Six lights for six plants. Organic No-Till 4400 watt indoor grow

I can only upload 10 photos at a time, so I'm gonna have to double post for this one :p

Finally got my adapter cable and replacement ballast so I thought I'd post an update just to show how things are going.

Original Amnesia



Purple Trainwreck



Berry Bomb



Jack Herer



Cluster Bomb


Amnesia Lemon



The Purple Trainwreck and Berry Bomb together under one of the 3.5x7 screens.


and the Jack Herer and Amnesia Lemon under the other.


The Cluster Bomb under one of the 4x4 screens


And the Amnesia Haze under the other 4x4


Left side panorama of the shed


Right side panorama of the shed


I took things easy for the first couple of days after transplant because I just wanted them to get nice and established. I had all of the lights that I had running at the time dimmed down to 50% for 1250 watts total and left it like that until they started to get comfortable. Yesterday and this morning before the package came, they were really looking like they wanted some extra light. However I only increased the dials on the ballasts to 75% for 3100 watts total (4 400 and 2 750).

I'm not going to be able to get my CO2 going until the 3rd because that's payday, so until then I've got my AC keeping things at a constant 77-79 degrees in the room. My humidity has been hovering around 40%, give or take but that's because I've been having to run the AC since summers out here get pretty brutal. When I'm only running the swamp I can maintain 45-50. The CO2 should help bring the humidity up just a tad for me, then in flower I can just unplug the humidifier.

There will be some days the swamp cooler will surely prove useful, but not in the summer and not during monsoon season. Getting 2 15k BTU window units may have been overkill, but I'd rather have the option just in case things get over 110-115 degrees. For the time being though, just one of the window units is working out for me just fine. Each wattage of light will produce 3.41 BTUs of heat, but it's much better and easier to just round up to 3.5BTU. At 3100 watts, I'm only producing just under 11k BTUs of heat and that isn't even accounting for the 1500 watts in hooded lamps.

I'll pretty much be keeping this routine up until the 3rd, then I'll be able to start running my CO2 generator but I'm going to take things slow and see how things react before going too crazy with it.

Until then this is all I've got, thanks for checking it out :)
Hey guys, got some updates coming your way finally. I'm gonna post the photos first and then likely another wall of text afterward :P

Anyway, this is over halfway through week 2 of veg. I got them in the shed on the 27th of last month and ran things dialed down to 50% until they started to establish more.

Purple Trainwreck



Berry Bomb



Jack Herer



Amnesia Lemon



Cluster Bomb


Temps fluctuate between 78-84 degrees, depending on if the CO2 generator is running or not. CO2 is currently set to 1100 ppms and they were fed coconut water 3 days or so ago. I be hitting them with an aloe/liquid seaweed foliar spray tomorrow morning a little under an hour before lights off, then again during the first 5 minutes of lights on. I also plan on getting my hands on some coconut water as soon as possible, the results are just too good to pass up and now that they're in such enormous pots and are larger I can probably increase the amount I'm feeding them. I put 500ml in a gallon of water 3 days ago, and that gallon of water was split between the 6 plants. I'm thinking that this time I'll be making two gallons of water and give 1 gallon to half of the girls, eventually I'll be able to give 1 gallon to 2 plants. This soil is amazing though, aside from that I'm not really using anything special. The only bottles I use are the Liquid Seaweed, Ful-Power, and Coconut Water, during flower I may add Neptune's fish hydrolosate to the mix. The powdered products I have are the TM-7 and Grower's Recharge. Between the soil, as well as these products, the plants has constant access to everything they need at their own convenience and pace. As long as I continue to top dress the soil with the same amendment/mineral mix and top that off with some homemade EWC I can continue to use these containers for a few years. At least that's the goal. I'm very much interested to see what happens after the entire no-till becomes straight humus because I've yet to make it that far. I need to do more research concerning that, but what I have done hasn't really found me much unfortunately.

Humidity is a bit of a battle for me, the description of the humidifier I bought said it could fill the size room I was in but it can barely maintain 20% humidity. Even with a second humidifier I found and my CO2 generator it still barely gets over 30% unless I wet the floor and spray around the room for a few minutes. I spent $60 on the damn thing, knew I should have gone overkill on the humidifier like I did with the air conditioning. I mean, come flower I'm going to love those RH levels but it is definitely a limiting factor in my grow during veg. It won't be the end of the world, but it isn't optimized like everything else :(

