Smoke N Grow nutes versus Jack's Professional

Could I go organic with just worm castings and bat gauno along w/topsoil 60%, perlite 30% and vermiculite 10%? I also have some rooter's myco and I water w/mollases? I think I may try one organic v cns17 (grow and ripe)/flora micro. I just enjoy all of you guys the way you make this feel natural and I feel humbled to learn from pros.

Yes you can, now it's nothing I would do cause I'm a total control freak, but some of the other members that hang here do similar things and can share that with you :)
I try to do every thing just like rm3 but there is always some variations no mater what. Sometimes I think I am doing every just like rm3 then he writes anther thread and away I go trying to do it just like he would. We all have are own little twist on how it rains.
Yes you can, now it's nothing I would do cause I'm a total control freak, but some of the other members that hang here do similar things and can share that with you :)
Could I go organic with just worm castings and bat gauno along w/topsoil 60%, perlite 30% and vermiculite 10%? I also have some rooter's myco and I water w/mollases? I think I may try one organic v cns17 (grow and ripe)/flora micro. I just enjoy all of you guys the way you make this feel natural and I feel humbled to learn from pros.

Sure you can ! Its not recommended though , I personaly think organic soil mixes are to "heavy" and compact from all the rain . Plus it's not beneficial to put all those goodies in the soil to just be constantly flushing them out . I'm coming off soil mixes like that and now using soiless peat mix . Your mix sounds okay but i would drop the vermiculite. Be sure to use a quality organic soil for your base . Bout cant give em enough castings but watch the gauno it's super hot . A all purpose organic granular nute works good such as Peace of Mind or Espoma .PEace:)
I try to do every thing just like rm3 but there is always some variations no mater what. Sometimes I think I am doing every just like rm3 then he writes anther thread and away I go trying to do it just like he would. We all have are own little twist on how it rains.

I read this about an half hour ago and the more I thought about it, the more moved I was. Imitation is the highest compliment one can give IMO. I'm just an old(er) very mellow guy that went on a mission awhile back. States started legalizing MMJ and I saw what happened here in Colorado when the green rush went insane. I tasted buds from several dispenseries and was disturbed by what most were passing off as MMJ, it was blackmarket crap at best and this upset me. I knew that better was possible, I had grown it. My mission was to prove or disprove all the bullshit that was being spread and here at RIU I found others that were doing the same thing. Uncle Ben, Bricktop, Fdd. There were others but they are no longer here. It is an uphill battle, as most of you know, the myths and bullshit are very strong and there are folks here that even when you show blatant and absolute proof they still hang on to what they believe. I do not have a problem with that because as far as I am concerned I succeeded in my mission, I reached hundreds, if not thousands of folks with the truth and now each of those new growers is also spreading the truth. I have made incredible friends and met some of them, I get to meet more of you this weekend. I feel like you guys are my family and I am blessed to know you all. I know that each of you shares my mission and that very possibly we will see huge changes in the way this wonderful plant is thought of in our lifetimes. As we spread the truth and make more folks aware of what is possible with MMJ the world as we know it will become a better place.

I have, as I have told you before, not shared everything I do, not because it's a secret but because I know that if you discover it for yourselves that it means so much more. So instead in some places I have merely given you clues or shared research and tonight as I pondered this post I decided that the class I am working on at the new site will now include everything I do and video of it as well. It's the best way I can think of to say thank you to all of you and I am not just thankful for how you and this mission have enriched my life but I am humbled by it as well

Thank You !!!
hey guys i left the light in my flower room for 19 hours last night. The plants are three weeks into flower is this bad what is going to happen? I dont think anything is going to go wrong what do you guys think? I had just made it rain and they sucked almost all the water in the trays. ps thank you your the man rm3
It's all good brother. Get em back on schedule and they will be all right. Just try not to let it happen again though, they might try to hermie on ya. Hope it helped.

Hey Riddle, ya know I appreciate all ya do even though I am not around to much these days.


It's all good brother. Get em back on schedule and they will be all right. Just try not to let it happen again though, they might try to hermie on ya. Hope it helped.

Hey Riddle, ya know I appreciate all ya do even though I am not around to much these days.



sup BYG?! Take care my brother...

Not much my friend! Still plugin along. Got some Tom's and Peppers going in the veg cab with my ladies. Gonna do some raised beds this year for sure.

