Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link


Well-Known Member
mmmm portland metro are hmm? lol
i'm there too. do you go to the grower's meetings at the baghdad or
do you go to OGF's meetings?
I'm the guy that donated the stack of 250w Halide lights to OGF recently, 14 of them, would have been 28 of them if your guy had shown up just one day earilier... That might give someone a clue who I am.

I don't go to meetings or anything though, one of these days one won't interfere with other things on the weekend.


Active Member
Would there be any chance that someone could post a picture tutorial on how to wire this bastard? I know nothing about wiring. I have the general idea on what I need to do but I want to be 100% correct. Thanks!
alright i just got done setting these bitches up. I used a computer power cable, it seems to work pretty well. The wires for the computer cable were black, white and green(guessing G for ground). so all you do is strip the wires. twist the corresponding colors together. tape them up and enjoy.:bigjoint:i capped the ends of the wires but thats not really necessary.

edit: sorry for the blurry pics



Active Member
i dunno that it really matters, but untill i build some kind of casing for them i didnt want them to roll off and that was my solution..


Well-Known Member
I'm the guy that donated the stack of 250w Halide lights to OGF recently, 14 of them, would have been 28 of them if your guy had shown up just one day earilier... That might give someone a clue who I am.

I don't go to meetings or anything though, one of these days one won't interfere with other things on the weekend.
Well nice to somewhat meet you :)
I've never gone to any OGF meetings yet. I really should though.


Well-Known Member
I've used this light before with great results, One's only good for about two plants in flowering, and I didnt have the metal cage looking thing on mine.


Well-Known Member
will ravage what up. thanks also, you took of the casing and just hung it like that.... thats what i was going 2 do i think but how much more heat does that output??


Well-Known Member
There is some loss with the vapor tight glass cover on, and you can't directly cool the bulb with a fan if that cover is on.

Those that want the most from this light should probably remove the cover and make your own reflector and just run it open with a fan on the bulb so you can get it even closer to the plants. Not that it's a big difference but every little bit helps when you only have a small light to begin with.

A 150 bulb should be less than 4" from the tops. Further away than that and you waste way too much of the light's intensity.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, I don't have a 150 I have 250's, but I run my 250's 4" away and sometimes let the plats get within 2" before I move it, so surely you guys with 150's could get closer. Set it up in your grow with your fan running and hold you hand under the light and see how close it has to be before you couldn't keep it there all day, when it would be too hot. Or start at 4" and let the plants grow into the light until you finally see a tip get burned. Then just top that tip and you will know how close is too close.

The fan on the bulb is best on the side of the grow so it's blowing the heat away and not towards the plants, and so that it's also blowing the tops pretty good to help cool them, that's how you eek out the closest positioning if you aren't using a cool tube.


Well-Known Member
I put together my 150w econolight setup today and added a few pics in my journal if anyone wants to take a look, journal is in sig. Good growing!


Well-Known Member
I got my econolight yesterday and wiring it was a lot easier than i thought it was going to be. so far, i think it actually puts out less heat then the cfls i had in there. I had 10 26w cfls in my small closet and i had to keep the door open when the lights were on to keep the temperature down. Now i have the 150w hps and 3 26w cfls in there and i can actually keep the door closed without temps getting too warm. Im using the other cfls in my veg chamber that I am currently working on. My closet will be the flower chamber.


Well-Known Member
Glad you are happy with the light, the stuff I've received from econolight all seems to be of decent quality, far higher quality than you'd expect for the price.

A few years ago everyone was paranoid about econolight being a big FBI investigation and that is why you could get such quality lights for a cheap price. They were sucking you in with cheap prices and high quality lights just to get your name on their list.

Funny I haven't read that on here yet since everyone is so paranoid about everything else, hope I didn't start something.