so i took shrooms earlier today...

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it is pointless spaceing it 4 hours.... the first batch is allready almost out of your system by then.
it is pointless spaceing it 4 hours.... the first batch is allready almost out of your system by then.
True...I would just take all of em. What's with all this be careful shit? He only had 5 grams to begin with?!? Next time just pop all 5 grams and have the time of your life:hump:
i ate .6 grams tonight. my shoulders and chest feel heavy and i'm a little light headed. i'm getting "that feeling" and i remember where this is going. i doubt i'll eat any more. good thing i didn't eat 3 grams. i would NOT have enjoyed it.
i ate .6 grams tonight. my shoulders and chest feel heavy and i'm a little light headed. i'm getting "that feeling" and i remember where this is going. i doubt i'll eat any more. good thing i didn't eat 3 grams. i would NOT have enjoyed it.
lol different strokes, I guess.
i don't like not having control of my high. when it's time to be over i want to be able to stop it. this is why i don't drink. i see no reason to get "fucked up" or "trip balls". a fat bowl load suits me perfect.

been there, done that. :cool:

I find low doses on maushrooms not enjoyable, I just get an uncomfortable body load, tightness in the back and neck like I took some Dox, etc... not pleasant.

You should try some DMT though if you haven't yet though, apart from 5meo its king of the tryptamines... such a holy place of serenity to escape to.

Best yet it is so short you could get up froma cubicle job, go to the shitter, do it and come back 10 minutes later without any body being able to tell, appart from by the content smirk on your face.
Also you can just open your eyes and disengage from the CEV's when you want... I've just recently, enroled in the school of OEV DMT trips in nature... OMG.... laughs at shroom trips.

You may want to try another strain, I realy advise Golden teachers as first trips, to me they are very gentle and feelgood... Makes everything taste good etc...

HOWEVER, here is the thing, if you want the shroom to come out of hiding, and want the full experience, you have to know it is going to be unpleasant at first, maybe so bad you'd want to die at some level.
We have a lot of shit we get around daily with, bullshitting ourselves this and that is ok... it gets realy complicated when you stop believing the stuff you make up for yourself... but after two or three hours your reach the top of the mountain and then its a magic carpet ride down. I've cried out of extacy for 3 hours straight before.
doing shrooms with 1-1.5g's is a waste... my first time i ate a 1/4 and was high as balls

eat them all fag
doing shrooms with 1-1.5g's is a waste... my first time i ate a 1/4 and was high as balls

eat them all fag

I don't know if the best course of action is to call FDD a fag...

That is the most of my shroom experiences, less than a teener every time.

But I was far less afraid of acid, which I took a lot of right off the bat... I was a scared kid when I tried shrooms, so I took very little, and an arrogant young adult when I tried acid.

But it's not storytime so I'll cut it off there.
I don't know if the best course of action is to call FDD a fag...

That is the most of my shroom experiences, less than a teener every time.

But I was far less afraid of acid, which I took a lot of right off the bat... I was a scared kid when I tried shrooms, so I took very little, and an arrogant young adult when I tried acid.

But it's not storytime so I'll cut it off there.

i thought it was an offer so i pretended to not see it. :hump:
I wasn't calling FDD a fag, I was calling the original poster a fag.... I didn't even read the thread, I just posted my .02
I wasn't calling FDD a fag, I was calling the original poster a fag.... I didn't even read the thread, I just posted my .02

Well i certainly appreciate the constructive feedback associated with being called a fag by someone I do not know for my dosage not being up to par in my personal psychedelic trips.

About 2 weeks ago I got my hands on another 5g of the mush and woke up one morning without even thinking about it and munched down all 5g. I was determined to see how deep the rabbit hole goes after experiencing the 3.5g trip.

After experimenting with different settings, times of day, atmospheres, and contexts of my several trips, I decided to spend the day alone in my room to keep my space as consistent as possible (advice taken from terence mckenna).