My hours have been cut too, so unless I can come up with an extra $200 in the next 7-10 days then I'll have to start flower to cut down on the electric bill for the month. I calculated that I would save that much if I started flower in the middle of this month, so I very well may have to just do that. I have family (God bless them) that also offered to help me out with a couple of bucks so that I can get the extra veg time. However, that being said I think I'm going to be surprised with the growth I'll have 7-10 days from now at this rate. I measured the canopy on all of the plants out of curiosity, the smallest ones were a full square foot with the largest ones getting as big as 1.5 sq feet and that's with them barely touching the screen. Eventually, the more I'm able to tuck in the tops of the plants, the more nodes on the plant will be exposed, eventually allowing them to reach up and hit the screen. The goal was to fill the screens 100% since I'm not limited by space, however since I'm limited by time I may have to settle for 75% full but we'll see what happens. The earliest I want to start flower would be the 16th of this month, probably going to have to be no later than the 20th though at this rate. It sucks but I'm just thankful for the opportunity, so I have no right to complain. The next time though, I'll be filling the screens up 100% and even letting them grow up a foot. With CO2 a lot of people see the reduced veg time as a result of the extra growth and decide to cut their veg times shorter for an earlier harvest. But if they had vegged for the same amount of time as they used to and combined that with the CO2 they would be able to get much larger harvests. When you're limited by a legal plant count, you gotta get creative ;)

I'm very much excited to see how this finishes out though, this is easily my best effort by far. As always, thanks for following me along in it :)
Thank you for the kind words and your time my man, much appreciated! This is my first attempt at something of this scale, however if all goes well things could end up getting larger. I haven't been able to grow in years and thought I would never have the opportunity to do it again. In my zeal, I ended up turning it into an enormous project that has been nothing short of rewarding so far. Thank you again for the kind words, your journals were quite impressive so having someone with your experience comment on the girls is a very assuring sign that I must be doing something right :)
So far so good, lights came on about an hour ago so I went in and took a look at everything. Temps are still holding up just fine, humidity is decent but could be a lot better. The two humidifiers I got just can't compete with the air conditioning, kind of a stupid miscalculation on my part but lesson learned. Unless I water, the humidifiers keep things at around 25-35% which is nowhere near optimal but it is what it is. My CO2 generator brings that up to around 40% or so but still not optimal. CO2 ppms were a constant 1500 until I ran out of propane, the room maintains around 400-500ppm without the generator though which I thought was interesting. I must be doing the soil properly the way I see it, because the only way I could see the room maintaining that ppm of CO2 (remember, room is completely sealed with zero fresh air intake) is if my soil is composting the way it should be since CO2 happens to be a by product of the composting process.

As I mentioned before though, my hours have been cut pretty severely and it's going to effect a lot of things for this grow. I'm going through a 7 gallon tank of propane every 5-6 days or so and I just won't be able to afford it as much as I would like to. So I'll probably only supplement 1200ppm during the flower stretch and then just go without the generator for the rest of the grow. I'm also going to have to flip to 12/12 in another 3-4 days instead of the 1st of next month like I wanted to. The original plan was to veg until the screens were 100% full, let the growth in the screens grow up to about 6-12 inches or so and then flip to 12/12. So that's gonna hurt my yields quite a bit unfortunately but it still might be decent. Most of the girls are either at a full 2ftx2ft canopy, slightly below it, or slightly above it, but averaging out at 2x2 canopies. I'm getting an average of 2 inches a day in both canopy and height growth and they all have an average of 22-24 nodes fully exposed to the light with anywhere between 2-7 nodes hitting the screens each day.

So at this point I'm thinking I'll probably only get .5 GPW because of the 2 weeks of veg I'll be unable to afford. With an average of 2 inches of growth per day, those 2 weeks would have given me nearly 2 extra feet in growth and not having that is going to hurt yields for sure. Without having a canopy that is the exact size of the light's footprint I simply will not be able to maximize yields, however there's always the next time around! Even without the extra two weeks, by the time I flower the screens will be nearly 3ftx3ft and nearly 2 ft high so depending on how much stretch I get I can probably get some of the screens filled a tad more. That's the only way I see myself breaking a GPW. If all continues to go well with my environment and my soil, I should be getting some pretty dense nugs from whatever canopy I'm able to produce, but the fact that I'm unable to completely fill my light's footprints with growth is going to reduce the amount of buds I could have potentially had. With 4 weeks veg I was thinking I'd be able to pull around .75 GPW if not more, but I'm thinking that with a mere 2 weeks veg that anything more than .5 GPW just isn't doable but I suppose we'll find out.

