So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..


Well-Known Member
i've tried flushing and unflushing the same exact strain.. noticed not a bit of difference in taste or burn pattern or w/e it is they say that flushing does for buds..
there is nothing that flushing is going to do for the bud we smoke.. plants don't work that way.. it is like saying that dumping kool aid into the soil is going to give us grape tasting buds.. if you can't give flavor via the roots, why do people think that you can take flavor away by doing the same thing?? you can't.. you're not removing one thing from dumping tons of water through a medium like soil. nada. end of story really..

until someone can come up with some solid proof otherwise, i'll continue to only flush after i take a deuce, you can do what you like, but don't think it makes one bit of difference for the taste or the color of the ash.. who the fuck cares what color their ash is anyhoo's?? not me said the bee..
Lol, so was that a 100% today and then chop tommorow? I kinda do care what color my ash is a little. If its a black one usually you cant keep a joint lit. Ive read that post by you before. Had some pit bull awhile back. Real nice organic but burned black. I was back at the bowl four times medicating on the same bowl. That nug just wouldnt die. Figured there was somthing wrong with it.


Well-Known Member
Lol, so was that a 100% today and then chop tommorow? I kinda do care what color my ash is a little. If its a black one usually you cant keep a joint lit. Ive read that post by you before. Had some pit bull awhile back. Real nice organic but burned black. I was back at the bowl four times medicating on the same bowl. That nug just wouldnt die. Figured there was somthing wrong with it.
Oh ya, i found out later from the grower that he was running 2000ppm in soil.


Well-Known Member
Still, nobody has offered an explanation as to why the ash staying black for longer, and it being harsh. You don't understand that I've been doing this for years and years, I've always achieved white ash, pretty much straight off the drying rack. That is the main reason why I started this thread...Because I think there is a significant explanation as to why ALL 4 strains from the run I didn't flush, and fed up through the end up flowering, smoke harshly and have black ash - All 4 of which I've run before, same room, same methods other than the flush, came out totally different. It makes no sense at all. If it's a drying/curing problem..I really don't understand, because they dried on a rack for 14 days, and have been curing for 2 weeks, and usually I don't even have to cure my herbs to get them to smoke cleanly, smoothly, and leave white ash. They crisp apart, trichomes dusting off and all. I truly think it is the nutrients, given all of the circumstances.

Even organic nutrients leave compounds in the flowers. If you think about it from an atomic point of view, if you feed your flowers a lot of nutrients at the end of their cycle, and they absorb the nutrients, the nutrients will be in the flower. They will be utilized to carry out certain metabolic functions, mainly survival, until the flower is chopped. When you chop it, the nutrients don't magically disappear out of the flower. They remain, and I'm fairly sure they don't evaporate.

Flushing a plant, however, would force the plant to use every available nutrient, at least theoretically leaving less of the compounds, therefore less of an off-flavor.

It really makes a lot of sense to me, I just wish I knew the sound chemistry behind it.


Well-Known Member
a lot of people don't know how nutrients mobilize in the root area during nighttime, hence why you harvest right before lights on. this ensures that your bud has less nutrient in them because most of the nutrients are in the root are at this time. this is why a lot of people do a 24-48 hour dark period, especially if they clip the buds right off the stalk. I like to hang dry my whole plant and flush it thoroughly

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Still, nobody has offered an explanation as to why the ash staying black for longer, and it being harsh. You don't understand that I've been doing this for years and years, I've always achieved white ash, pretty much straight off the drying rack. That is the main reason why I started this thread...Because I think there is a significant explanation as to why ALL 4 strains from the run I didn't flush, and fed up through the end up flowering, smoke harshly and have black ash - All 4 of which I've run before, same room, same methods other than the flush, came out totally different. It makes no sense at all. If it's a drying/curing problem..I really don't understand, because they dried on a rack for 14 days, and have been curing for 2 weeks, and usually I don't even have to cure my herbs to get them to smoke cleanly, smoothly, and leave white ash. They crisp apart, trichomes dusting off and all. I truly think it is the nutrients, given all of the circumstances.

Even organic nutrients leave compounds in the flowers. If you think about it from an atomic point of view, if you feed your flowers a lot of nutrients at the end of their cycle, and they absorb the nutrients, the nutrients will be in the flower. They will be utilized to carry out certain metabolic functions, mainly survival, until the flower is chopped. When you chop it, the nutrients don't magically disappear out of the flower. They remain, and I'm fairly sure they don't evaporate.

Flushing a plant, however, would force the plant to use every available nutrient, at least theoretically leaving less of the compounds, therefore less of an off-flavor.

It really makes a lot of sense to me, I just wish I knew the sound chemistry behind it.
it may just be that your system and environment is more conducive with a 14 day flush . . . . problem is there are hundreds of ways to grow i bet and they all are a little different


Active Member
I was hearing consistent arguments about flushing, especially when growing in soil organically, and how it is a waste of time and actually hurts the plants somewhat.

I am not the type of person to shrug off others advice, so I considered it scientifically, and it does make sense that the plants will need, or at least suffer without, nutrients in the late stages of flowering.