The intial onset began with a much more intense body buzz than my lower dose trips. About an hour after ingestion I started to feel almost a vibration that started in stomach and went up to my head and back down to my feet. I went about my normal routine of examing different things around my room and seeing how the trip was affecting my perception. The more I tried to gauge what was happening the further I got sucked into what was about to unfold in front of my eyes.

I began to feel a building power and intensity inside my head. In all honesty after several varied dosage trips of shrooms, several 80x salvia trips, and alot of experience with what I would like to consider trips off of high doses of cannabis and low tolerance levels, I was not ready for this power.

In the course of 15 minutes after the intial effects began to build I could no longer move around. I laid down and tried to relax myself as much as possible because the anxiety was building. I smoked two bowls of cannabis to ease my nerves and help aid with the intial peak of the trip. At about 1 hour and 45 minutes my vision started to go in and out. The body buzz became so intense it felt as if millions of little insects were crawling all over my body and buzzing like bumble bees. My chest was so heavy that my breathing came in heavy waves almost as if the air was thicker.

After this point I completely left my body and l sort of sat back to watch the show. The best way I can describe my first visualizations would be streams of colors and energies representing different feelings and emotions dancing all around me. The colors became representations of my feelings and thoughts. They swirled around my head and in and out of my consciousness. I became the energy myself and was able to freely travel without the restrictions of a body.

After I broke through the swirling of colors I met an etity I determined to whatever I was meant to encounter on the trip. It started to show me things about the way the world worked and about how people's realities fit together and what makes things happen the way they do. Most of the things it showed me and talked to me about were far to overwhelming for me to remember or even articulate in any way at all. I felt emotions I have never felt before, a sort of warmth and glowing that left me feeling like I was with God himself.

After the entity was done showing me the different things I needed to experience, it wanted to show me some even stranger things that I definatly feel like I was not ready to experience. I felt a complete abscence from anything that was good. I felt isolated and alone from the contact of anything. Even my own thoughts were completely void from my head. I simply existed as nothing. This point was roughly 3 hours after ingestion and the intial peak slowly began to wear off. I began to come back into my body and for the next hour I was still very unaware of where I was or what had happened.

After the hour had passed I was able to rouse myself out of bed and I made my way downstairs. I can honestly say the open eye hallucinations are alot different than the way people have described them too me. I don't see dancing cartoon characters and bunnies and dinosaurs running around everywhere.

I moved downstairs at this point and spent the next 2-3 hours on the couch trying to sort through the peak of the trip in my mind and understand better what had happened. I was becoming extremely drained at this point and was very ready for the trip to be over (6 hours in). I have still yet to sort out everything that happened in my head but it was an experience unlike any of my other psychedelic experiences. I'm not sure I will do shrooms again anytime soon until I feel I am 100% ready for such a powerful experience again.

feedback is appreciated
"I'm not sure I will do shrooms again anytime soon until I feel I am 100% ready for such a powerful experience again."

I see correct dosage has been achieved....

P.S. next time leave the weed, I know it feels natural to smoke it when things get intense, but it only potentiates the trips further and is prone to giveing visions a dark edge.

That trip report made me feel like I was sitting right there in the room with you.... nicely conveyed!

...and its always best not to be pushed by others into trying higher doses of any kind of psyche bender.... choose your sweet spot and work up gradually, never feel intimidated by others to ramp up your dose just because they monkey you around and say how much of a psychonaut whose you are! Your trip is your own personal guide for intellectual and possible spiritual growth... LET YOUR TRIP BE YOUR OWN!
Well i certainly appreciate the constructive feedback associated with being called a fag by someone I do not know for my dosage not being up to par in my personal psychedelic trips.

About 2 weeks ago I got my hands on another 5g of the mush and woke up one morning without even thinking about it and munched down all 5g. I was determined to see how deep the rabbit hole goes after experiencing the 3.5g trip.

After experimenting with different settings, times of day, atmospheres, and contexts of my several trips, I decided to spend the day alone in my room to keep my space as consistent as possible (advice taken from terence mckenna).