I'll try to get some pictures of the girls and the room posted tonight or tomorrow because that's all we really care about after all right? ;D
Hit the girls with 900ml of coconut water, some liquid seaweed, Ful-Power, some recharge, and some TM-7 last night after the lights came on. Been a little over a week since I hit the girls with any of those products, so I figured I'd hit them pretty hard with the coconut water before I trigger flower. I may only have 3-4 more days worth of veg left but I'm definitely going to be making the most of it! The coconut water just makes things ridiculous, the growth I'm getting is on another level from what I'm normally used to. I've been using the coconut water on them since they were around 3-4 weeks old and the node growth has just been explosive every time I use the stuff, it's also supposed to be immensely helpful with root production so the coconut water in conjunction with the mycorrhizae is going to give me maximum root growth. The roots have already hit the sides of the pots, although I doubt they hit the bottoms of the pots yet because I just don't see how 2-3 weeks of veg is anywhere near enough time to get 25-30 gallon pots root-bound. I'm really bummed about that, but it is what it is. Getting all of the equipment was the difficult part, so after this harvest I can grow them exactly how I want to without any sort of money related problems.

With the exception of the Purple Trainwreck and Amnesia Haze, all of the plants are covering 2ftx2ft of screen. I'm averaging around 2 inches of growth on all ends; length, width, AND height with anywhere between 4-8 nodes hitting the screen each day. By the time I trigger flower the PTW and Amnesia will be just a little over 2x2 and the other 4 will be just a little over 2.5x2.5ft so depending on how the strains grow during the flower stretch I should be able to get the 3x3 canopies I'm wanting out of the girls, although I'm thinking some may just surprise me with how much they stretch. As bummed as I am that I won't be getting the yield I was looking forward to, I'm just glad to know that the room and technique aren't my limiting factors here but finances are the only limiting factor here. If money wasn't a limiting factor here, some of these would have damn near a 4x4 canopy at 3+ feet tall. If I get similar growth next time I should be able to get close to the 1GPW mark.

Sometime next year I plan on experimenting with a vertical grow of this scale, seeing a lot of people getting well over a GPW with some even hitting 2.5 GPW which is just absurd. I saw a journal of a guy pull 2.5lb form a single 600 watt! He was growing Critical Mass, but still man that's fucking ridiculous! Some people are absolute artists and I hope to be on their level some day.

For those of you curious about the 2 gallon pots, those are the strains that didn't end up making the cut for the larger pots. One is the second Jack Herer plant and the other is my Critical + 2.0 plant. I was originally going to put the Critical under one of the 1000 watters but decided to put the Amnesia Haze under it instead with one of the Jack Herer's getting a 600 watt to itself, I wasn't even planning on using any of the Jack Herer plants but the growth I was getting from this one was just too good to pass up. This beast is giving me 3 inches of growth per day! I'll be keeping clones of that for damn sure so I can throw it under a 1000 watter next time around. The Amnesia Haze looked super promising when I opted to give it a 1000 watter in place of the Critical, but I'm simply not getting the growth I thought I would with it. I mean, it's healthy overall, but the phenotype I must have got probably just isn't much of a stretcher or something. It looked like it was going to fill a 4x4 screen on it's own, but it's giving me the least amount of growth a day. It's a week younger than the other girls, but so is the Jack Herer and that one is giving me 3 inches a day!

Just goes to show that even if you get things perfect on paper that doesn't always transition to the final product. Even if I had the amount of veg time I wanted, you still can't predict how seedlings are going to grow because it all depends on the phenotype you get. Had I known how all of the girls were going to grow in the shed I would have been able to make more informed decisions as to which to place under the screens. I'll be taking clones of everything with the exception of the Amnesia Haze, the phenotype I got must just be a dud or something. When my air conditioners went off, the Jack Herer was the only one that took it hard (drooping, etc) but that one is my most vigorous grower even after surviving hours in 122 degree heat. The rest of the girls didn't look phased, Amnesia included. I'm not going to write the strain off as a whole because I've had some amazing Amnesia, it's just that this particular pheno just isn't what I'm looking for. I'll be taking clones of everything else though, they are all giving me the growth that I'm after but ultimately their quality will determine if they are worthy of another run or not. Until I get more space I simply can't afford any low yielders. I'll be taking clones of everything just before flipping to 12/12, that way once these girls are finished drying the clones can go straight into the no-till pots to start filling screens again. During my next grow I'll also be grabbing some more packs of seeds, regular this time. Lots of Rare Dankness seeds I wanted to run, as well as Ken Estes' Grand Daddy Purple, but I simply didn't have the time to deal with sexing and pheno-hunting. All in due time :D

As always guys, thanks for stopping by :)
Putting the girls into flower tonight, from my calculations last night was the last night of veg that I can afford so I'll be swapping all of my MH bulbs for HPS bulbs within the next few hours. I just finished spraying expanding foam in some of the holes I missed to get rid of the last of my light leaks and put some tape over all of my appliances that have LEDs on them, the room is pitch black now finally. Really bummed I can't veg for longer but it is what it is. Hoping I got enough nodes exposed to make my yield decent, I'm sure the buds I do get will be quite massive because of the lights I'm running but I just simply couldn't veg for as long as I wanted to. I'll update once I get the lights all switched out, until then!
What's up guys? Got some photos taken of the girls in flower last night but never got a chance to get them posted until now.

