so is coffee a buzz killer or a buzz enhancer? they don't seem to say

Without having read the article I will just say that nothing goes together like weed and coffee. The taste is one thing in itself and they compliment each other very well I know many people who will attest to that. As far as the buzz is concerned I never really noticed if the coffee has a negative effect I almost imagine it would. I'll read the article in a bit thanks for sharing I drink a lot of coffee too.
Speaking from my every day experience,
After a wake and bake fills in my morning and I start to come down, a plain black coffee is the best transition into the day. No sugars to make me crash or creamers to make my stomach bubble.

Sometimes coffee can give you an euphoric feeling which compliments cannabis, but I’d imagine if you are smoking an indica while drinking coffee that may clash.

Depending on the varying levels of caffeine you consume in my opinion it’s a great transition that may kill it but moreover smoothes out the ending effects to make you feel less of a zombie and be productive.
i drink a pot of coffee a day, sometimes a pot and a half. it doesn't seem to me that it interferes. i pack a bong load most days, and take single hits off it for 2 or 3 hours before i reload it. i get pretty freakin high after having drunk a couple of cups worth of coffee. but would i be even higher if i hadn't drunk the coffee? or not as high....¿ i don't feel like this is an experiment i can conduct myself, i'm too involved, and too biased towards both weed and coffee to be objective.
coffee and weed!? mix in some pancakes and pork belly, n' things l' really be rollin

hold the cream, sugar, and syrup. run it lean n' mean. i personally save those calories for immense amounts of ice cream and brownies :0
Well since one is classified as an upper and the other a downer( debatable in my eyes strain dependent) so I can see how they might see coffee as a buzz kill but I’m guessing only if you’ve never smoked weed or drank coffee and did them both for the first time together maybe... but I drink coffee and the occasional energy drink and smoke all the time and I see no difference to when I drink say water and smoke so there’s that
I'd say they're different, not exactly opposites.

I've been pretty hyped and pretty downed on the same weed, depending on the situation. But coffee always speeds me up and makes me focus on stuff like work and achievements. Maybe that's what they mean when they say opposites? I mean, considering people say that cannabis makes you less motivated and stuff.
Very interesting, at first I would assume that smoking and drinking coffee would not give an enhancre effect, the two influence our bodily systems in different ways and I wouldn't say the combination would be desirable.

But also, humans should really stop drinking so much coffee!!
"All told, coffee altered 115 different metabolites in the blood. Thirty-four of those metabolites don't even have names or known roles in the body. The other 82 known metabolites play roles in 33 different biological processes."

We literally don't even know how bad it is for us yet haha.
I personally think there's nothing better than a coffee and smoke together, after a good shit in the morning.
The two just go so well together.
It cant be a killer in my POV.
Maybe for some though.
Definitely not me.
Nice fruity smoke, and a fresh cuppa. Aaahhh bliss.
I think coffee prolongs the buzz.

I wake and bake about every morning. A big heaping TBLSP of Nescafe in 24oz water, and 3-5 hits off of a joint of some Blue Orca Haze, and Im fried for 5 hours. Eyes fucked up and all that shit. Heavy crash too. Better drink some more. The Orca is HEAVY at comedown.