All good with you?
Very well said riddleme. I 2 have learned quit a few great tricks from you. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks. And even though I make most of my own nutes 100% organic I have incorporated several things like you do because you back them up with the research. But like you said we all have our own little quirks. I do wish I could show some of mine but I don't even own a camera. Where I am anything like that is considered evidence. I don't even have mine in the house where I live do to the fact that they will take your children away if you are caught growing in your home in this state. I hope 1 day to be able to meet a lot of you guys. After spending so much time on here reading everyones post I like you fell like we are all family.
There's a new hydro store by me they just opened. I walked in looked around saw the same things you see at most I talked to one of the kids he seemed really excited about his new job. He also talked about how he loved weed as a hobby he said he wanted some Snowcandy when he gets more money and a few other products. That was cool, they usually are not so friendly to me. Well, I think I may have initiated the talk. So i keep looking around and I seed the giant bag of worm castings 1-0-0 and then a baby bag. There was no price. It was a sample. I got it for free. Yes! So i had to get something else, I picked up the bat gauno 10-2-1. This seems very high in n and lower on pk. I do have some higher pk products that are non organic.

Does anyone know of a nute recipe I could use with the organics and mixing the botanicare I use (cns17 grow/ripe)? or what can I add as far as organics higher in th pk?
10 weeks in the bank and we're almost done, Cola on the MB is so dense if you squeeze it it squeezes back LOL

No pics today, sorry, but this weekend is a busy one for me, I'll try to get pics up sometime this week

The hedgerow is poppin budsites LOTS of EM WooHoo, canopy is stayin level, I gotta say the results of the defoil are very impressive except for the extra veg time

And WHAT ARE THE ODDS ??? 3 of the GDP clones went POLY and they are so F-ing cool, throwing out single non serated leaves, they look like dandylions LOL I can not freakin wait to taste these bitches!

And a shoutout to BossRings your baby stood up :hump:
Sure you can ! Its not recommended though , I personaly think organic soil mixes are to "heavy" and compact from all the rain . Plus it's not beneficial to put all those goodies in the soil to just be constantly flushing them out . I'm coming off soil mixes like that and now using soiless peat mix . Your mix sounds okay but i would drop the vermiculite. Be sure to use a quality organic soil for your base . Bout cant give em enough castings but watch the gauno it's super hot . A all purpose organic granular nute works good such as Peace of Mind or Espoma .PEace:)

Thanks. I appreciate it. I thought against it cause of your and RM3 suggestions. I am making a tea with the bat gauno and worm casting 2 tsp each to 3/4 gallon of very weak nute CNS17 grow and flora micro. I added mollases 2 tsp. I just transplanted my bag seed girls they all look different so I dont think they're the same strain I have 3 at this time looking for 2 females. I transplanted from party cups they were full of roots but not rootbound to 6 in pots I will do another upcan once I sex them. With one of the girls it was is a halved large juice container. It gave me trouble the soil was dry some broke up and i was just trying to save the main root ball which I did. The transplants were done at 4 weeks veg from seed. They are short 4-5 inches above the soil. The one sprouted in the juice container came up last remained the shortest more like 3.5 inches above soil with fewer nodes but a giant set of fan leaves.

What is bad/good about vermiculite? I mixed my soil Earthgro potting w spaghum moss, vermiculite and perlite. I love the texture. The potting soil was free it was in the trunk with my wifes car we purchased. That was cool. I ordered 5 Master Kush 3/30 from Nirvanas guess what they are in the mail I checked it early so I may have arrived yesterday. Super fast shipping. My comment to them was fast shipping and wow! I think they cost me $43 bucks or so US dollar. This may be expensive? not sure. I'm just glad to have my first purchased seeds.

I have to thank you all for preparing me by following and lurking and giving me the confidence to do this.
hey everyone if you missed the cup yesterday dont miss it today 40 bucks gets you in and its all you can smoke all day dont miss out it is sick
Had a playdate with Stoner Barbie today, She came for the cup, I took her out to lunch then we visited the garden and she got to sample the GDP I chopped last weekend. Here is what I can tell you for sure, she is one cool chick, that kind every guy dreams about and drop dead gorgeous. Had a great time and really glad I got to meet her!