Ryan has stated he supports Romney's plan and it differs from his. I'm not asking you to believe it because I'm having trouble myself.

His plan was not very popular with the general populace after congress passed it. I can't imagine a party would pass legislation that the country is loudly against, that would be idiotic.

I have no clue what Romney's plan is, what day is it? It is ironic that the republican party wants to make this election about issues while running from Ryan's budget and Romneycare. To give equal air, Obama's budget got zero votes from his own party, chew on that for a sec. In this hyper-partisan climate, he couldn't even get 1 vote for his plan. We've had 40 consecutive months of unemployment over a rate we were promised we'd never reach. 40. How am I supposed to trust anything they say regarding the economy?

What I don't understand is, why are so many of you wondering what Romney's plan is when it's been pasted all over his website?

Let's be honest, not all of the republican party is running away from the Ryan budget, only the chicken shit republicans who hide behind the chicken shit democrats. Knowing that there is no way around cutting entitlements in order to save the economy, these worms are more concerned with their future in politics than they are the future of our country.
And I guess I'm the only person here that can differentiate states rights (Romneycare) from the central government plan of Obamacare, even though I strongly disagree with both.
And I guess I'm the only person here that can differentiate states rights (Romneycare) from the central government plan of Obamacare, even though I strongly disagree with both.

I agree and wish Romney would make this argument but he avoids it like the plague. I don't agree with Romneycare either but the people of MASS did, so let them have at it. I'm not saying Romney has never made that argument but I've not seen it. That scares me. If he would argue for on a state's right basis I'd feel better about his candidacy.

I admit to never visiting his website so I was unaware of his plan. I knew Romney's differed from Ryan's but didn't know how. I was just arguing that bashing Ryan's plan as proof to vote for Obama was disengenuous.
I'm just going by the official stance. Ryan has stated he supports Romney's plan and it differs from his. I'm not asking you to believe it because I'm having trouble myself.

His plan was not very popular with the general populace after congress passed it. I can't imagine a party would pass legislation that the country is loudly against, that would be idiotic.

I have no clue what Romney's plan is,
Right...his plan is some vague shit with returning healthcare back to the States guidance ( good luck dumb fucks )..His block-grant program means giving money to the states in one lump sum with looser requirements on how to spend it. I can see states purging Medicaid rolls and using the money for other purposes. again good luck if you have a corrupted state/local government.

I also I'm confuse about Romney on his stance with people with preexisting conditions. he would make sure those with preexisting conditions don't lose their coverage, but opposes a provision in ObamaCare that makes it illegal to deny them coverage. WTF. ..How could you enforce??? Guess he didn't want to piss off the insurance companies. Romney also states he would not allow kids to stay on parents account until 26.
I'm sorry I could go on and on about how FUCKED his plan is...but you do tell us when you find something you like about his plan
Right...his plan is some vague shit with returning healthcare back to the States guidance ( good luck dumb fucks )..His block-grant program means giving money to the states in one lump sum with looser requirements on how to spend it. I can see states purging Medicaid rolls and using the money for other purposes. again good luck if you have a corrupted state/local government.

I also I'm confuse about Romney on his stance with people with preexisting conditions. he would make sure those with preexisting conditions don't lose their coverage, but opposes a provision in ObamaCare that makes it illegal to deny them coverage. WTF. ..How could you enforce??? Guess he didn't want to piss off the insurance companies. Romney also states he would not allow kids to stay on parents account until 26.
I'm sorry I could go on and on about how FUCKED his plan is...but you do tell us when you find something you like about his plan

On what planet should a 26 year old be considered "a kid"?
On what planet should a 26 year old be considered "a kid"?

typical righty nonsense.

knows the provision is popular, knows the provision helps keep more people insured and thus keeps costs down, so what does he do?

makes fun of the language the poster used.

righties are such little crybabies.
typical righty nonsense.

knows the provision is popular, knows the provision helps keep more people insured and thus keeps costs down, so what does he do?

makes fun of the language the poster used.

righties are such little crybabies.

Laugh, looks like I struck a nerve.

Of course it helps people.
If the government offers me 1 million dollars for being a citizen, ILL TAKE THE SHIT OUT OF IT. Does it mean its good for the country? Nope.

Offer me welfare, disability, social security, whatever else I havent earned, you damned right Ill take it. I dont blame people for taking what is offered to them. I have a problem with it being offered in the first place. We have real issues to deal with....

2.5 trillion dollars a year brought in, 4 trillion a year spent, 14+ trillion in debt. Maybe thats not registering to some people, maybe the numbers are too large.

Lets break it down. You make 25k a year. You spend 40k a year. You owe 600k. How long are you going to maintain?
You are just about to lose everything; house, car, bank account, savings account. There is no way you can overcome this problem.

Thats where we are in America. Spending 4 trillion a year, making 2.5 trillion a year, and 14+ trillion in debt.
We cant just cut 1.5 trillion, that doesnt help pay down our debt. We have to cut 2 trillion in spending.

Obama's budget was voted down 97-0, not even the democrats took it seriously. He is not the man to handle this. Romney PROBABLY isnt either, but he has much more to stand on than Obama.
Laugh, looks like I struck a nerve.

Of course it helps people.
If the government offers me 1 million dollars for being a citizen, ILL TAKE THE SHIT OUT OF IT. Does it mean its good for the country? Nope.

Offer me welfare, disability, social security, whatever else I havent earned, you damned right Ill take it. I dont blame people for taking what is offered to them. I have a problem with it being offered in the first place. We have real issues to deal with....

