So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Well One good reason is to have a clean medical grade herb. I have my product tested 2-3 times a year and even flushing just a couple of times in any medium will remove well over 70% of all contaminents. To get it cleaner you are required to do more flushing.

The last 10-14 days uptake of nutrients crawl to a halt and eventually they stop the uptake completely, flushing at this time has little difference to the quantity of product. Don't let people fool you they get just as big at the end wether you flush or not.

Good Luck.
this statement throws your whole flushing theory right down the toilet. where it belongs.

if the plant stops uptaking nutrients, then if i water with nutrients, the plant will only uptake the water, therefore,according to you, i'm flushing weather I want to or not. you theory is very flawed.


Well-Known Member
completely missed the point. you don't taste chemicals when eating a apple, just like you don't taste it in properly grown,dried and cured weed. But thanks for playing, we have a nice parting gift for you.
Absolutely incorrect!!!! I've had to spit out apples before because of the taste of chemical nutrients. I am very familiar with fruit fertilizers also, and how they smell, and the taste in my mouth was unmistakable. It has also happened with bananas, every now and then, I will definitively taste chemicals in my fruit.

My herb is a month into curing, and perfectly dry, and still burns like shit and is really harsh. Good strains too, just not flushed. My mind is made up on this subject, until I learn differently.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
BTW, here is a joint I smoked, I grew the weed and fed maximum ppms right up till the last watering. I have yet to see any BLACK ash. Just sayin



Active Member
Hey guys I just harvested yesterday. Awesome huh? GDP full strength nute to chop. scissor grease and hash has no crackling. Dried some small buds in oven *tisk tisk* and no chem taste. It was slightly harsh so I'll see how it turns out cured but my last batch wasn't cured and everyone loved the flavor and high. I am going to do a second harvest so will flush for that just to compare. So far flushing doesn't seem too needed compared to now and last grow.

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
As to the idea of flushing, I do it.

My version of flushing is straight watering the last 5-10 days, so I guess one could call that leeching. I do tend to water heavy(1 gallon water per gallon of soil) on the initial watering I give to start the leech/flush at harvest but other than that it's just regular watering. The majority of known and expert growers flush to some degree, whether in hydro or soil. I started out not flushing in soil and soilless, and when I started flushing/leeching at harvest about a year into growing most patients made comments about how better tasted. Now I know dry and cure have more to do with taste, aroma and the final product overall over flushing, but these are the responses I received after beginning to flush. Now if I can't take the word of mostly life-long smokers who have had access to true dank the last 5+ years, then who's word can I take to be true? The experts are wrong? The majority of High Times articles that talk about flushing are pro-flushing. Is High Times wrong and spreading misinfo?

If you want to flush flush, if you don't than don't. It's all about what works best for you and your patients.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
As to the idea of flushing, I do it.

My version of flushing is straight watering the last 5-10 days, so I guess one could call that leeching. I do tend to water heavy(1 gallon water per gallon of soil) on the initial watering I give to start the leech/flush at harvest but other than that it's just regular watering. The majority of known and expert growers flush to some degree, whether in hydro or soil. I started out not flushing in soil and soilless, and when I started flushing/leeching at harvest about a year into growing most patients made comments about how better tasted. Now I know dry and cure have more to do with taste, aroma and the final product overall over flushing, but these are the responses I received after beginning to flush. Now if I can't take the word of mostly life-long smokers who have had access to true dank the last 5+ years, then who's word can I take to be true? The experts are wrong? The majority of High Times articles that talk about flushing are pro-flushing. Is High Times wrong and spreading misinfo?

If you want to flush flush, if you don't than don't. It's all about what works best for you and your patients.
you really asking this?


New Member
reported #5
I hope they read it too because the only truth is my statement. I commented about a solid company in direct correlation to your comment.

Typical bully... when someone pushes back you go running crying fowl...Nothing fowl here just showing people what your statements are all about...NOTHING.
I always flush mine four weeks from harvesting. I flush for two weeks, give one treatment of half-dose fertilizer and then another 2 weeks of flushing. This helps ensure every last bit of the fertilizer is out of the plant, makes for a really smooth smoke.


