something nobody has ever said this to me up until yesterday, fucking killed the smoke sesh i was taking part in and ended up becoming an intervention. i didn't know the kid but i can't fucking stand it when people bring up depressing shit when smoking in a group. do that some other time if you want to vent, find a forum online. wasted good weed on a druggie who couldn't even appreciate it, fucker said my bud "wasn't that good" and commented shortly after with the above statement.
anyone else have experiences like this, it totally made me re-evaluate some of my acquaintances/coworkers who i had been smoking with, listening to their reasoning and advice made me want to walk off.
damn Buzz-Blockers.
shit like this must happen to others all the time, but i almost exclusively smoke with 4-6 other friends like myself so these topics never come up because we have stuff to talk about.