so i need help cleaning my pipe...


okay. the picture included is what my piece looks like compared to a normal size bic lighter. i know its just a basic pipe but all of the glass around the bowl is too fragile to be poking and scraping around in that area (this includes the bowl itself. i cant even scrape res or it will break.) so i would appreciate it if someone could tell me different ways to clean it and possibly save some res. i know i have a ton of res in there. i can freakin see it. maybe a video could help also. i know i can boil it or something is what i have heard so far. help?



Well-Known Member
you cant save the resin without scraping it, and personally i wouldnt want to.
take rubbing alcohol, pour salt into it, throw your pipe into the mixture, and shake and shake and shake.
it should dissolve it
flush out the mixture with boiling water.
thats what i do


Well-Known Member
He beat me to the punch. That's what I usually do but watch out when changing the temperature of hte glass as this could cause it to break. Formula 420 also works well but there really is no need to spend money on that when you can us rubbing alcohol and kosher salt. That's what I do.


Well-Known Member
You could boil the pipe in hot water which helps a lot, then use a pipe clean (fuzzy wire thigns) to get in there without breaking it.

You could also fill a bag with iso or acetone and place the pipe in there, place the bag in the microwave (with it open a bit for ventilation), and heat it for about 10 sec. It'll be hot so take it out carefully, then just add salt and agitate.


Well-Known Member
lol you just reminded me that i need to clean my pipe, she's getting purple from resin


Well-Known Member
I scrape my pipe out and mix the resin with some shake, then I put a little nail polish remover in a small container, and soak the pipe for a few minutes, clean with Q-Tips and wash with soap and water. Works perfectly and I get to save the resin.


smokin purp by the pound? the only purp I've ever smoked yet was some medical i bought in cali. it literally was purple. i need to get more... hmmm...


smokin purp by the pound? the only purp i ever have smoked yet was some stuff i bought in cali.
it literally was purple. i should get more.... hmm....


Well-Known Member
smokin purp by the pound? the only purp i ever have smoked yet was some stuff i bought in cali.
it literally was purple. i should get more.... hmm....
lol what does this have to do with pipes? and yeah, we have good weed out in cali.

I always wondered something though. How can resin make my pipe look purple when it started out clear glass, and when i clean it, it still stays like an opalescent violet color


i think resin like, stains things. even glass. im not sure how tho...
& it doesn't. just casual conversation :)


Well-Known Member
depending on the pipe it could break, and heat, in MY experience always stains the glass... I use cold water, my pipes smell and look brand new almost always...
Isn't glass placed in a kiln during the production process, and those reach quite high temperatures. But yeah, the movement of the water itself can break the pipe if it's light enough.


Well-Known Member
Put alcohol (flammable) or acetone (very flammable) in a microwave???
Commonly called a bomb !
Do you honestly know what you're talking about? Could you explain what happens on a scientific level? And what the catalyst would be?

Not being rude, I'm okay with being wrong, especially if I learn something ;)


its just when the pipe goes from cold to boiling hot.
in my case the pipe is almost always room temperature.
and if i were to boil it (which im not) i would gradually increase the temperature of the water in order to avoid and sudden changes.


im pretty sure you're right. its okay. that stuff only catches on fire if exposed to open flame. or a cigarette cherry...


Well-Known Member
rubbing alcohol, and a few BB's. The bb's will do a much better job of knocking shit off the glass, just cover the holes with your fingers, and shake the piss out of it. Youll probably have to repeat a couple of times. you can let the alcohol evaporate, however I usually just dump it. the rinse the pipe under hot water from the faucet. let dry, make dirty again.....