

Active Member
Hello All & Happy Holidays

Every plant that I have smoked that was grown indoors has been dark green & very , very harsh.
Am I doing somthing wrong when drying?
Is there something I can do about the harshness?
Any tips would be appreciative?
Thanks:hump: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well that is a shame, alot of the best weed grown in the world is done so indoors....and to answer your question we need to know how you dry your weed now to know if your doing something wrong. It could be the strain that makes it dark and harsh or the conditions it was subjected to during the grow.... Do you have outdoor plants to compare your indoor ones to?


Active Member
you dont need to flush your nutes really, this just gets rid of all the healthy things that your plants still need up until the end. You can reduce you ferts up till the last week, then just run water, with about a 200 or 300 ppm. This reduces harshness. Also, the way you cure could be the problem. Dry completely on the stem hanging upside down in a cool dry DARK place until crisp. Remove the bud, put it in a cardboard box (absorbs moisture) for another day. Then put in sealable glass jars. About once a day burp the jar allowing fresh air in. If too much moisture is present. Leave off the lid until it crisps again. Keep doing this until your bud spongey but not wet. It should dry to rolling capacity in about 2 or 3 minute. That is about perfect. The longer you cure it the better and smoother the smoke.