Well-Known Member
Hydro --Jacks Cleaner dried to perfection in 6 days at 55 % Rh .. NOT FLUSHED !

View attachment 2580430
Wow dude, the argument isn't that you can't achieve white ash!! All ash will turn white if you burn it long enough, and all joints will have white ash, considering they get completely incinerated when consumed.

Even the herb that I left unflushed would leave white ash in my bowl, after hitting it 26 times. The point is, with well flushed clean herb, you will achieve white ash with ease, regardless of the piece you use. The herb will burn flawlessly.

Not to mention, if you don't flood your herb with nutrients, the argument is completely irrelevant. Hence, flushing is unnecessary if you properly use nutrients. This is rarely done though, in my experience.


Active Member
I haven't "flushed" for years and my buds burn the whitest ash straight after drying. This works for me but will not work for everyone obviously. Do what works best for you, but the most important part is to get a nice slow dry for your buds!
If people could only learn to read their plants instead of reading crap on the internet, there would never be such a debate! Overfeeding is what causes people to have to flush! Learn to read your plants, and people would save a shitload on nutrients as well as time!

If you overfeed, you will need to "flush" er dial down nutes! PERIOD!

If you give your crop what they want/need, then flushing is a taboo!

Plain and simple!


New Member
Wow dude, the argument isn't that you can't achieve white ash!! All ash will turn white if you burn it long enough, and all joints will have white ash, considering they get completely incinerated when consumed.

Even the herb that I left unflushed would leave white ash in my bowl, after hitting it 26 times. The point is, with well flushed clean herb, you will achieve white ash with ease, regardless of the piece you use. The herb will burn flawlessly.

Not to mention, if you don't flood your herb with nutrients, the argument is completely irrelevant. Hence, flushing is unnecessary if you properly use nutrients. This is rarely done though, in my experience.
Photo was posted for those who liked my comments about drying to perfection and as well for those following this invalid argument thrown around this thread and another million pointless ones .. Most people are attempting to enduce senescence by flushing , hence the fade that is raved about verses removing nutrients from the media ..None the less the confusion continues and I will not waste time , instead I m going to go feed some plants that have 5 days left as I dont want to ruin this harvest !


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I just harvested yesterday. Awesome huh? GDP full strength nute to chop. scissor grease and hash has no crackling. Dried some small buds in oven *tisk tisk* and no chem taste. It was slightly harsh so I'll see how it turns out cured but my last batch wasn't cured and everyone loved the flavor and high. I am going to do a second harvest so will flush for that just to compare. So far flushing doesn't seem too needed compared to now and last grow.

If you are judging bud that you COOKED in the oven without a proper dry/cure, then really what you say has no real merit.


Well-Known Member
Did you even read what the guy wrote ? Talk about not having any real merit, doosh knuckle
Yes I read it, what is your point? He cooked it in an oven and had no "chem taste". His last batch was uncured and everyone loved it...

Exactly what is it you are trying to say? That is the type of batch you would use to test whether flushing makes a difference?


New Member
If people could only learn to read their plants instead of reading crap on the internet, there would never be such a debate! Overfeeding is what causes people to have to flush! Learn to read your plants, and people would save a shitload on nutrients as well as time!

If you overfeed, you will need to "flush" er dial down nutes! PERIOD!

If you give your crop what they want/need, then flushing is a taboo!

Plain and simple!
Well all I can say about that is when I ran my girls at 900 ppm although they were very lush and nice they did not produce the quantity that my girls are on now, which is 1500 ppm.

We all want the large quantity with a quality product, so yes reading your ladies is a very important thing but so is flushing when using high doses.

Think of it as a body builder...Does he get bigger on 1500 calories? No he packs it on!

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
If people could only learn to read their plants instead of reading crap on the internet, there would never be such a debate! Overfeeding is what causes people to have to flush! Learn to read your plants, and people would save a shitload on nutrients as well as time!

If you overfeed, you will need to "flush" er dial down nutes! PERIOD!

If you give your crop what they want/need, then flushing is a taboo!

Plain and simple!
Exactly mate. Seems so obvious.