Small closet grow

Dude!!!!!! that is lookin so dank man!!!!! I bet you are salivating in anticipation;)
I know I am!!!!:)

I use this camera But i need to get a tripod for it my hands shake so much and its hard to to take a good shot. Some people just take one of those jewelers loupes and put the camera up to it then take the pic Good luck hope that helps ya

Nice cam! I can't wait to get my grow set back up. Maybe I will have a few $$$ to spare to get me one :)
My deepest apologies for being away so long, I'm trying to get back in the swing of things;)
Dlftmyers!! We only get ONE MORE and it's ALL OVER!! I cannot believe it...but I CANNOT wait for the end either!!

Dolphins did their THANG yesterday...can you drive up this way and help me pull my foot outta my mouth? LMAO
Yeah but it's all fucked up because of infomercials.

Wednesday 8pm-5:45am Thursday
Thursday 9am-5:45am Friday
Friday same hours
Saturday same i think.
sunday the first few episodes of the day are repeated. then 2pm till finale.
Nice cam! I can't wait to get my grow set back up. Maybe I will have a few $$$ to spare to get me one :)
My deepest apologies for being away so long, I'm trying to get back in the swing of things;)
Me either Rosey I wont to see some of the pics from the Diesel
Dlftmyers!! We only get ONE MORE and it's ALL OVER!! I cannot believe it...but I CANNOT wait for the end either!!

Dolphins did their THANG yesterday...can you drive up this way and help me pull my foot outta my mouth? LMAO
Damm straight the Dolphins won 3-0 and Baby and I'm am truly sorry for your loss...:fire:..:lol:......And i don't know how I'm feeling about the end of breaking bad....:sad: I mean how the hell are they going to end things Like the Sopranos? and just fade to black :?
Damm straight the Dolphins won 3-0 and Baby and I'm am truly sorry for your loss...:fire:..:lol:......And i don't:cry: know how I'm feeling about the end of breaking bad....:sad: I mean how the hell are they going to end things Like the Sopranos? and just fade to black :?

I don't know...last night was rather "vanilla" but I think they were just setting the stage for a huge explosion to come...I'm pulling for Jessie to come out on top but it doesn't look too good for him...Vince Gilagan (the writer) said in an interview that there will be no loose ends left when the show ends...that we won't be left hanging from any angle...I'm AMPED to see the finale!
I don't know...last night was rather "vanilla" but I think they were just setting the stage for a huge explosion to come...I'm pulling for Jessie to come out on top but it doesn't look too good for him...Vince Gilagan (the writer) said in an interview that there will be no loose ends left when the show ends...that we won't be left hanging from any angle...I'm AMPED to see the finale!
Me too cant wait going to make sure I got plenty of Bud for that night...:blsmoke: