Active Member
as long as you don't break the law, breaking rules is fine!! There is no law that say's you can't break internet rules, so really it's not justifiable to lock any thread's...that just seem's like a control issue to me...once someone's life is being threantened or a reputation is on the line, then maybe it's time to consider further action. But what's going on, is absolutely obsurd!! That's what the courtroom's for, to settle disputes of slander or any kind of harrassment/prejiduce incident's. Don't feel free to take it into your own hand's to fix a problem that you have no solution for. Think again..then think again..then't mean to sound rude to anybody..especially're a good person!!!
happy happy joy joy <---what cartoon is that from?? any real 90's stoner would know!!! lmao, maybe not!!! IDK