smokin resin


Well-Known Member
shit i just ran out of weed, and its difficult to get for me
all i have is this resin (black thing at the bottom of the ashtray)


Well-Known Member
spent bud resin from smoking utensil is mostly carbon.
It has a very small amount of thc.

I would be careful with this it can be harmful to your lungs.

don't get me wrong I have smoked it before.

I suppose if I was super chronic and had no herb for a few ds I might would do it again.


Well-Known Member
i always prefer some a-grade bud, but if theres resin going il toke it, i find it gives more of a warm 'blanket' high, nice once in a while but not for me all the time.


New Member
In my country, we wouldn't even consider smoking that. Resin in our country is another name for hash. i honestly didn't realise what you guys were on about, but now that I see it. All I can say is ewwww!


Well-Known Member
I cleaned my pipes this past weekend and dayyyyyyyyyyum, the amount of resin I collected!!!! I saved it for a rainy day. Right now we are awash with herb, so no risk of needing to smoke it soon.


Well-Known Member
Don't I know it! The Mrs and I have spent time scouring our floors, dresser draws, car floor, etc. looking to scrape together enough shake for a bong hit.


Well-Known Member
you are right people, that resin didnt take me any high

fortunately it tasted awful and i only smoked very little

problem is that i havent any weed (and its very difficult to get) :(

i dont know, maybe this is the last time i smoke weed (another proof that is unaddictive)


Well-Known Member
"resin didnt take me any high....fortunately it tasted awful and i only smoked very little"

Well maybe if you smoked MORE, it might get you high. Resin doesn't have high THC content. If you smoked shit weed, the resin will have trace amounts of THC. If you smoke some dank chronic, the resin's THC content would be much higher and would get you high...IF you smoke enough.


Well-Known Member
i used to do that all the time when funds were low. i would all the resin out a couple of my pipes and mix with some grass, the smoke is pretty harsh and a resin ball doesnt burn well but you get really high. i also used save all my roaches and smoke that when i was out or low. i never really get low on bud anymore but just out of habit i have continued to keep all my roaches for that one rainy day i guess. i must have nearly 30-35 roaches in this box damn anybody want to come over and help me finish these off lol.


Well-Known Member
well, i thought about it and it wasnt the last time i smoke weed

but since is very hard to get, i dont know when i will smoke hopes lies on three germinated seeds hidden in my garden, which i havent decided how to grow


Well-Known Member
I bought my buddy a big mac meal for a few bong hits, now I HAVE to scrape my pipe.. otherwise I go without being high, which means hardtime going to sleep.

Plants won't be done for months, and I am strapped for cash til next Tuesday. I'm in dire need of a miracle.


Well-Known Member
Just scraped some resin from my pipe and put it in my bong on the leftovers of a loaded bowl (there was still a hit left... MAYBE). Got 4 good sized hits, I am pretty stoned. It's definately different then bud high.

If you wanna know how high I am, It took be like 45 seconds to figure out the last sentence.. and this one add another 30. Fuck, I am baked.


Active Member
i have never tried smoking dried up stem resin untill now and i been smoking 4 years... i think it has a higher thc conent or is it opposite have we not smoked this "Bud - turn(smoking stage) - resin" once before and have extracted all the thc?? leaving nothing but carbonated shit??? well thats what ive been thinking up untill now....but man im baked.....going for more im out