This was my first harvest to not flush, and let me go ahead and say, everything was grown in Happy Frog, and the only food I used was Seaweed/Fish Emulsion, about 4 times during flowering, up into the last 2 weeks.

Every single bit of my herb from this harvest burns roughly, and the ash stays completely black when the bowl is completely smoked. All of the medicine is much more flavorful, but also much more harsh to inhale. These meds have been curing for 2 weeks, where as the smoother medicine I had before I never even had time to cure. It actually hurts to smoke my meds to the points I just want to bake with it or give it all away. And I would if it didn't look and taste so good.

Maybe some people have more sensitive lungs than others, maybe my methods are flawed, or maybe the old school advice of a solid 2-3 week flush to rid the excess salts and minerals from the soil is actually sound advice.

Long story short, I'm starting to flush my plants again. I will feed up until 3 weeks away from harvest, and vigorously flush like I used to do from here on out. Just wanted to share a story, maybe hear what you guys think? Anybody had similar or different experiences?

I would like to start off by saying that sucks man! That's not good at all! HAAAASSHHH TIIIIME! Lol but on a seriously THANK YOU for sharing that. I kept reading the same thing, conflicting methods so I tried a nug that wasn't fully ready and still had full nutes and I didn't like anything about it. I am now about a week or so from harvest and I'm 3 days into a flush.

Ive been hoping this was the right call as it is my first actual harvest. Been making mistakes for a while but got it all down up until this part. Your experience is making me all the more comfortable with my choice.

Question for you. What do you flush with? Whatever your nutes recommend or straight PH'd water? I went with straight water and IMHO it seems as if the buds are swelling up again and getting super frosty. Not sure if this is due to the flush or maybe it's just what this strain does at the end of its days. Would love to hear your method of flushing tho. Best of luck in the near future and HG!


Well-Known Member
I would like to start off by saying that sucks man! That's not good at all! HAAAASSHHH TIIIIME! Lol but on a seriously THANK YOU for sharing that. I kept reading the same thing, conflicting methods so I tried a nug that wasn't fully ready and still had full nutes and I didn't like anything about it. I am now about a week or so from harvest and I'm 3 days into a flush.

Ive been hoping this was the right call as it is my first actual harvest. Been making mistakes for a while but got it all down up until this part. Your experience is making me all the more comfortable with my choice.

Question for you. What do you flush with? Whatever your nutes recommend or straight PH'd water? I went with straight water and IMHO it seems as if the buds are swelling up again and getting super frosty. Not sure if this is due to the flush or maybe it's just what this strain does at the end of its days. Would love to hear your method of flushing tho. Best of luck in the near future and HG!

Just plain water (naturally distilled with open air exposure) for the last 3 weeks. I make sure to get one or two really really heavy waterings in their during the flush. Hope this helps man...


Active Member
Thanks! To me it seems as if it would be normal to believe plants will use all resources to stay alive. There for using all its stored up nutes in leaves and whatnot. I read some in depth article before on the way nutes travel thru a plant and flushing just makes perfect sense if the nutes do in fact travel thru plant as shown in that diagram. Ive been trying to find it again but no luck so far. again thanks for sharing. I don't see the harm in just watering my plants with plain water. Maybe I am an over feeder, idk yet as I can't compare my fruit to any other so idk how my feeding hand is.

To me I want to Try all ways I can learn and that way I can choose what's best for me. not everyone's environment is the same so not everyone does the same things. Once I have enough not to care to lose a plant or two ill try other methods of growing, trimming and curing. Like manicuring first then drying. I wanna try that but going the whole plant way first. I'm super into taste so figure I should try the safer rout and do whole first.

I find everyone's opinions interesting and all have good points but my gut tells me to go with flushing route so I'm sticking with it for now. Funny how everyone resorts to name calling lol. There just opinions, everyone has them. Kinda like assholes lol. IMHO how could anyone sit here and say "WROOOONG"???? There are different methods for different reasons. One being that no two ppl are alike so why would anyone think everyone is going to grow only one way? To each their own, no??? Saying "wrong" to flushing or not flushing is like saying its "wrong" to grow in dirt or "wrong" to grow in hydro. Like hell it is!! Just my preference and we all have those!!

He tried your way and didn't like it. This coming from a long time grower, so how is his preference wrong?? He was open minded enough to give it a whirl and it didn't go well for him. So you guys attack his drying and curing game like buddy don't know what he's doing all of a sudden just cause he didn't stop feedin. Lol sometimes I wonder, thought you come here to bounce ideas off ppl and help one another. Not just assume all that don't grow like you are brain dead... If you disagree then so be it but don't claim any one way is wrong if the method works. Now if someone is watering with battery acid now that's wrong. Some idiot on YouTube stripping buds off stems with his fingers in one swipe, that's fukn wrong! Having a preference... Nothing wrong about it.

Again all methods have good points so ima give them a whirl next run. Gunna try LOOOOW nutes at end and see what happens then. This run will be with a flush tho. HG to all, time for me to spark one and put it in air:blsmoke: !!

