
Well-Known Member
I got 6.4 oz off my 2 WW plants. 400W hps using Fox farm nutes. The one plant was 7' high and the other about 5.5'. The tall one I cropped just b4 going to 12/12. You should be able to get 2 oz a plant but then again I'm sort of new at it. I think I harvested early too. These experts know more than I.


Well-Known Member
dude all my skinny branches have big buds on them, I have to tie a string half way up the nug branch, then tie the other end of the string to the main stem. I makes them look straight up at the light. It takes time but worth it


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude, thank you too puff. Hey I am having some issues, it seems like all the bottom nuggets are super crystally, the main huge top nug has barely any crystals, it seems like the crystal production is going from the bottom up, is this possible? I mean literally the nugs on the bottom are sugary, the top one is like a foot long and the size of a soda can, some crystals towards the bottom but as I get to the top there is not crystals.any reason for this?


Active Member
hmmm just curious how much did you buy that for on ebay and i'm really new but it looks like there not much room for the roots in the white they grow down into the blue container or do you just transfer them when they get too big for that...if not what is the blue container for?


Active Member
sorry that reply was to one of your posts ont he first or second page that showed the setup you bought on you think it was worth it how did it work and can you still answer my previous questions...thanks for the updates the pictures looks really good good job also how much was that 400 watt light?


Well-Known Member
No I trashed that thing dude didnt work, the bottom blue thing is just a resevoir that holds the water that shoots on the roots from inside that white thing, was a piece of shit, ended up making my own. That one I currently have i made. the light was given to me. But they are under like 300 bucks for everything.

sorry that reply was to one of your posts ont he first or second page that showed the setup you bought on you think it was worth it how did it work and can you still answer my previous questions...thanks for the updates the pictures looks really good good job also how much was that 400 watt light?


Active Member
k thanks for the info...just curious do you have a link that has good directions on how to make one of those systems or explains it? and do you mean under 300 for the one you built yourself..thanks for all the pics very intersting can't wait to see the finished product=)


Well-Known Member
hey babe, just making it over here....

i really don't recommend molasses or sugar for hydro systems, as it can gum things up. this close to finish you should have no probs, but keep this in mind in the future ;)

plants look good! lil less n and p next time ;)
