Well-Known Member
Well I did the boiling water thing again, this time at the begining of the drown. IOW I drowned her with boiling water. Her being the Mind Bender. Now I gotta tell I expected a bunch of things, none of them happened. My first thought was this would pretty much kill the roots so I had this idea that it would speed up the drowning time even more than the dark thing. I also thought she might stink more? and I even thought she might cry. When actually I guess I would have cried more than she did LOL She did stress, and the water actually bubbled in the pot, hell there was steam and the only bad smell was boiled peat, which was not appetizing at all. and instead of her leaves drooping they stood up and the serated edges curled upwards, she pretty much just started wickin even though she was in the dark and now 8 hours later she is still going strong even noticed a bit of foxtail new growth. All I can do now is watch her and see what she does