Without further ado :)

Cluster Bomb



Amnesia Lemon



Jack Herer



Berry Bomb



Purple Trainwreck


I'm so glad this method of growing is a "set it/forget it" deal because between working 2 jobs and my family I barely have much time. As you'll be able to probably notice though, I took some string to the Amnesia Haze and Cluster Bombs because they just weren't growing like the others were in terms of filling screens. I did this right after switching to 12/12 and they perked right back up.

By this point it should be pretty obvious that I'm still quite the amateur with SCROG, its looking decent so far but there were a lot of things I couldn't possibly anticipate on the first run. Once I know what strains work best for the screens I'll be able to have things much more streamlined. The description for Cluster said that it would be perfect for SCROG grows, but with what I'm seeing I really don't think so. It's just too short and stout to be of any use filling a screen, the only way I could see myself efficiently filling a screen with this strain is by running multiple plants in a raised bed under the same light. Until I become a caregiver, I'm only allowed 12 plants total which is why I'm doing single plant SCROGs instead of other methods. Until my plant limit increased, I'll have to do single plant grows.

I should have tied these down like that weeks ago when they first got into the shed, but I thought they would grow like the ones under the 600s are but it seems I was mistaken. The Cluster and Amnesia have been giving me issues in terms of getting screens filled, but the others are doing exactly what I want them to. It just goes to show that there is really only so much that you can do on paper and things may look foolproof and 100% on paper but that doesn't always transition to the final result. I already have a good idea of what I can do on the next run to make things better.

For one, I know how these strains grow and act now so I can use that knowledge for the next grow.

Two, veg time absolutely needs to be longer and with less transplants done. I really liked the idea of vegging them in the 2g pots in a separate tent, it has the potential to make this method of growing take less time but unfortunately that's pretty much the only positive about doing it with that method. With no-till, you want to disturb the soil as little as possible. So although you could veg in 2-5g pots while your flower room is running and transplant after harvest to reduce 4 weeks of veg time from your next harvest this actually creates some issues with a no-till garden. In order to successfully transplant a 2-5g pot into a no-till pot/bed you would have to dig a hole big enough to fit the new transplant into and that means disturbing the microbiology which is just not worth it. The other issue is that transplanting is just something I feel you want to avoid as much as possible because even if your transplant still goes 100% smoothly the plant will still take time to adjust itself. I feel that with no-till pots, it would be much better to start clones in solo cups and transplant those into the final pots, completely skipping the 2-5g pots altogether.

The plan for the next grow is to take cuts from these girls here (I totally spaced on that -_-) and get them rooted and into solo cups. Then after I'm finished harvesting and drying, the solo cups will go straight into the no-till pots. By the time that happens, I'll have lost some soil volume from the decomposition process so the no-till pots will require a top dress anyway. The solo cup clones will go next to the last grows stump and will then be buried with some more peat/perlite/EWC mix with a top dress of EWC. I will top dress with my amendments after harvest, then cover that up with the plant matter leftover from trimming. The clones will remain in the no-till pots until harvest, being allowed to grow straight up into the screen like a normal christmas tree shape. Once the top goes through the screen, the plants will then be topped allowing my new tops to be trained into the screen with maximum efficiency. I estimate that my total veg time from clone to flower will be around 6 weeks, 8 at the absolute max although I have a feeling it could even be less growth perhaps. I feel that starting them in the tent limited their growth a tad because they were limited in grow space as well as root space. I'm thinking that it will take a week for the clone to get used to the no-till pots and begin growing, then another week for the clone to hit the screen. Then, anywhere between 2-4 weeks to fill the screen 100%. I want to experiment with not only filling the screen 100%, but allowing the screen to veg up until they growth in the screen is about a foot tall and then I'll flip to 12/12. I feel that is the only thing limiting me from hitting a GPW yield, the soil is amazing, the environment/conditions are constantly maintained to optimal levels, each sqft has between 60-70 watts per sqft, so as far as I can tell the only thing limiting me from massive yields is how large I grow them. This of course doesn't include genetics, I don't care how good a grower is, some strains simply will not hit 1lb per light unless you're doing a SOG, certain indicas just aren't meant for SCROG really.