2.5 trillion dollars a year brought in, 4 trillion a year spent, 14+ trillion in debt. Maybe thats not registering to some people, maybe the numbers are too large.

Lets break it down. You make 25k a year. You spend 40k a year. You owe 600k. How long are you going to maintain?
You are just about to lose everything; house, car, bank account, savings account. There is no way you can overcome this problem.

Thats where we are in America. Spending 4 trillion a year, making 2.5 trillion a year, and 14+ trillion in debt.
We cant just cut 1.5 trillion, that doesnt help pay down our debt. We have to cut 2 trillion in spending.

Obama's budget was voted down 97-0, not even the democrats took it seriously. He is not the man to handle this. Romney PROBABLY isnt either, but he has much more to stand on than Obama.

another rightard that thinks the largest economy in the world works the same as his household budget.

of course someone who is only capable of that severely stunted level of intellect is going to justify voting for a moron like romney.

now watch as he ignores that romney had the highest debt per person as the governor of MA.

let me know when your house has a standing army dude.

why do i get the feeling that i am talking to someone who is the victim of a hillbilly southern education? :lol:
On what planet should a 26 year old be considered "a kid"?
On no planet. A lot of kids go this one place after High School, and because they spend most of their time there, they can't get full time jobs with benefits. As result they have no health care coverage.

I'm not defending Obamacare, merely explaining that no one was ever calling a 26 year old a kid.
another rightard that thinks the largest economy in the world works the same as his household budget.

of course someone who is only capable of that severely stunted level of intellect is going to justify voting for a moron like romney.

now watch as he ignores that romney had the highest debt per person as the governor of MA.

let me know when your house has a standing army dude.

why do i get the feeling that i am talking to someone who is the victim of a hillbilly southern education? :lol:

Once again lashing out with insults. Good one MAN.
Once again lashing out with insults. Good one MAN.

and just as predicted, the guy who says we need romney to fix the debt (LOL!) ignores the fact that romney's governance equaled the highest debt per person of any state in the union, and his running mate rubber stamped every big spending, deficit-funded item in bush's budget, which took a projected surplus and turned it into a $1.5 trillion dollar structural annual deficit.

a deficit which the current guy has not increased, despite the massive recession he was left with.

it's all about althor and his super sensitive pussy. dear god, don't point out that it's on the level of someone two standard deviations below average on a WAIS-IV to analogize the way the largest economy on the face of the earth operates to the way a hillbilly's cottage works. that would get more sand in his already inflamed labia. poor gal.

everyone, take it easy on althor or he will require more vagisil.
If you listen to facts you realize the Ryan budget actually INCREASES the federal deficit.

Its a shell game that screws whats left of the middle class and widens the rich-poor gap.

The whole "social engineering" thing isnt mine. It came from the ultra Liberal Newt Gingrich. Its nothing more than trickle down economics on steroids.
Couldn't agree more. And the very Fact that Gingrich had the BALLS to run for President Of The United States Of America tells A LOT about the political state of affairs here in the US.
On what planet should a 26 year old be considered "a kid"?

It all depends on what your child wants to become..

My daughter finished going to grad school. Me and other parents love that our child can remain on our policy. Have her Masters @ 24 and still have two years to find work or chase that PhD without the worries of not getting healthcare.

By the way my daughter can turn 45 and she will always be my baby and kid..soooo why you mad
Couldn't agree more. And the very Fact that Gingrich had the BALLS to run for President Of The United States Of America tells A LOT about the political state of affairs here in the US.

OMFG, a man ran for president. The first black man who ran was a Republican. Here's what you may find a shock, he lost and people said that same shit about him too! I think it's time we said fuck Republicans and quit this whole two party scam. What will fix it is one party we can all trust, Democrat. Hell yeah!
OMFG, a man ran for president. The first black man who ran was a Republican. Here's what you may find a shock, he lost and people said that same shit about him too! I think it's time we said fuck Republicans and quit this whole two party scam. What will fix it is one party we can all trust, Democrat. Hell yeah!
and i mean that in the nicest way :eyesmoke:
The way I see it is:
Ron Paul- Not corruptible at all. Bad for Big Business in the skewed Republican eye.
Mit Romney- Run of the mill Politician. Corruptible enough to fight for big business like it's right and figured the Religious rite would be a gimme vote.
Newt Gingrich- Totally corrupt. If you've got a lot of money, and want Government to back you up, Chose Newt...But it'll cost ya untraceable cash money. Has proven in the past that he will sell out this Country for cold hard cash after being ousted from Congress of 80 something ethics violations, lol. Takes some gonads for a guy with his history to run for President. Still ROFL!

They went with the middle of the road guy- Romney. It's sad because if their intentions were to actually heal this country and act like TRUE Republicans NO one can deny that they would have picked Ron Paul and beat Obama hands down. The problem is that Ron Paul is a TRUE Republican and has too much common sense to be duped into believing in "trickle down economics" and handing over control of our country to the highest bidder.
The Republicans chose Big Business and I think it is painfully obvious to the American people. They're trying to pass off Romney as this Regular guy to the American people which they know he's not. It's insulting. He's rich in any sense of the word. His wife had servants to take care of her kids, and the guy has always made money. The middle class as a whole does not identify with him at all and they shouldn't. So it goes, he picks Paul Ryan as his running mate ROFL. That REALLY made him more like able. It's just a case of a Rich Politician trying to act like a middle class man with a plan which brings in Big Business contributions very well, but the majority of American People aren't biting. Not to mention trying to violate our right to vote in order to win swing states. Reminds me of the "Hanging Chad" fiasco only Pre-Meditated and worse.
Good ol' Honest, Regular Guy Romney. Who could ask for more?