The intial onset began with a much more intense body buzz than my lower dose trips. About an hour after ingestion I started to feel almost a vibration that started in stomach and went up to my head and back down to my feet. I went about my normal routine of examing different things around my room and seeing how the trip was affecting my perception. The more I tried to gauge what was happening the further I got sucked into what was about to unfold in front of my eyes.

I began to feel a building power and intensity inside my head. In all honesty after several varied dosage trips of shrooms, several 80x salvia trips, and alot of experience with what I would like to consider trips off of high doses of cannabis and low tolerance levels, I was not ready for this power.

In the course of 15 minutes after the intial effects began to build I could no longer move around. I laid down and tried to relax myself as much as possible because the anxiety was building. I smoked two bowls of cannabis to ease my nerves and help aid with the intial peak of the trip. At about 1 hour and 45 minutes my vision started to go in and out. The body buzz became so intense it felt as if millions of little insects were crawling all over my body and buzzing like bumble bees. My chest was so heavy that my breathing came in heavy waves almost as if the air was thicker.

After this point I completely left my body and l sort of sat back to watch the show. The best way I can describe my first visualizations would be streams of colors and energies representing different feelings and emotions dancing all around me. The colors became representations of my feelings and thoughts. They swirled around my head and in and out of my consciousness. I became the energy myself and was able to freely travel without the restrictions of a body.

After I broke through the swirling of colors I met an etity I determined to whatever I was meant to encounter on the trip. It started to show me things about the way the world worked and about how people's realities fit together and what makes things happen the way they do. Most of the things it showed me and talked to me about were far to overwhelming for me to remember or even articulate in any way at all. I felt emotions I have never felt before, a sort of warmth and glowing that left me feeling like I was with God himself.

After the entity was done showing me the different things I needed to experience, it wanted to show me some even stranger things that I definatly feel like I was not ready to experience. I felt a complete abscence from anything that was good. I felt isolated and alone from the contact of anything. Even my own thoughts were completely void from my head. I simply existed as nothing. This point was roughly 3 hours after ingestion and the intial peak slowly began to wear off. I began to come back into my body and for the next hour I was still very unaware of where I was or what had happened.

After the hour had passed I was able to rouse myself out of bed and I made my way downstairs. I can honestly say the open eye hallucinations are alot different than the way people have described them too me. I don't see dancing cartoon characters and bunnies and dinosaurs running around everywhere.

I moved downstairs at this point and spent the next 2-3 hours on the couch trying to sort through the peak of the trip in my mind and understand better what had happened. I was becoming extremely drained at this point and was very ready for the trip to be over (6 hours in). I have still yet to sort out everything that happened in my head but it was an experience unlike any of my other psychedelic experiences. I'm not sure I will do shrooms again anytime soon until I feel I am 100% ready for such a powerful experience again.

feedback is appreciated
Yeah you sound like a fag to me too. Sorry. 5 g's ain't shit...
I always take an eighth and make tea by brewing some good cranberry tea first, then letting it cool to slightly warmer than luke warm "80 degrees, as 90 or higher degrades psilocybin" and just let the cut up mushies soak for a good half hour and then strain.

This will hit you MUCH faster than eating shrooms, it tastes better, and it is easier on your stomach. In fact if you add some ginger and chamomile to it, you will get a nice warm relaxed feeling before the shrooms even kick in, so it makes your trip start out much better, and it will keep you from getting the shits the following day or any other fucked up stomach issues.

The other reason I like to do it this way is because you can adjust how high you want to be quickly. It hits you hard, but wears off faster too. So you can just take several gulps or slowly sip it. Depending on the mood of the scene.

Tea is the best way to go IMO. I have even made it over a simple camp fire and gotten our whole campsite seeing ten foot tracers off our glow in the dark LED frisbee.
Yeah you sound like a fag to me too. Sorry. 5 g's ain't shit...

Because someone is less expierenced tripping than you, or because they have not reached a comfort level with psychedelics yet, makes them a fag?

I will sit down with you anyday with any substance you can name and have a dick measuring contest, any fuckin substance and put you under the table. That doesn't mean shit besides that I have a high tolerance (and a high mental tolerance/experience).

Groooooowwwww Uuuuuuuuupppp!