Three, bigger pots. Even though I'm running 25-30g pots, I still want to go bigger. The best results I'm seeing with this type of grow are either in raised beds or 100+ gallon smart pots. Once these current no-till pots run their course and become 100% EWC, they'll be emptied and mixed with more peat/perlite and amendments and minerals so I can start running 100g pots. With no-till, the larger your pots the better your soil because it's a much larger population of microbes. In fact, certain microbes will only grow 12 inches below the surface of the soil, so most no-till gurus often recommend beds/pots that are 12 inches tall at a bare minimum. 100 gallon pots are a little over 3ft in diameter and nearly 2ft tall, perfect for 600w bulbs. My 1000 watt bulbs will get either 150 or 200g pots, depends on which one will fit. The idea is to have the diameter of my pots the exact size of the footprint of my lights, so a 600w bulb should have a pot roughly 3ft in diameter and a 1000w bulb should have a pot roughly 4ft in diameter. This way, my hybrids and sativas can have all the room they could ever possibly need and grow themselves into absolute monsters. This will also help with the issue of running indicas in a SCROG, since a single indica plant doesn't seem to be capable of filling a screen bigger than 2x2 on its own without a ridiculous amount of vegging it seems like the most efficient thing to do would to place 4 plants in the same pot and train the 4 of them into the one screen.

I'm no expert, but it seems to me that unless you are running a vertical grow that you should always grow with the scrog/SOG method if you want good yields. We don't have the luxury of the sun indoors, outdoors it really doesn't matter if you train your plants because they'll get good even coverage and penetration with the power of the sun. Indoors, not so much. Indoors, light will pretty much always be a limiting factor for us. A 600w will typically penetrate 1.5-2ft deep and a 1000w will typically penetrate 2-2.5ft deep. So with that in mind, if your plants grow taller than 2 ft then your yield will never be optimal. This is why the screens are so important for me. I know my 600w can cover a 3x3 sqft area with 2ft of penetration, so that tells me that my screen for a 600w needs to be exactly 3x3, any less and my yield suffers, any more and the outer parts of the screen aren't getting enough light. That also tells me that the screen should get no more than 6 inches tall before triggering flower, or else the bottom of the screen will just be larf. Same principle with a 1000w, the screen should be exactly 4x4 and the screen should be no taller than 12 inches before triggering flower. If I want to have my screen grow larger than 12 inches, I'll need to find a source of indoor lighting that is capable of penetrating more than 2-2.5ft deep. I believe a Gavita would do the job? If anyone knows of a light that is capable of penetrating more than 2ft deep I would love to know about it so I can look into them!

I've also placed an order for some more Crab Meal as well as some Hydrolyzed Fish, both from Neptune's Harvest. This is my first time running CC's mix, and although I'm absolutely stoked with the results so far I still have no idea what to expect from it. I should still have enough phosphorus in my soil but I don't want to assume. So I'll be top dressing with the Crab Meal the second it gets here and I'll have the fish as a back up in case I happen to need more Phosphorus before the Crab Meal top dress has had a chance to fully break down. It's possible I won't even need either of them, but I'd still like to cover my bases just in case. Again, I have absolutely no idea what to expect from any of these strains as I've never grown them before. For all I know, some may be heavy feeders and might need more than others. I don't want to be shit out of luck if that happens.

Thanks for your time as always guys.
Temps fluctuate between 78-84 degrees, depending on if the CO2 generator is running or not. CO2 is currently set to 1100 ppms and they were fed coconut water 3 days or so ago. I be hitting them with an aloe/liquid seaweed foliar spray tomorrow morning a little under an hour before lights off, then again during the first 5 minutes of lights on. I also plan on getting my hands on some coconut water as soon as possible, the results are just too good to pass up and now that they're in such enormous pots and are larger I can probably increase the amount I'm feeding them. I put 500ml in a gallon of water 3 days ago, and that gallon of water was split between the 6 plants. I'm thinking that this time I'll be making two gallons of water and give 1 gallon to half of the girls, eventually I'll be able to give 1 gallon to 2 plants. This soil is amazing though, aside from that I'm not really using anything special. The only bottles I use are the Liquid Seaweed, Ful-Power, and Coconut Water, during flower I may add Neptune's fish hydrolosate to the mix. The powdered products I have are the TM-7 and Grower's Recharge. Between the soil, as well as these products, the plants has constant access to everything they need at their own convenience and pace. As long as I continue to top dress the soil with the same amendment/mineral mix and top that off with some homemade EWC I can continue to use these containers for a few years. At least that's the goal. I'm very much interested to see what happens after the entire no-till becomes straight humus because I've yet to make it that far. I need to do more research concerning that, but what I have done hasn't really found me much unfortunately.

