So, I ate some Psychedelic Mushrooms and This Is What I Realized...


Active Member
I have eaten them before and will probably eat them again, but not for some time because this trip (more of a journey if you ask me) was very intense...

It was one 4.8 gram closed cap Cambodian Mushroom. Closed cap means that it was harvested at the perfect time, right before all of the spores break out of the cap, and the spores make you "trip" very heavily...

I had only had a very light breakfast and about 4 beers before I ate the mushroom at about 3 PM.

Anyway, I was laying on my bed trying to meditate to some music and I began to see geometrical patterns that looked very much like Mayan art work, eyes open and closed. All of sudden it felt as if time was literally loaded into a gun and fired at my brain. I had the feeling that I had lived infinite lives before and that I have experienced every single thing possible. I had literally experienced every experience in every combination and was I bored. I was more than bored. I was bored of being bored, and let me tell you that that it was not a very good feeling when I connected to the very essence of life and realized that life it self is a gift that I gave to myself in order to forget my eternalness, .... Imagine being able to do create anything, imagine having lived EVERYTHING, and Imagine already knowing EVERYTHING there is to know about anything... It was not a very fun place. I felt like Neo in The Matrix, when he says, "put me back in..."

I have heard DMT is a more pleasant adventure :)...
I had a similar trip that led me to a vision of my own death and felt every ripple of pain that I created when I "passed away." It was pretty crazy. At one point I felt like I was a god and I could fly around in space and create planets and destroy other ones at my will. Pretty cool stuff.
dmt is like getting shot out of a cannon. or even more like someone hooking you with a giant fishing line in the mouth and trying to reel you in. big toke and woosh.
shit man I saw some Mayan/Aztec art the last time i tripped. Various images of faces and people like they were lifted from a temple in central america were appearing and morphing between the hairs of my leg.
Actually, you're right about the time when mushrooms should be harvested but the spores don't contain any psilocin/psilocybin, hence their legality in most states. Gotta love the variation in eating shrooms though. :)
back in the day my sophmore year i cam tripping face on shrooms into school the first day and felt like peoples faces were coming towards me and in the school the urnials everytime i took a pee started moving like ripples up in down. it was weird b/c all the ppl scared me it was like the feeling that everyone knows im fucked up lol highschool
back in the day my sophmore year i cam tripping face on shrooms into school the first day and felt like peoples faces were coming towards me and in the school the urnials everytime i took a pee started moving like ripples up in down. it was weird b/c all the ppl scared me it was like the feeling that everyone knows im fucked up lol highschool

damn lol. Goin to school high are some of the funnest and most memorable experiences ever. It might not always be that fun at the time it happens, but its fun to look back and laugh at it. I went to high school high, really high (off weed), and drunk in the past. I think shrooms might have been a little bit too much for me to handle lol. But its fun to look back and reminisce and tell the stories to ppl, they always laugh lol.
The first time i did shrooms i literally did the best shrooms i h have ever done.these boomers had me sitting on a couch with family guy,a cardboard tree waving at me, my friend rolling up in a ball not able to move or talk for 3 hours and the worst of all i tried to watch v for vendetta.bad choice for my first time.i had no idea what was going on as my friend was not able to even move. all i know is i seen the world burst into a million pieces and my life layed out before me as seen from someone else eyes. it was the craziest trip ever.there were times where i couldnt see anything but my mind with my eyes open for like 30 minutes at a time.....i love boomers to death now and there all natural!
yeah i was a pretty big partier in high school i did alot of acid shrooms and special k lol never mind coke and the amphetamines lol and most importantly the weed
Just make sure your in a good mood before your trip,be around cool people are others that are tripping is best,Each experience will be different,try to understand this world as each trip you take instead of concentrating on feelings...Except those happy,can't stop laughing feeling.just like it feels so in the in and now,its great!!keep a positive outlook and don't scare yourself..
i took 4g of blue foots one time and saw the happening(movie about nature attacking us). needless to say i was pretty freaked out but that movie was so funny i had a pretty good time. 4g of shrooms was intense at times and everything i saw was melting and everything was funny.

imo 4g is the perfect amount.