so i took shrooms earlier today...

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i havnt ventured into lsd yet, but arent mushies and lsd completly different in chemical composition and how they react with the brain? i wouldnt do lsd a second time if my first drop was like hell, but mushies are just pure bliss. salvia brought on some crazy shit but i keep smokin it cuz its only 5 or 10 minutes of crazy
have a few bad trips on LSD and then get back to me, .....

all trips are neither good nor bad, they simply exist.. take them as what they are and move forward, a "bad trip" could just be you facing your own fears ;-)
all trips are neither good nor bad, they simply exist.. take them as what they are and move forward, a "bad trip" could just be you facing your own fears ;-)

when you are curled up in the corner dying you can go ahead and tell me that again. :roll:

i'm no child. i know what i'm doing. it's called "responsible drug use". thank you everyone for the advice though.
when you are curled up in the corner dying you can go ahead and tell me that again. :roll:

i'm no child. i know what i'm doing. it's called "responsible drug use". thank you everyone for the advice though.

dude i was jus playin witcha..
dude i was jus playin witcha..

i know. :hug: :weed:

dude over in another thread said he just ate half a gram and tripped out. i don't want to curl up in the corner. i just want to giggle. i have a butt load so i am slowly easing into it. once i find my dosage i'll be fine. no reason to blast into outer space though. i've kinda outgrow all that. :peace: bongsmilie :blsmoke:
i know. :hug: :weed:

dude over in another thread said he just ate half a gram and tripped out. i don't want to curl up in the corner. i just want to giggle. i have a butt load so i am slowly easing into it. once i find my dosage i'll be fine. no reason to blast into outer space though. i've kinda outgrow all that. :peace: bongsmilie :blsmoke:

Try a gram maybe? should render ya giggly & euphoric and such, I haven't heard anyone trip from .5 before..
Anybody here have experience with amanitas? I picked a bunch this summer and have around 3 oz dried. Was going to send them to a friend, but I'm getting curious...
have a few bad trips on LSD and then get back to me, .....

I read you man, its shadows still falls over every new substance I try, the fear of looseing it like on wicked loads of good LSD25. You don;t know fear until you know fear on LSD.

Erm lol, yeah I should probably get a few more set of transkei strain cubensis out over the water for prosperity, its from a still very wild strain, with probably less than 20 people actualy haveing spore of this harvest.
I think its one of only 2 south african cubensis, the other being natalensis.

TK as we call it, will kick your arse, I have seen how 3 experienced trippers have the most fun I could imagine off one smallish mushroom each, one of them was my wife. THey were laughing their arses off solid for 5 hours. It is super potent and may diffirent from the effects you get from other mushrooms. To me it is the king of the cubensis, when it comes to being a learing plant. Also it is the strain that taught me the power of the mushroom. before that I was kidding around with the shit, then I accidentlay ate a "little" too much.
an 1/8 of really fresh and potent booms is all you need to have a facinating couple of hours....... if i eat like half 1/8 i usually just get the body buzz and maybe the giggles sometimes but an 1/8-4 dry grams is all you need. somethimes thats even to much. be careful shit can get pretty scarey and weird if you eat too much......
i actually felt a "hint" of it. a slight buzzing down the back of my neck and that heavy feeling in my chest. just a "hint". could have all been in my head. it was barely a feeling though. just a slight tingle. i'll go up to .5 if i try it again.
i actually felt a "hint" of it. a slight buzzing down the back of my neck and that heavy feeling in my chest. just a "hint". i'll go up to .5 if i try it again.

half a gram of what fdd shrooms?
i just ate .1 of a gram. i'm a little nervous so i want to ease into this. i have a lot more. next time i will up the dose to .2. i just want to feel silly. i do NOT want to trip balls.

i would eat more tonight but it's getting kinda late. what happen? did you feel anything?

edit~ oops! sorry, just a hint , eh? lol
ive had some nuts cheesecake once ye, i know these jews and on some festival they make it or something, holy shit man, get yourself a jew and get there mum to make cheese cake for you! crazy shit, half a gram aint enough though.
Well since I started this thread I figured I'd jump back in. I took the 1.3g at around 10:30 yesterday morning. I ended up popping another 1.7g about 4 hours later giving me a total of 3g consumed within 4 hours. I must say after about an hour when I digested the second dose things picked up dramatically. My entire universe came apart, the perception change was unbeleivable. I even went to church during my peak, I found God all over again.

I still have another 4g left that I'm gonna save for a later date and just take the 4g for a good hard, even stronger trip.