smokin resin


Well-Known Member
I've stoped smokeing resin about a month or two ago, it tasted liek shit made me caugh a bunch, and after a while wasn't getting me high.

the only thing I'm gonna smoke now is a nice clean green bowl, but no luck on finding anything out here ;( but until then I give up on resin, I probly still could scrap my pipe for a couple small little specks of dust but whats the use...

some of that resin can be quite tasty & powerful tho, depending one what you smoke and how often. those cheap little mexican pipes can collect the stuff pretty well. the more stickier and lighter the brown color the better, like the stuff you find in a realy clogged metal pipe is the good stuff. but that bong resin you should stay away from, its cough and possibly puke city!


Well-Known Member
Resin was like god's gift to me when I was 16 in high school and broke.. Now when I clean out my pieces I will just throw that shit out.. Feel like a crackhead desperately digging out the resin of a pipe to smoke lol..


Active Member
I'm with Smokingbot...I just toss the resin out...but if you gotta use resin from your pipe or bong here is an article with a tip on removing some of the impurities.

Pipe residue



Well-Known Member
Resin is the shit if you smoke it right. Gotta let it dry out, or roll it up in shake to dehydrate it a little and gets a better smokable texture. I like stash chambers that act like a filter on the smoke and build up a good residue on a nice bud. But I really like brass and acrylic anyway..


Active Member
I really love this thread.
I've been smoking seriously for a very long time, and where I'm from (the burbs), when every last dude you know has not a dime for sale - what do you do? You scrape! Scrape scrape scrape. Heat the the pipe up first, always. Makes it slightly dirtier, but experienced scrapers definitely have their own area where the sticky shit going everywhere doesn't effect overall dirtiness of ones dwelling. I've got a paper notebook that I use.
Depending on how much you smoke out of your pipe (you can use bong stems if they don't touch the water - smoking that watery shit will NOT get you high) and how decent your herb is, the high can range from terrible and not worthwhile to the almost appealing two hour substitute while you are waiting for dude to answer your text.
I smoke it all the time. It has become almost junkie behavior for me at times, but thats generally when it is definite drought for multiple sources in multiple towns (I've got about twenty people I can call for it). Its harsh and will make you cough up black shit in mucus if you smoke waaaaayyyyy too much (like when I used to have 1/2s daily gone from sessions and you have to scrape because all your pipes are clogged, not because you are in need, but you cant seem to let that black gold just go to waste!).
Definitely look like a crackhead when I scrape.


Well-Known Member
i love cleaning for resin!!! its such a fun stoner project. lol me and my friend, before i moved, sat down with ALL of our pieces. now, this is quite a few between the two of us. 2 bubblers, 6 pipes, two bongs and 3 one-hitters. XD we had a huge pile of resin by the end of it. and yes... yes we smoked it all!!! we smoked so much weed that night, plus all the resin. we were soooo high! our pieces were so nice and clean though. used salt and alcohol to give em a good scrubbing inside after we scraped.

i already scraped my favorite little pipe yesterday and now im out of weed too. *sad face*


Active Member
It is kinda fun to scrape in a constructive doing something to get high sort of way. And it does work well when you through some shake in there to even it out burn-wise. I never use a screen, so if Im not careful, it will ooze back into the pipe and clog and then you have to scrape again.

I feel bad for any Californian without weed. They are going to throw up vending machines in L.A. - requires fingerprints and a legit card, but very cool next step. Until then, just gotta scrape again.

bizarre kush

Active Member
resin is the best when you dont have much herb just scrape your pipe and mix it with your weed i like to usually put .5 -1gram in my resin


Active Member
i feel at home i am high on resin like im the guy all my friends give there peices too i scrape it in my bathroom and smoke it all the time if i were less high i would be able to better articulate my joy in reading that others do this too for so long people look at me like im retarted