Humidity is a bit of a battle for me, the description of the humidifier I bought said it could fill the size room I was in but it can barely maintain 20% humidity. Even with a second humidifier I found and my CO2 generator it still barely gets over 30% unless I wet the floor and spray around the room for a few minutes. I spent $60 on the damn thing, knew I should have gone overkill on the humidifier like I did with the air conditioning. I mean, come flower I'm going to love those RH levels but it is definitely a limiting factor in my grow during veg. It won't be the end of the world, but it isn't optimized like everything else :(

My hours have been cut too, so unless I can come up with an extra $200 in the next 7-10 days then I'll have to start flower to cut down on the electric bill for the month. I calculated that I would save that much if I started flower in the middle of this month, so I very well may have to just do that. I have family (God bless them) that also offered to help me out with a couple of bucks so that I can get the extra veg time. However, that being said I think I'm going to be surprised with the growth I'll have 7-10 days from now at this rate. I measured the canopy on all of the plants out of curiosity, the smallest ones were a full square foot with the largest ones getting as big as 1.5 sq feet and that's with them barely touching the screen. Eventually, the more I'm able to tuck in the tops of the plants, the more nodes on the plant will be exposed, eventually allowing them to reach up and hit the screen. The goal was to fill the screens 100% since I'm not limited by space, however since I'm limited by time I may have to settle for 75% full but we'll see what happens. The earliest I want to start flower would be the 16th of this month, probably going to have to be no later than the 20th though at this rate. It sucks but I'm just thankful for the opportunity, so I have no right to complain. The next time though, I'll be filling the screens up 100% and even letting them grow up a foot. With CO2 a lot of people see the reduced veg time as a result of the extra growth and decide to cut their veg times shorter for an earlier harvest. But if they had vegged for the same amount of time as they used to and combined that with the CO2 they would be able to get much larger harvests. When you're limited by a legal plant count, you gotta get creative ;)

I'm very much excited to see how this finishes out though, this is easily my best effort by far. As always, thanks for following me along in it :)


I'm following your journal. I'm very happy to see someone growing Jack Herer. I've got a friend doing 3 JH with 1 AK49 in soil, outside until veg. I'd like to advise him from your experience.

How long do you veg. your Jack Herer before you go to flower, or maybe you go by the tallness of the plants? Also are the string screens just to kind of spread out the plants or something else? How high are the screens to the tops of the pots?

Thanks for any help man!!

I'm following your journal. I'm very happy to see someone growing Jack Herer. I've got a friend doing 3 JH with 1 AK49 in soil, outside until veg. I'd like to advise him from your experience.

How long do you veg. your Jack Herer before you go to flower, or maybe you go by the tallness of the plants? Also are the string screens just to kind of spread out the plants or something else? How high are the screens to the tops of the pots?

Thanks for any help man!!

Hey Johny,

This is actually my first time growing out Jack Herer myself, I found a couple of seeds in some nugs from a local dispensary before it shut down and that's where these two came from, however only one is in a screen.

I do actually prefer to go by the tallness of the plants rather than by a specific time frame, I originally wanted to veg until the screens were totally full but finances made it so I had to flip to flower much earlier than planned.

When growing indoors, you don't have the power of the sun at your disposal so you have to go by how much light the lights are putting off. A 600w light can light a 3x3 canopy and a 100w can light a 4x4 canopy, the 600w can penetrate 18-24 inches and the 1000w can penetrate 24-32 inches roughly and those are what dictate the size of my plants.

The screen is to make it so I can train the single plant into a nice even canopy, this way when the canopy grows upward every single last part of the plant is getting light. The screens are around 8-10 inches above the tops of the pots.

If the canopy was only 2x2, then I would be wasting light. Conversely, if the canopy was 4x4 under a 600w I wouldn't have enough light. Most of the girls were about 2 ft tall from the pots when I triggered flower, the canopies for all of the plants were just under 6 inches.

Outdoors you don't really need a screen/training too much because the sun isn't limited like indoor lights are. The typical reasons for training outdoors are to prevent plants from growing taller than your backyards fence or something of that nature. People typically train their plants to maximize the footprints of their lights, but outdoors this isn't really an issue. Take a plant that grows normally for instance, you flower it at 2ft tall and it grows into a 4ft tall christmas tree shaped plant. Under a 600w light only the top 2ft of that plant would get enough light, and the plant itself is only 1x1 wide so a lot of the light is actually being wasted because it's filling up the other 2ft of area outside the plant with light, but the bottom 2ft of the plant aren't getting enough light. In order to get around this issue, you top the plant and train the new growth to the screen so that it's flat. This way you're taking advantage of every single last watt from your bulb.

I hope I was able to help some, I'm not exactly the best at explaining things so I hope I did alright for you. Feel free to ask any more questions that you may have, I'll do my best to help how I can. It's been a while since I've had good Jack Herer so I'm pretty excited :)
Hey, thanks Krat for the detailed and very helpful response. I've found most people doing grow journals are quite nice and helpful, but to an extent. I'm glad you care enough to provide detail above the basics when you post.

