"Smoked Crack for the fist time"

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
something nobody has ever said this to me up until yesterday, fucking killed the smoke sesh i was taking part in and ended up becoming an intervention. i didn't know the kid but i can't fucking stand it when people bring up depressing shit when smoking in a group. do that some other time if you want to vent, find a forum online. wasted good weed on a druggie who couldn't even appreciate it, fucker said my bud "wasn't that good" and commented shortly after with the above statement.

anyone else have experiences like this, it totally made me re-evaluate some of my acquaintances/coworkers who i had been smoking with, listening to their reasoning and advice made me want to walk off.

damn Buzz-Blockers.

shit like this must happen to others all the time, but i almost exclusively smoke with 4-6 other friends like myself so these topics never come up because we have stuff to talk about.
I brought my own bud, we were intended to match up, but i decided to let them finish it after that comment and i started using my bowl piece instead. buzzkill for sure.
something nobody has ever said this to me up until yesterday, fucking killed the smoke sesh i was taking part in and ended up becoming an intervention. i didn't know the kid but i can't fucking stand it when people bring up depressing shit when smoking in a group. do that some other time if you want to vent, find a forum online. wasted good weed on a druggie who couldn't even appreciate it, fucker said my bud "wasn't that good" and commented shortly after with the above statement.

anyone else have experiences like this, it totally made me re-evaluate some of my acquaintances/coworkers who i had been smoking with, listening to their reasoning and advice made me want to walk off.

damn Buzz-Blockers.

shit like this must happen to others all the time, but i almost exclusively smoke with 4-6 other friends like myself so these topics never come up because we have stuff to talk about.

Wow, that sounds like a shitty situation all around. What was this kid thinking talking about something so personal like that, one, in a group of people during a smoke session, and two, among people he didn't know? Very unusual..

I'm curious about how your other friends reasoned it and what their excuses were? I've been in similar conversations with shitty people only to look back on it later and think the same thing in retrospect.
Sounds like a teenager

If he casually tells you your bud isn't that good then he's an asshole. Who says that.
I stopped smoking people up shortly after highschool. I realized how little others smoked me up, and now there are maybe 3-4 people i will get high. shit aint free.
Fuck...Am I the only one who knows a lot of people who've smoked crack? Someone tells me they "smoked crack for the first time", I tell them "Yeah, everyone I know who's smoked it has loved it."

That being said, I've never smoked crack, used meth, or used heroin, nor do I intend to....But I've done pretty much everything else, excluding research chemicals and pills.
when I read the title I was automatically bummed at thinking OMG was the one trying crack..

I have had people I have knew at old jobs tell me they tried meth/pcp/crack etc.. (mental alarms went off and I went into avoidance mode)
some very good friends of mine were coke heads in HS and shortly afterwards.. pretty sure they tried meth and other crap.. they were not in the mode then to listen to what I had to say about that crap. One of them has continued to lead a decent life the other has been in and out of rehabs/jobs/apts/hospitals.. etc.. last I had heard he was sober
when I read the title I was automatically bummed at thinking OMG was the one trying crack..

I have had people I have knew at old jobs tell me they tried meth/pcp/crack etc.. (mental alarms went off and I went into avoidance mode)
some very good friends of mine were coke heads in HS and shortly afterwards.. pretty sure they tried meth and other crap.. they were not in the mode then to listen to what I had to say about that crap. One of them has continued to lead a decent life the other has been in and out of rehabs/jobs/apts/hospitals.. etc.. last I had heard he was sober
its that whacky tobaccy you gotta worry about
It was around 10pm-11pm as i just gotten off work and my coworker said he wanted to smoke, he lives near me and its just 1 stop on the subway from my place so i went to smoke with him as he wanted to buy some off me but didn't have the money on him and offered to pay and smoke with me. I went into his apartment, and he's pretty chill person himself, seemed like someone i wouldn't mind getting high with. There I was sitting next to him, in front of his computer checking the updates on reddit about the boston bomber and whatnot. His roomates (2 of them) came in, bought some Mekong(landrace we were smoking)off me, started rolling up, i rolled a blunt myself, we smoked a blunt and were having a conversation about sociopaths and whether or not it's easy to tell, many people you might not think it, but are functioning psychopaths. someone came to the door, and joined us, best i can say is he was flake redhead 20-24 yearold tallish skinny wigger kinda personality. I lit my blunt and passed it around as i was already pretty high and the conversation continued, someone asked me about what kind of herb it was, the skinny crack guy said something to the effect that, it was weak, because he didn't cough. i made the point that he wasn't going to because it's been cured about a month and a half. fucker never smoked landrace before. and thought it would be like kush, he looked at the Mekong and since its really leafy, he called it schwag, that pissed me off even though i tried to explain what thai landrace looked like and out of nowhere he mentions only good weed makes you cough, and he never coughed harder than when he tried crack... i'm sitting there like what the fuck kind of idiot makes that jump/segue in a convo? his friends quickly stop their convo and start talking about this and at this point i'm fucking tired of th situation as the mood was disrupted by this one Dbag. i didn't even touch the blunt again after he said that, i took a few rips from my bowl and tried to speak with my coworker by the computer but cracky came over and i just shook my coworkers hand and dipped out of there. never wanted to pimpslap someone as much as i did then.
they do that shit so they can buy it cheap, its a total bull shit ass hole way of doing it, there so stupid assholes. they don't realize there insulting you , ive had this done to me, the dispencarry will call me for product, there customers love it, but one ass hole its not good , and its always the ass hole that does not have money, my advice jut tell them to fuck off next time, and walk away.
Well in response to the thread title! Congratulations! However, smoking crack in groups isn't recommended! Let me pull up the rules on crackheads! I assume this wasn't really about crack?
Well in response to the thread title! Congratulations! However, smoking crack in groups isn't recommended! Let me pull up the rules on crackheads! I assume this wasn't really about crack?
some kid i had been smoking "pre 420'ing" with homegrown said it wasn't good, because he didn't cough, and all good weed makes him cough. like og kush, he said he never coughed like he did when he smoked crack for the first time, or some shit along those lines, it made my brain hurt how fucking stupid it made him sound.
For just a random guy to say some stupid shit like that is bewildering to say the least, with that said I've tried things I'm not so proud of when I was a TEENAGER. That doesn't make me an addict or evil or anything like that. Yes crack and any other hard drug is very bad but it doesn't automatically make you a bad person, of course I have a ton of self control and such though. But yeah guy sounds like a douche just saying your bud wasn't very good smh.
its that whacky tobaccy you gotta worry about

Oh I worry about it alright.. worry when it's time to plant.. time to grow.. worry when I think there may not be enough.. worry about rippers.. worry about how these medibles are gonna make me feel at the ren faire today.. :)