Smokin on dat residooo


Well-Known Member
fuck any synthetic drugs, including but not limited too zanex, codine, alcohol, spice, cocaine, meth, bath salts, or anything else that is a chemical. i wish everyone on here could agree that marijuana is the one and only high you will ever need (minus the yearly shroom trip for deep meditation) . im not sorry that you had a horrible trip on that punk ass bull shit, im glad it did it too you cause it seems to have scared you away, that shit is addicting and dangerous and only a fool would try it. most of yall on this website grow weed, heres a suggestion to getting high....grow your own shit, and grow enough of it, or get a fucking job and pay for the shit, if your in cali and cant get high on weed you FAIL!

Yes lets all do as you say. Now wheres the bridge you plan on jumping off?
haha fuck you all, i dont care what drug it is any of you do, go ahead kill yourself or eat the face off a homeless man for all i care, theres a fucking over population problem on this planet anyways, i was just giving my $.02, and for the guy who doesnt want to get a job HAHA you fuck, and you call me a twit or twat or w/e....talkin about eating shrooms once a week and MDMA, get a fucking life, i have a mortgage (thats a HOUSE PAYMENT for all the cock smokers living at mom and dads house, refusing to get a job), 2010 tundra, and a whole list of bills i have to pay for, unlike you, you cock smoker, go ahead, dont get a job....keep drawing from the unemployment, which is collectively all of our tax us hard working US citizens a favor and go buy a oz of coke, or a shit ton of MDMA, overdose, kill yourself, and subtract your dumb fucking ass from drawing off our hard earned tax dollars....god damn coke gonna go smoke a bowl and chill out

meechz 024

Active Member
Very horrible for your lungs. I once smoked 20 cigs under an hour, as a non smoker at the time, and haven't coughed as bad as when I hit rez balls. I mean waking up in the middle of the night to cough my lungs up. Stop doing it.


New Member
haha fuck you all, i dont care what drug it is any of you do, go ahead kill yourself or eat the face off a homeless man for all i care, theres a fucking over population problem on this planet anyways, i was just giving my $.02, and for the guy who doesnt want to get a job HAHA you fuck, and you call me a twit or twat or w/e....talkin about eating shrooms once a week and MDMA, get a fucking life, i have a mortgage (thats a HOUSE PAYMENT for all the cock smokers living at mom and dads house, refusing to get a job), 2010 tundra, and a whole list of bills i have to pay for, unlike you, you cock smoker, go ahead, dont get a job....keep drawing from the unemployment, which is collectively all of our tax us hard working US citizens a favor and go buy a oz of coke, or a shit ton of MDMA, overdose, kill yourself, and subtract your dumb fucking ass from drawing off our hard earned tax dollars....god damn coke gonna go smoke a bowl and chill out
Wow, you're not going to get a very strong point across with that personality.
Buddy, I go by one rule in life and that's to never replace success with happiness. As in just because you have a home, and a car, doesn't mean you're happy so what are you braging about? Some paper you had to ass kiss to your boss for?
No thanks, not my kind of life style.

Also, I don't want you posting in my thread again, it's the least you can do considering you already posted a lot of spam in it... Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Aye if you use a grinder and are out, scrape down the teeth. I've scraped a couple fat bowls from mine when between harvests.


New Member
Very horrible for your lungs. I once smoked 20 cigs under an hour, as a non smoker at the time, and haven't coughed as bad as when I hit rez balls. I mean waking up in the middle of the night to cough my lungs up. Stop doing it.
Thanks for the advise. I'm not much of a "cougher" though I guess, I've been smoking resin since I've started smoking weed and haven't had any particular problems with doing it.

@AmateurGrower, thanks for the advice, I'm gonna scrape up my screens as well, doubt I'll get much from it, but it'll be enough to help.


Well-Known Member
Rub a small metal object over your screen rapidly but lightly so as not to cut the screen, I use a pairing knife but it does not need to be sharp. The vibrations in the screen will cause the pollen in the mesh to fall through, I've smoked for a month by doing that then scraping the teeth, the lid, in the threads where it screws together. I suggest holding your grinder in very bright direct sunlight, the trichs will sparkle like crazy and you will be able to see all of it :-) Also I've seen people make QWISO by soaking their grinder/pieces. I've never tried it myself but have seen it done.


New Member
Rub a small metal object over your screen rapidly but lightly so as not to cut the screen, I use a pairing knife but it does not need to be sharp. The vibrations in the screen will cause the pollen in the mesh to fall through, I've smoked for a month by doing that then scraping the teeth, the lid, in the threads where it screws together. I suggest holding your grinder in very bright direct sunlight, the trichs will sparkle like crazy and you will be able to see all of it :-) Also I've seen people make QWISO by soaking their grinder/pieces. I've never tried it myself but have seen it done.

I've done the QWISO but decided it wasn't worth the work so I dumped it out, that was a while ago.
I just got a small painbrush and it' been helping me clean out my grinder :)


Well-Known Member
I usually use a paring knife, toothpicks, bent paperclips, and my BHO poker. It gets the job done if you are determined.


Well-Known Member
I'm one of those guys that love smoking resin. One of the few times I actually get high enough. Either that or hash but lets just assume resin is more bountiful around here.