I do have a couple of other but related questions for my friend's grow.
  • How long do you allow the branch or stem to be before you begin bending it over (maybe its just when it hits the screen)?
  • Now gathering the grow room pieces until assembly next week I hope, pots outside now, but might finish veg in the tent for stealth reasons. The bloom area is a 3X3' Vivosun tent used only to flower. There are 3 Jack H. plants in 7 gal smart pots, and 1 AK49 in a 5 gal smart pot, using super soil mix. I'm concerned about the amount of light she planned after seeing your suggestions above. It's a single 315watt Ceramic Metal Halide, using a Phillips CMH bulb.
    • I'm told CMH's offer more usable light per watt, but is this enough usable light for this setup?
    • If shes need to add light, what is best type of light to supplement this one CMH fixture (LEDs, CFLs), and how many watts more for that type of light?
As a small aside, I thought your method of tying down branches on your 2 plants was elegant, by which I mean the solution was simple and highly effective. It looks like you looped the string around the branch and put the long (I'm guessing) ends underneath the pot. The ends in this way are easy to lengthen or shorten down the road. Simple, but smart.
Hey, thanks Krat for the detailed and very helpful response. I've found most people doing grow journals are quite nice and helpful, but to an extent. I'm glad you care enough to provide detail above the basics when you post.

I do have a couple of other but related questions for my friend's grow.
  • How long do you allow the branch or stem to be before you begin bending it over (maybe its just when it hits the screen)?
  • Now gathering the grow room pieces until assembly next week I hope, pots outside now, but might finish veg in the tent for stealth reasons. The bloom area is a 3X3' Vivosun tent used only to flower. There are 3 Jack H. plants in 7 gal smart pots, and 1 AK49 in a 5 gal smart pot, using super soil mix. I'm concerned about the amount of light she planned after seeing your suggestions above. It's a single 315watt Ceramic Metal Halide, using a Phillips CMH bulb.
    • I'm told CMH's offer more usable light per watt, but is this enough usable light for this setup?
    • If shes need to add light, what is best type of light to supplement this one CMH fixture (LEDs, CFLs), and how many watts more for that type of light?
As a small aside, I thought your method of tying down branches on your 2 plants was elegant, by which I mean the solution was simple and highly effective. It looks like you looped the string around the branch and put the long (I'm guessing) ends underneath the pot. The ends in this way are easy to lengthen or shorten down the road. Simple, but smart.

My sincerest apologies my friend, I never got an alert about this response! In fact, I only just now noticed it when I went to make another post, I apologize for that! I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my ability :)

- You're dead on about bending once things hit the screen. You want to bend branches as soon as possible for to make sure you maintain an even flat canopy. This is because cannabis focuses the bulk of it's growth on it's tops, but if the top is pulled under a screen or tied down or even cut off then what happens is the plant does everything it can to ensure there is a top, resulting in what normally would have been side branches becoming "tops" now as well. This will eventually form a nice and even canopy that you'll need to maintain until around week 2 of flower (strain dependent). When you stop bending and tucking will depend on either when the flowering stretch ends, or whenever the screen is filled to your liking/100% full. You'll also need to make sure you consider your light's footprint when choosing how tall you want the screen to be, but I'll get into that with your next question :)

As you're making your bends, it's incredibly helpful to take a look at all of the nodes that you're exposing in the process of bending a top as that can help you determine which was is best to bend the branch. A top will have anywhere between 1-3 surrounding holes in the grid, and if you pay close enough attention to the nodes as well as where you bend the top you can fill numerous holes in your grid with one bend. Eventually, what will happen is all of your other branches toward the middle of the plant will start catching up to the screen because you've bent the tops down. What I'm noticing is that filling the screen is exponential, it starts with one bend every day or two, then a couple of bends every other day, then eventually you're tucking every single day until it's filled.

That string method is super helpful for maintaining your canopy though. You're almost dead on with the idea, it's just that there's actually a string tied around the pots, then the other strings are tied to that string around the pot. Little more stable that way as opposed to having them under the pots. It's time consuming and can be a pain in the ass, but I've found it's one of the best ways. I personally like anything that forces me to get up close with the plants in detail, this way nothing ever catches me by surprise.

