Small closet grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Dift. What's up bro :??: your lady is looking great!! Just wanted to stop in an say hello. Hope all is good your way buddy.. well, hope to see you around on the thread.
Started a new guessing game incase you hadn't seen. Started 6 new strains besides the 4 I had previously, and "someone" had guessed all damn 4 the first day, not going to say who... lol. ;) I will drop hints every once in awhile as to what the other 6 are. Hope you can find your way to the thread & play along. Just thought it would be fun, and also informative to other growers that would like to know there strain history. :mrgreen: as to what I am growin this run. Well bro take er easy.
Your bud, Dank.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody, Just wanted to throw some pics up The first plant is from my main plant that is in flowering You can find more info about monster cropping cannabis here: And the second plant is a plant that I did some low stress training too and a scrog net on her, I'm thinking about doing some defoliation on her but not sure :?View attachment 2825543View attachment 2825544View attachment 2825552View attachment 2825553View attachment 2825554View attachment 2825555

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Looking better and better on the trich pic dlf! Did you order/receive a stand yet? Another little trick I use that you may already be aware of is to pull a couple of the small sugar leaves from the top, middle, and bottom (label them). Take those to a table and do your work there. I try and get the leaf that I'm looking at kind of sideways, so I get a horizontal view over the leaf. In any case, as I said before, patience...patience...patience (lol). Token Airee tonight! Peace


Well-Known Member
Looking better and better on the trich pic dlf! Did you order/receive a stand yet? Another little trick I use that you may already be aware of is to pull a couple of the small sugar leaves from the top, middle, and bottom (label them). Take those to a table and do your work there. I try and get the leaf that I'm looking at kind of sideways, so I get a horizontal view over the leaf. In any case, as I said before, patience...patience...patience (lol). Token Airee tonight! Peace
Man thanks for that tip I have not tried that yet Going to do it tomorrow, Got the wrong tripod sent it back


Well-Known Member
Hey Dift. What's up bro :??: your lady is looking great!! Just wanted to stop in an say hello. Hope all is good your way buddy.. well, hope to see you around on the thread.
Started a new guessing game incase you hadn't seen. Started 6 new strains besides the 4 I had previously, and "someone" had guessed all damn 4 the first day, not going to say who... lol. ;) I will drop hints every once in awhile as to what the other 6 are. Hope you can find your way to the thread & play along. Just thought it would be fun, and also informative to other growers that would like to know there strain history. :mrgreen: as to what I am growin this run. Well bro take er easy.
Your bud, Dank.
Thanks for stopping by Dank I'm bad at the guessing game besides I cant compete with Stew..:lol:

bird dog

Well-Known Member now for the test (lol- I'm high so bear with me). Looking at those trichs in my picture, is she ready IYO? :?:


Well-Known Member
From the look at that leaf I would agree with dlftmyers; getting close.

With the amber I can see their might be about 5% amber? Like myers said it's personal, I like more amber on my buds. Some prefer mostly cloudy trichs and some prefer half and half.

I say take a little bottom bud off and test it out, see how you like it. Just remember test buds potency is a small fraction of the actual high from properly dried and cured bud.

bird dog

Well-Known Member
But I do see some amber starting and alot of milkyness. Did you try the sugar leaf method (top and middle of plant)?