So...Are We Just Supposed To Forget That This Forum Was Going To Be Closed?

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Active Member
as long as you don't break the law, breaking rules is fine!! There is no law that say's you can't break internet rules, so really it's not justifiable to lock any thread's...that just seem's like a control issue to me...once someone's life is being threantened or a reputation is on the line, then maybe it's time to consider further action. But what's going on, is absolutely obsurd!! That's what the courtroom's for, to settle disputes of slander or any kind of harrassment/prejiduce incident's. Don't feel free to take it into your own hand's to fix a problem that you have no solution for. Think again..then think again..then't mean to sound rude to anybody..especially're a good person!!! :) happy happy joy joy <---what cartoon is that from?? any real 90's stoner would know!!! lmao, maybe not!!! IDK


Well-Known Member
that's harsh wikid!! stop focusing your attention on those people if it bug's you so get to choose what makes you angry and happy in life...make better decision's consciously!!! lol..the weak never survive!@!
I see your point :grin:

as long as you don't break the law, breaking rules is fine!! There is no law that say's you can't break internet rules, so really it's not justifiable to lock any thread's...that just seem's like a control issue to me...once someone's life is being threantened or a reputation is on the line, then maybe it's time to consider further action. But what's going on, is absolutely obsurd!! That's what the courtroom's for, to settle disputes of slander or any kind of harrassment/prejiduce incident's. Don't feel free to take it into your own hand's to fix a problem that you have no solution for. Think again..then think again..then't mean to sound rude to anybody..especially're a good person!!! :) happy happy joy joy <---what cartoon is that from?? any real 90's stoner would know!!! lmao, maybe not!!! IDK
Ren and Stimpy! woot woot!

But I don't agree with the first part of your post. When you join here you agree to follow the forum rules. If we don't make sure people follow the forum rules this site would be nothing but chaos.


New Member
FDD is merely keeping up with the national trends. He is currently using the Sotomayor empathy MOD methodology where he tries to figure out your life background and take that into consideration before he rules. As long as you are not a white fireman, you are going to be okay.
If you are, just hang on....all of FDD's decisions will be turned over on appeal.


Well-Known Member
and does anybody care about the 1st amendment??!?!?! Freedom of speech and freedom of expression goes totally out the window if we can't attack and insult people verbally!!!! Besides, who's the judge that decides what is and what is not a personal attack!! come on, smoke and love...DUUUUUUH!!! lol

we dont have rights here, this is a privatly owner internet forum that we are invited to use, and all thats asked is we follow the rules. im sure the constitution, even though it says freedom of speech, would be against personal attacks. who is the judge? fdd2blk

you rely gonna bust my balls cuz i mispellt a coople of werds fert than in da mornin?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
we dont have rights here, this is a privatly owner internet forum that we are invited to use, and all thats asked is we follow the rules. im sure the constatution, even though it says freedom of speech, would be against personal attacks. who is the judge? fdd2blk
"Constatution"? learn to spell it before you try to interpret it.

Anyhow RIU is not a democracy. It's more like your parents home, so respect the rules, or face the consequences.

There are a few bad apples here spoiling the whole bunch, and rather than ban folks who have no self control, it's easier - and fairer - to just close the forum.

That's my take anyhow :peace:


Well-Known Member
and does anybody care about the 1st amendment??!?!?! Freedom of speech and freedom of expression goes totally out the window if we can't attack and insult people verbally!!!! Besides, who's the judge that decides what is and what is not a personal attack!! come on, smoke and love...DUUUUUUH!!! lol

I am the judge. we've been over all this. :fire:

Big P

Well-Known Member
:-P if so, then an announcement would be prudent, so that chaos might subside :p :p :p

i think the real chaos would occur if there were no rules and no enforcing authority

as far as mods you could not find a more "understanding" one so give the guy a break

or he may snap:shock: :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
3:30 and to the end was by far the sickest shit ive ever heard or seen....... Even the crowd was in aw like "what the fuck just happend?". Good shit.


Well-Known Member
I must've missed something. Are children whining again?
I've never had ANY problems with any mods...maybe that's because I'm respectful, as should everyone else.
People tend to grow giant balls when they argue on the internet...something they can't do in real life most of the time.

Anyway...props fdd...and peeps. If you say you're going to leave...just leave. Don't threaten us by saying you're going to leave...because in all honesty I really don't think anyone would be to bothered.


Well-Known Member
im all for the new policy where if they say there gonna leave then they get banned, that way they dont come back in a few days bitching about how its not fair. it should be put in the rules, so people cant get pissy when they cant come back


New Member
Wanna guess which end of the political spectrum is doing the whining? :lol:

Typical.... kill the messenger, ignore the message....repeat mistakes.


New Member
:lol: :wink:

I've been trying to return those shoes, but I can't find the receipt. I know where it is, but I'm just not allowed to get it.


Well-Known Member
:lol: :wink:

I've been trying to return those shoes, but I can't find the receipt. I know where it is, but I'm just not allowed to get it.
I was in a little perductyment just like you.But I just went down on her and got receipts for everything.

Let me ask you this how much do your like this section huh buddy how much?:o
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