- Believe it or not, depending on the size of your grow tent and how tall you allow your screen to go, that light is actually going to give you some pretty fucking amazing results if everything is dialed in. I have a 4x4 tent I used for veg that was 8 feet tall and for the sake of your set up I'm really hoping that your friend's tent is also 8 feet tall because that would be awesome if you could use that light for this set up! In fact, if you can get a 4x4 tent instead that would be better because I believe a 315cmh can light a 3.5x3.5 area, if not 4x4. The only thing about the cmh is that they absolutely have to be 3-4 ft above what the eventual canopy will be. If it were my grow, to maximize yields I feel it would be best to hang the cmh as close to the ceiling as you possibly could. If your tent is 8ft tall, that means that you don't want your canopy to get over 4ft tall in order to maintain the 3-4 ft distance. I know that Jack and AK49 are sativa dominant hybrids and are prone to stretch, but I can't say how much without any personal experience. You could probably get away with filling the screen 100% and even vegging a bit longer until the screen is 1ft tall (this is what I wanted to do in fact). Then, even if it triples in flower, you'll still only be at 3 ft tall canopy and won't burn the girls. Once you have an idea of how much these strains stretch, you'll be able to optimize your veg time to choose the perfect height, but until then it's best to play it safe.

All in all, it sounds like your friend is on her way to a good harvest if things are kept perfect. I much much prefer Coots recipe now, although I've had amazing success with Sub's soil as well.

But if I may, I do have some suggestions that would really take her set up to the next level, if she plans for the next grow during this one she can have some pretty killer results with that chm and a 4x4x8 tent. Have her look into Coots recipe, it's so much better and my girls can attest to that. This may sound a little bold, but hear me out, I'll be doing this as soon as my no-tills all turn to humus. If she gets a 100 gallon smart pot, the diameter of it is 40 inches where as the tent is 48 inches. If she got a 100 gallon smart pot, filled it with Coots' soil (one of my earlier posts if you'd like the recipe :)) and planted 4 plants in that then her results would just be ridiculous. If she starts a worm farm now, depending on how many bins she gets going, she can harvest a decent amount of castings by the time you need to make Coot's soil. His soil doesn't need to cook either, just best to let it sit for 7-10 days and keep it moist so the microbes can establish. With no-till, the bigger the pot, the larger the microbe population. If she does this, she'll have a 100 gallon sized population of microbes as opposed to 26 gallons in separate pots. Her 4 plants would experience vigorous and optimal growth and fill a screen quite effortlessly. Then come harvest, you simply cut the plant as close to the soil as you can and leave the stump there. Then you plant your next clone straight into it, top dress with more amendments and EWC, then rinse and repeat!

I like Sub, he's a good guy and definitely very good at what he does. However, he'll be the first to admit that he doesn't know why his soil works, just that it does and he's happy with that. I'm not trying to bash the guy and have in fact had stellar results with his recipe, was very happy with my yields and the flavor was unlike anything I've ever had before. But Coot's recipe is so much more simple, yet offers so much more. All those guanos and blood/bone meals are pretty hot, even enough alfalfa meal can be hot. I've been getting these results with nothing more than crab/neem/kelp meals. In veg I would top dress with neem, and I just top dressed with more crab meal tonight. They'll also be getting more EWC once I harvest my bins again. Again, not trying to dog on Sub, it's just that his soil has way more than it needs to and just isn't as optimized as Coots' is. It's significantly cheaper too. You're buying less amendments so the start up cost is cheaper, and instead of remixing and re-potting you're pretty much just top dressing. I'm nothing special and I did nothing special, all water with the exception of the occasional feedings of aloe, coco water, liquid seaweed, Ful-Power and TM7. In fact, this soil is so good I'm finally confident enough to try growing vegetables again! :D

Sorry to be so long winded though, I hope I was able to help you and your friend out in some way and hope things go well. From what you're saying though, sounds like she's already well on her way!
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Couldn't even believe how good they looked when I went in a few hours ago. Ended up having to do quite a bit of tucking, and they've only been in 12/12 for a week now. Depending on the strains, I should be getting another week of stretch if not more. Only strain here I've run before is the Purple Trainwreck, and I'm still not sure if it's the same as the last stuff. Even if it was, that was well over 3 years ago. I have absolutely no idea how long they'll keep stretching for sure, but it's looking like some of them will stop getting tucked within the week because some of their canopies are almost 3ftx3ft. Once that happens I'm letting them grow up.

Cluster Bomb


Amnesia Haze


Purple Trainwreck and Berry Bomb


Jack Herer and Amnesia Lemon



I've never had growth like this before, running this soil and supplementing my CO2 has been absolutely game changing. This controller is amazing and makes things completely foolproof, just plug and play. Gonna keep things at 1200 until next week I'm thinking, then I'll drop to 800-900 or so until week 6 when I'll drop things back to normal ppms.

Average lights on temps are 76-86 depending on my thermometer's location. Usually try to keep things at around 82-84 with CO2 and 76-78 without. I'm watering them every other day at this point and they've been top dressed with some crab meal in the event they need it by week 5+, pest management if nothing else :D

All I have to do is maintain things and I should be well on my way to a pretty good haul!