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
can you explain to us why it doesn't use stored energy from the leaves as it naturally matures

fact is, all plants go through a maturing phase . . . .and in thsi phaze the roots stop taking up most macro/micro's and start to prpare for self polination to further its genetics line, its science your small brain may not be able to comprehend a plants inherent instict to survive , but it happens, when we trigger this response by a long nutrient drought it fades and becuase smoother smoke and has better terps . . . . .

"product of light " lmfao . . ok capt half story . . .what exactly do you think allows photosynthesis to happen .. .magic?
Its not using stored energy as it matures(translocating and yellowing). Its using stored energy because its deficient. The leaves of deciduous tree only turn colors and fall off AFTER its mast crop has completely matured...cannabis plants should only turn yellow after harvest and you have ripped them from their pots. Any major yellowing and shedding before is just a deficiency, plain and simple. You may want to be careful who you call 'small brained'. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black....


New Member
And yet, not one person here has simply compared 2 of the same flushed and one not.

Uh...I have. Multiple times too!

I've done blind taste tests on random other smokers.

They can't tell a difference.

I've seen racerboy say he has tried testing flushed and unflushed of the same strain and noticed that there's no difference a couple times too.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Its not using stored energy as it matures(translocating and yellowing). Its using stored energy because its deficient. The leaves of deciduous tree only turn colors and fall off AFTER its mast crop has completely matured...cannabis plants should only turn yellow after harvest and you have ripped them from their pots. Any major yellowing and shedding before is just a deficiency, plain and simple. You may want to be careful who you call 'small brained'. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black....

how in any way are what i said and what you said any different, "small brain" come on you have responded to enough of my post to know better

i used maturing as a part of the fading process but i didnt say exactly when it happens . .come on, your splitting words to make make a small point

i try to match my nutrient ramp down with teh natural maturation phase of my plants . . .

point is flushing and fading a plant at harvest(which is a subjective term) for me produces high quality buds with heavy flavor and wieght

no pots or kettles being called black, wtf

if you going to come out and call me a dullard you can use concise terminology and not beat around the bush with euphemism

purple red, yellow all colors your plants may or may not get in the leaves if they are matured properly to produce all they can, in terps, cannabinoids/potency and weight, when the plant is maturing, it is ready to harvest, knowing the cycle is paramount

replicate nature . . . and improve, pulling a plant early is limiting a plants potential

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
please show me a commercial food that is smoked. :roll:
thank you

another good reason why agricultural methods to me seem suspect, tobacco is the closest thing we have to a commercial crop that we smoke, and we all know hand rolled cigars are way better then commercial cigarettes . .. . . there are no cuben slims , just Cubans


Well-Known Member
If flushing any plant worked to improve taste, shelf life, appearance, size - any market trait that is desired - it would be done by actual farmers and demanded by produce brokers and grocery chains. You can definitely flush the salt buildup from soil and that is recommended to prevent nute lockout (hence the "feed, water, water" bit). You will not flush any mineral from plant tissue. They have no colons.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
thank you

another good reason why agricultural methods to me seem suspect, tobacco is the closest thing we have to a commercial crop that we smoke, and we all know hand rolled cigars are way better then commercial cigarettes . .. . . there are no cuben slims , just Cubans
Actually hops are the closest commercial crop to cannabis.
And the key to great tobacco is the drying and curing process, not flushing. Just the same as with great cannabis.......

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
If flushing any plant worked to improve taste, shelf life, appearance, size - any market trait that is desired - it would be done by actual farmers and demanded by produce brokers and grocery chains. You can definitely flush the salt buildup from soil and that is recommended to prevent nute lockout (hence the "feed, water, water" bit). You will not flush any mineral from plant tissue. They have no colons.
And its the fan leaves, energy panels, that suffer from flushing and shit runs downhill ya know Makes little sense too me why some starve something they are just going to remove at harvest anyways. How many of us smoke the fan leaves? Most of us remove/trim them from the bud prior to smoking. This IMO is one of the fatal flaws of the flushed is better tasting argument. POS is a strong thing........


New Member
I do not prefer my leaves to be almost dead at harvest. i don't mind my plants "THRIVING" throughout their life time. Why starve them. I mean hell there is no way you can flush a true in-ground outdoor grow.The purpose of curing is to do what you are saying and drying as well. Tell me the Most major benefit from flushing before harvest. Just one ?
Well One good reason is to have a clean medical grade herb. I have my product tested 2-3 times a year and even flushing just a couple of times in any medium will remove well over 70% of all contaminents. To get it cleaner you are required to do more flushing.

The last 10-14 days uptake of nutrients crawl to a halt and eventually they stop the uptake completely, flushing at this time has little difference to the quantity of product. Don't let people fool you they get just as big at the end wether you flush or not.

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
So, all this talk about flushing....
I've got a question for you:
"How do you get the plant matter out of the toilet after you flush?"
So that's where the term "That's some pretty good sheiot" comes from.....
I get it now...

hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hold..... oh yea....