Smoke Chamber

Gravity Man

Hey all, I wanted to run something by you so I know if it's a viable thing or not. This might sound like a stupid question..

I can't smoke in my house for obvious (to me) reasons. Relatives live with me, my son, and so on...

I'm forced to trek across my backyard to my shed, in the snow and freezing to get my toke on. Although it is a great place to smoke, it requires heavy attire, and it sucks a little bit.

I do have a nicely sized unfinished section of my basement that I will be locking under key and transforming it into my secret lab.. shh.


What if I built a smoke chamber?

From PVC a cab would be created measuring ~ 3 ft x 3 ft x 6 - 6'5, just tall enough for my 5'11" (10.5") frame to fit inside comfortably.

I would cover it in Panda Film, and go to town with Gorilla tape.

I would purchase a new fan and filter for the structure.

I'd be able to smoke inside?

Smoke Chamber.jpg


Gravity Man

Is it just that this way wouldn't work? Because an Ozone generator would probably cost many more times the cost of building this structure without the harmful effects.



Well-Known Member
I mean, I think its quite simple, do you see any reason why it would not work? If there is some sort of intake and active exhaust...on the other Hand it doesnt Sound like fun at all to smoke there, have you thought about a Vap, i think its less smelly

Gravity Man

I mean, I think its quite simple, do you see any reason why it would not work? If there is some sort of intake and active exhaust...on the other Hand it doesnt Sound like fun at all to smoke there, have you thought about a Vap, i think its less smelly
No, I don't see why it wouldn't. I guess I just wanted validation. I actually have a Vapor Bros., but I'm not quite used to it. I have to waste a little weed to learn it, and I don't have much herb nowadays. It's scarce here. It definitely sounds better to vape, and you know what?

fuck it. I'm gonna start vaping in-house. I'll have my own room under lock and key. Like an apartment inside of my house.

Anyway, I'd like to be able to smoke using various methods, and that is a no-go without a chamber.


Well-Known Member
Negative air pressure would be nice for venting and making sure odor is going the right direction [towards the filter].

Hotbox the crap out of it and then turn the fan on?
I was thinking though that you might have to seal off your intake ports while toking and fan's off just in case it becomes + air pressure.
Or just smoke with the fan on low and then vent with it on high for a few minutes.

Just go take the dog for a walk and smoke a joint, lolz......:peace:

Gravity Man

Negative air pressure would be nice for venting and making sure odor is going the right direction [towards the filter].

Hotbox the crap out of it and then turn the fan on?
I was thinking though that you might have to seal off your intake ports while toking and fan's off just in case it becomes + air pressure.
Or just smoke with the fan on low and then vent with it on high for a few minutes.

Just go take the dog for a walk and smoke a joint, lolz......:peace:
Ha hahahaaa. All sounds good.


Active Member
This is SUCH a stoner thread. I love it.

I say go with the original idea, just make sure it's got enough room to put a chair in there, then all you need is a cheap hd telly, and wire a ps3 into it... Oh yeah... I could spend all week in a box like that... Just post food through a little trapdoor.

Gravity Man

This is SUCH a stoner thread. I love it.

I say go with the original idea, just make sure it's got enough room to put a chair in there, then all you need is a cheap hd telly, and wire a ps3 into it... Oh yeah... I could spend all week in a box like that... Just post food through a little trapdoor.
*REALITY* (If I don't preface my ideas with this I wont remember if I really meant it or not!)

Lmao! Like stoner shit usually goes, I'm about to build me a crazy smoke chamber. The middle third section of my basement lab will be converted into a pass-thru smoke lounge. HA TOTALLY STONER!

I'm looking at about 500 cubic feet or so. PVC, Panda Film, Gorilla Tape... Oh, and those tarp zippers.

Chair, possibly throne.
My computer, of course.
I'll put my grow tents out the "back door", ha.

Anyway, I have too many hideaways here, and I'm always looking to build more. That way they don't know where the hell you are!

Obviously I'll have to buy a fan and filter for the room, somehwere in the 6-8" range w/ filter. I'd only need to turn it on when I was smoking. Otherwise, I can shut the front and back door for some negative pressure, and it's all good.

Somethings coming now that school's out.


Well-Known Member
You could just get a giant carbon scrubber and vent the entire room through it...kind of like a bathroom fan :) Then you could just smoke and not worry about it.


Well-Known Member
New idea: Divide the basement with a giant two way mirror that has a secret door flush with the surface. Only you would know how to get in, and you could laugh at people in total secrecy while smoking.
EDIT: Go big or go home.

Gravity Man

New idea: Divide the basement with a giant two way mirror that has a secret door flush with the surface. Only you would know how to get in, and you could laugh at people in total secrecy while smoking.
EDIT: Go big or go home.

Omg.. You just took it to the next level, the level of which, I was trying to avoid because now I want to go crazy lmao.

No less than 2 giant two way mirrors.

No less than 4 secret doors.

No Less than "everyone" being laughed at while smoking! Hahahahaahahaa.

Oh, I've been here. It's fucking badass. I'm doing this in a cheap way until I can afford that...

I actually have a little storage space under the stairs in my basement that would work perfectly, but I lack the skill to pull it off correctly, and I'm not willing to pay someone to know about my secret room. So now, I have to do this the cheap way! This chamber I'm making will cover the whole wall, and thus the hole, and I can just make a secret flap to get into the space, and put a bookshelf in front or something. It wouldn't look out of place because you'd be in room within a room, and everything would look in "place". Not sure if that even made sense.

Anyway, badass.