
Well-Known Member
look so tasty, its going to be hard to wait the extra two weeks..
they sure do look good mate. Great job :joint: I'm in the same position as you man, Day 44 flower and trying to be patient for 2 more weeks!!!! And I am not a patient guy! I'm just trying to forget about her until she's ready (except for waterings), but really, it's all I think about!!


Well-Known Member
Wow. I'm impressed you've done a nice job. I'm thinking of following a similar setup, going off filthy's design. I have a question, how bad is the odor, or you using any carbon filters? I'm planning on a stealth setup. Kinda of growing newbie here.


Well-Known Member
thanks dude, I looked at your grow a while back, I only have one small snowwhite this harvest, and I tell you man, it looks so good, really similar to white widow very crystal covered. I dont have much patience either, its going to be so worth it. I water cured a branch that fell off last week, the smoke is really nice. I am not going to water cure any more though, I love the dank smell.

they sure do look good mate. Great job :joint: I'm in the same position as you man, Day 44 flower and trying to be patient for 2 more weeks!!!! And I am not a patient guy! I'm just trying to forget about her until she's ready (except for waterings), but really, it's all I think about!!


Well-Known Member
Filthy fletchs design is reallynice but it almost got me busted. Be careful you get a very sturdy top because mine had a gnarly leak right under the lid, leaked downstairs to my neighbors bedroom, they came upstairs, I told them it was my fish tank, had to tear everything down so the repair guy could come inspect, then put it back up after it was all dry. Moral of the story, get a very sturdy lid that wont leak, and to be extra safe, put all your resevoirs in a childrens pool in case they flood it stays in the pool. Anyway, all those plants that were in the hydro setup I put in 5 gallon pots with organic soil and perlite, they seem to be doinig fine its been 3 days since they switched over to soil. As far as odor, I dont have a problem with it, dont have enough plants for it to be a problem. Air the room out once every other day at night for a couple hours, then leave it cracked at night. closed during the day, its a big room so no problems with stale air.

Wow. I'm impressed you've done a nice job. I'm thinking of following a similar setup, going off filthy's design. I have a question, how bad is the odor, or you using any carbon filters? I'm planning on a stealth setup. Kinda of growing newbie here.


Well-Known Member
so my bottom nugs were done, I am leavving the tops on because they arent done yet, The bottom nugs 90% of the hairs were brown and they are crystally as fuck. I heard they start breaking down the thc if you remove them too late. I am happy with what I have, the top nugs need at least another 5 days. I will post pics..


Well-Known Member
yeah still smells like plants, letting them dry for seven to ten days, then into mason jars, for at least two weeks, I am going to keep a half oz in a mason jar for a month to see how much better it gets than the two week cure.


Well-Known Member
I've also heard a longer cure makes a big difference in smokablity and taste, i wanna know, keep us posted!!!

Did you test a bit?


Well-Known Member
nope did not test any yet, want to keep my tolerance low for this strain, until the corrrect time is here. I am going to wait unitl its in mason jars for at least two weeks..